[Suggestion] SOE, can you PLEASE start using your OWN forums?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BiggggBRIM, Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. Lucerin_SolTech

    Reddit has a better algorithm for posts that get visibility.

    I use reddit solely for PS2. It combines all dev twitter posts, and is much easier to follow for threaded discussion. It allows for great ideas to remain upfront, while the QQ'ing gets downvoted into oblivion. Constructive posts get the limelight on reddit; positive or negative.

    On these forums, all posts are created equal. And well, they are not equal. The official forums is a cesspool of whining about "game-breaking" items, and it's full of ultimatum-esque "change this or I'm taking my ball and leaving."

    It gets old.

    I originally complained about the Devs not using their official forums to maintain constant communication. I broke down and gave reddit a try. After a few days of using the reddit page for PS2, it really opened my eyes to how bad the official forums actually are.
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  2. GhostAvatar

    It might be a reason, but at the end of the day it is still an excuse. There are a lot of things I don't like doing at my work. But they still have to be done to be successful. And there are many customer I would love to tell them to F off. But I have to hold my tongue and express things in a more mature and productive way.
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  3. NC supporter

    They will as long as all the whine and ERMAHGURD DIS WIL RUIN THE GAME CANCELLING SUB RITE NOAW threads are gone.
  4. Razzyman

    This is an interesting take. From what I have been able to gather the up vote down vote was often used to bury problems and keep praises on the front page, but I couldn't say for certain, as I don't use Reddit. What are your thoughts on this?

    As for the official forums being rife with complaints and rage, maybe where there is smoke there's fire? Ya know? I understand that there tends to be vocal minority's on forums, but if so many people are raging, and pops are dropping, things probably aren't going well, it's a bad sign. I really enjoy PS2, though that is despite its many problems, but I probably won't continue to support it much (except for the cowboy hat for NC, that baby is mine when it comes out) because of the many, many issues that occur with each patch, the dropping pops as a result of so many issues, and the poor response from many of the Dev's to us as a community and the time it takes to fix some major issues. In the end it all points to a shorter life span to this game than what I had hoped for :(. And I think a big part of that started in the Dev's attitude towards us on the official forums, and the desire to ever tell a customer to "F off". It comes across as very unprofessional, and that unprofessional approach seems to come through in game with some real big issues that simply take an unacceptable amount if time to fix.

    However you slice it, it just doesn't look good. At least from my perspective. All that being said, hopefully I'm wrong, as I'm just one opinion among many. :)
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  5. Niamar

    1. The individuals that post on reddit are more worried about networking/marketing themselves than the game.

    2. It is unacceptable.

    3. SOE should put a stop to it.
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  6. DatVanuMan

    SOE, do as the OP says! NOW.
  7. FireclawX

    The problem, as I see it in my eyes, is as follows.
    While yes, Reddit and Twitter are fantastic places for moment to moment communication as well as community interaction. The OFFICIAL forums, are the place for OFFICIAL announcements. You can put them on reddit too, but put them here FIRST. That's why we have this place to begin with.

    Every day, when I want to play PS2, before I log in, I check the official forums. Why? Because I don't want to rage at an issue that I should be aware of before I launch. So I come on here, check the server status, and look at the announcements tab to see if there's anything I should be aware of before I start to rage.

    So when the devs decide to post potentially important news (like the 32 bit client being broken) on Reddit INSTEAD of on here. My blood starts to boil. I came to the OFFICIAL forums, to look at the OFFICIAL status of the game. And if you can't take 2 goddamn minutes out of your day to post an announcement on here to tell me that the 32 bit client is broken, then I will have no respect for you as a human being. Posting here is a RESPONSIBILITY, posting on Reddit is an OPTION.

    Also, linking another related thread below so you guys can bump the bump.
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  8. xArchAngelx

    that right there...that is why.
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  9. Ronin Oni

    They have RadarX who does nothing but read through the pages upon pages of mindless dribble this site generates every day...

    that not enough?

    Then join Reddit.

    They don't like the forums. They regret ever starting them.


    ^This too.

    It's not like the feedback here is ignored. It IS filtered first though before hitting the actual devs by those unfortunate souls tasked with reading through mountains of bull excrement.
  10. Ronin Oni

    You should take meds then, because that's an unhealthy reaction to a rather insignificant and meaningless complaint.

    For all intents and purposes, Reddit is the new "Official correspondance" point.

    I use twitter for up to date news on what's going on. Everything is ALWAYS announced on twitter first (or at the very least, immediately linked on twitter)

    Don't like new social media?

    To bad. Catch up with the times, or get left in the dust.

    That make you mad? You really need those meds.

    You really shouldn't get angry over a video game forum.
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  11. Ronin Oni

    They don't swear at customers though.

    Or anything close to the sort.

    On any medium.

    What it DOES do is allow them to be more CANDID and OPEN without being locked into "YOU SAID DISSSS!!!!!! YOU MUST NOW DO EXACTLY WHAT YOU SAID CUZ OFFICIALZZZZ!!!!!"

    Not to mention, the general attitude around here...

    I wouldn't post here if I worked at SOE either.

    I only post here to try and help some of the particularly rage heavy posters hopefully see some reason and stop spitting such bile.

    I've already gotten numerous "reports" against me for such posts. Well, actually more often the posts that somewhat mock their baseless complaints. But, you know, that's the attitude of people around here.

    I'll get permabanned eventually, and I'll prolly be happier for it and just keep to reddit and twitter (and can still *read* posts made here for patch notes etc)
  12. KnowFear

  13. Ronin Oni

    "I'm right. SOE should listen to me because I know what's best for their company even though I truthfully know nothing about what happens behind the scenese there, nor have a Business degree, nor even run my own business and of course have never developed nor released a massive video game with tens of thousands of active players"

    Sound about right?

    Didn't read, just guessing.
  14. Calisai

    I'll have to agree here. I originally was forum-only... don't have a twitter account and didn't like reddit's format (still don't). However, i'm under the opinion that as long as the information and interaction with the playerbase is there, I don't really care where its at. The official forum has its limitations and restrictions (because its run by SOE... not the devs) So the Devs themselves prefer the other social media venues.

    Do what I do most of the time.... www.ps2tracker.net Combined Dev posts from Forums and reddit... in a nicer format. If something catches my eye, then it has a link to look at it specifically.
  15. Alarox

    Reddit has a better format and community. Not because reddit's community is great, but because the forum community is often non-constructive, whiny, and creates a toxic environment to have legitimate discussion.

    Twitter is an effective way for the developers to, in their own time, chat with the community casually and give random updates. By default it is many times better for that kind of interaction.

    The one legitimate point I see being made is that official announcements need to be posted on the official forums. I agree completely.
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  16. Acceleratio

    Well said! This is exactly the problem and there is simply no excuse since its not like costing them money to copy their post and post it here - thats like a 2 minutes effort...
    . Dice was even worse compared to SOE but it still stinks

    Imagine your gouvernement would only keep people updatet via social media. Unthinkable!
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  17. HadesR

    Hypocrisy 101

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  18. FireclawX

    Actually, it's a figure of speech and not a literal reaction, but w/e. It seems those kind of things are beyond the comprehension of someone who comments on 1 sentence without reading the entire post. Also, a friendly reminder. The phrase you were looking for is "Mindless Drivel" not "Mindless Dribble".

    I specifically said that Reddit and Twitter ARE better for moment to moment discussions. BUT Official announcements (like hey guys, we just released a patch that broke the game, and we know, and we're working on it) NEED to be announced on the OFFICIAL forums. Not on some obscure Reddit comment that I need to search around to find. It needs to be front page, announcements section on the official forums.

    Other BS discussion? Take it wherever you'd like.
    If not the discussions, they should at least post official announcements that are IMPORTANT.
    I cannot stress this point enough. If you release a patch that breaks your game for a lot of your playerbase. And then you don't post about it on the official forms of communication between you and said playerbase. Then you are doing a ****** job. It's that simple.

    If they had just made a 1 line announcement on these forums saying something similar to the following.
    "Dear valued SOE customers, we apologize for the issues that you may be having with the 32 bit client following the most recent patch. We are aware of the issue, and are working to fix it as fast as possible. Thank you for your patience and continued support."

    Then there wouldn't be the myriad of threads complaining about the 32 bit client not working. And the myriad of people who have no clue why the game broke wouldn't potentially quit. And all the people who you say are the "whiny forumsiders" wouldn't be so goddamn whiny!
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  19. Radical Raxuss

    If they wanted to use other means, why did they even create these forums in the first place? Why not link the forums button on the homepage to Reddit?

    I mean, I don't care that they use Reddit and Twitter, but these are the official forums. You'd think they'd post all the up-to-date stuff here because any new guy looks on the home screen and bam, this is where they go to talk about the game and get the latest updates.
  20. Ronin Oni

    As an SOE employee I wouldn't.

    Not being an SOE employee I'm somewhat more free to call people out (within ToS limitations)

    On Reddit they can be more candid and not have people blow up on them "ERMERGHARD!"
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