For the Love of God VS Maxes are OP...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by =ADK= Turrican13, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. =ADK= Turrican13

    Venting rage at the fact that Connery VS can only use Maxes and apparently they are good for all situations with equal lethality.
    I understand they are the entry-level EZMode way to get to 100 but please, SOE do something about this.
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  2. M4gn1

    What exactly is OP about the Vanu max compared to the TR and NC max?
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  3. SeanFree

    *all MAXs just for clarification. All MAXs are OP, they're inherently made to be OP.

    Don't ask me why, I'd remove them if I could.
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  4. =ADK= Turrican13

    When the VS Max can kill a tank from 100m away with ease and still fend off infantry close by, there's issues. And please don't say "you have burster maxes" because that's not even close.
    Either mobility or firepower, not both.
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  6. =ADK= Turrican13

    Again the issue is getting close enough. Connery VS are all puling Maxes now, all I go up against. Tells me something is out of whack, but ah well, most of the devs play VS so no surprise.
  7. BlackDragonFun

    You'll find that every faction is pulling MAXes, not just VS.
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  8. HadesR

    Resource Revamp even including the increase Max cost has still made them totally spammable.. Add to the fact they can be revived an unlimited amount of times, and Connery VS's general spam of pretty much everything but the kitchen sink leads to what you are seeing ...

    So not really OP ... Just Connery VS taking advantage of the changes to spam like they always do ..
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  9. Pikachu

    But muh skill suit.
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  10. Lividicus!

    As a Connery player I sadly must second this.... VS on our server are out of control!!! I'm so sick of PPA and Super Fast Rocket dodging Maxes... Anyone that would argue that a NC or TR Max is more difficult to kill than a VS max needs to get a brain scan!! And if you'll be honest enough to admit the VS max is the most difficult to kill, then the next question is... Why do they also have High velocity, High Damage Plasma guns that can down a player, or vehicle equally? It makes 0 sense that VS get the high mobility in addition to high damage. I'm not saying they have the "highest damage" weapons because I believe DPS wise most weapons are relatively equal. However, why in the world does one faction get increased running speed/mobility without any penalty?

    Connery is flooded with VS maxes because the VS have found out they have the best of both worlds, and they are exploiting the crap out of it. Just last night I faced a swarm of VS maxes at NS research, my squad pulled our own maxes and were downed within minutes... We then pulled a bunch of MBTs, same exact story... The same maxes destroyed our MBT's and get this, afterward, they just SAT around the capture point, not even capping it because they were having a farm fest that was too good to evidently ignore...
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  11. =ADK= Turrican13

    Again, when a VS can pull the same certed out max with the same weapons and fight an open-field battle AND a BioLab CQC with no issue, there's an issue.
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  12. Ragnarox

    What? A NC is complaining about VS maxes?? hahaha NC have already OP weapons, maxes and tanks. L2p issue here.
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  13. Aerius

    And you can't with NC/TR AV MAXes? A VS MAX against an NC MAX in a biolab is an easy win for the NC MAX. As for ZOE that's only useful for when you're not taking fire; using it in a firefight basically makes you a psuedo-HA.

    tl;dr all MAXes are OP and the game would benefit from their removal.
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  14. =ADK= Turrican13

    @lividicus! I was there last night to at Suarva.

    Again, the VS outfits are the most vocal, and after being at SOE Live I can tell that SOE will keep having the hard on for them because that's where the new players are migrating too. New players = cash flow, and SOE is a business first. Easy to pick up a Max suit or Magrider and discover how easy it is to stay alive.
    Just wait until it's a swarm of Valkyries with 2 Maxes on the rumble seat.
    Game over.
  15. LIKE A BOSS!

    Pounders. TR maxes are the only max that I see use AV weapons in a biolab. I have no idea where you're getting this BS from. And I NEVER see Vanu maxes use Vortexes in a biolab. And if you dare to say vortexes have infantry killing potential you have no point.
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  16. =ADK= Turrican13

    ...and @Ragnarox, it's not L2P when a single max can take out 6 players on a point with barely a scratch. That's not L2P, that's a game out of balance. BTW that 6 guys shooting and with explosives.
  17. gigastar

    I dont see anything to this thread other than the OP having a Grass is Greener rant.

    Do us all a favor and stop giving him the attention he craves.

    EDIT: Apparently the message isnt clear enough.
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  18. LIKE A BOSS!

    VS maxes are the same speed. TR pounders are the strongest AV weapons that can damage infantry. You have no idea what you're talking about.
  19. LIKE A BOSS!

    You're bad and you should feel bad if you let a max take out 6 guys with explosives.
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  20. =ADK= Turrican13

    I notice only the Emerald/ Matheson VS are chiming in on this. Good to see that on your ION events you can get 15 outfits organized.
    Goes back to my previous opinions that newer players migrate to the easiest faction to play.