[Suggestion] SOE, can you PLEASE start using your OWN forums?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BiggggBRIM, Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. BiggggBRIM

    I don't have Reddit, I don't want Reddit, I don't need Reddit.
    I don't have Twitter, I don't want Twitter, I don't need Twitter.
    Alright, I have Facebook, but I'm not liking your page :mad:

    Can you please start using your own forums for communicating with your player-base? Its highly irritating to hear of upcoming game potential game changes on Reddit instead of your own forums.
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  2. jiggu

    I can understand using twitter for the quick, small announcements. But for the larger things, for streams and such they should really use these forums more. Also make the damn twitter rss feed on the right side of the forum actually track higby or something.
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  3. xboxerdude

    I agree 100%
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  4. No_STG

    Also agree with this. Starting to feel like this place is just for the rabble to yell at each other while they point and laugh.
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  5. gibstorm

    Why does it matter, You know which ones they use, Why not use those.

    I wouldn't post in this cesspool either. Officially forums are for armchair devs who think they can do it better and QQing
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  6. Razzyman

    Well, I can tell you the reason they don't use them. It's because SOE as a company moderates these forums, not the PS2 staff themselves. This means that can't tell you to "F off" (their own words). Kind of explains why this game is struggling so badly though. At my work there is a sign on the wall that says "We are not doing our job until we create an environment for which the customer returns to do business". Meanwhile my work is thriving and we're constantly struggling to get all the work done because more and more people keep coming to us (even after adding 12 service bays). PS2 on the other hand is merging servers and pops are dropping :(. Might be time to rethink the "don't use our forums cause we can't swear at our customers and have to follow SOE's conduct policy" rule. Ya know?
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  7. sindz

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  8. gibstorm

    Yes, posting on the forums is going to be what what brings everyone back
  9. Razzyman

    Probably not, but having the right attitude is always a great place to start. :)
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  10. Klypto

    I would say the opposite where this game has some of the best community representation and interaction over nearly all other games that I have played.

    Obviously I don't only use the player discussion forums though. I think it's silly to want them to use the forums over the other tools that do a much better job and provide the best neutral-ground medium.
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  11. Maphreal

    I don't do the Reddit, I don't do the Twitter, and I barely do the Facebook. Some forum love would be nice. While I fully understand the need to engage a wider audience, really how long does it take to copy/paste a reddit post over to here too?
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  12. BiggggBRIM

    I'm not saying they should use this forum over all others, but they SHOULD make their initial announcements on here FIRST. The average player will check on a game's official forums first for news, but if he doesn't see any he will move on.

    If you heard there was a recall on the vehicle you currently drive, would you check the Department of Transportation's website or your vehicle manufacturers?
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  13. Rockit

    Probably because it is cheaper to have Reddit do the moderation than paying for mods here. But Taylor did post here as well as Reddit about the help the new player topic. It would be nice to see that type of cross-posting continue.
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  14. Gicod

    This. I don't use any of that crap either, or Twitch or Tumblr or any of that other trendy internet bullsh*t. I do have them "liked" on Facebook but they barely post much there anyhow. I'm an old man, that crap is for the kids. It doesn't seem like a huge leap of logic that if I play Planetside 2, I should be able to find official things on the official Planetside 2 forums. Now, get off my lawn.
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  15. Zeppelin123

  16. tigerchips

    I don't have reddit, think it's a mess.
    I don't have Twitter, it's generally used as a criminal network rather than it's intended purpose.
    I do have Facebook, but i don't use it, so really i don't have Facebook.

    i am used to seeing such things with me being a BF vet. They use Twitter mainly for propaganda, it's all one sided bull. If they take a disliking to someone on here, it's tough luck. If they take a disliking to someone on Twitter, it's a case of pressing a button and you won't see that person again. I'm surprised they haven't moved General Technical Support to another website.
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  17. z1967

    If you wanna see the devs and interact socially then social media is the best way to do it. Forums are nice for long standing issues and discussions, but Reddit is great for at the moment issues. Also r/planetside has a pretty big user base and often gives more feedback there than here. Aside from the recent style sheet change, its been pretty much smooth sailing and you often see radarx and dcarey posting there.
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  18. tigerchips

    Well Kudos to them.... now lock this non-constructive thread. (kidding)
  19. Stormsinger

    There should really be an embedded reddit page within each subforum, at this point. Meh.
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  20. Call-Me-Kenneth

    they shouldn't even post officially outside of this forums, unless it is to clarify something very specific. there are so many official responses on reddit it is ridiculous. and im not just talking devs, gms, even accounting related responses wtf. i have even seen some in game reports being specially taken care because they were reported on reddit. its completely unprofessional.

    whoever is their "social media expert" needs to get a reality check. (and we all know companies for some @#$^ reason have those "experts", not that they ever generate anything of value)
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