Continent Locking mini-update

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MuldoonX9, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. Wild

    How about if the rewards for locking a specific continent depended on how long ago it was last locked (or if it has never been locked, when the continent locking system was put in place). This way when Indar never gets locked in the beginning (because mostly all factions have population there) it will become more and more enticing as the rewards keeps piling up. Then once Indar finally gets locked, all factions will have strong motivation to lock/prevent lock on another continent to remove the powerful rewards or keep them (depending on faction).

    I agree that the rewards should include gameplay effects (potentially powerful if that continent hasn't been locked for a while) and not just XP/certs/titles/cosmetic items.
  2. Scr1nRusher

    WHEN can we siege/Capture Warpgates?

    Also........ please....... find a way to make it so people don't play on indar al the time + Find a way to increase populations of players.

    I've basically memorized every square inch of indar at this point.
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  3. Morchai

    Those are sort of contradictory objectives. I'll be much more likely to simply log out, and therefore lower the population by one, when I log in to see Indar locked. If I do stay logged in, it will be to help the steamroll of whatever already overpopped faction looks best primed to lock something else so that I can get Indar opened again.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one.
  4. Rhumald

    Thank you very much for giving me a search vector, I will listen to that while I work today... it's odd that the team would remain hushed about it if it's sealed in stone though.
  5. hawken is better

  6. Astriania

    You've made essentially this same point a few times. Why is that? Indar is not better than the other continents, and the layout of its bases is in general (new QR aside) worse, certainly than Amerish.
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  7. DQCraze

    OK so let me get this right, you don't like Indar so force everyone else not to play there so I don't have to...really?
    How narcissistic can you be, pretty bold attitude telling everyone that likes Indar to go fly a kite.
  8. NinjaTurtle

    My pants are wet
  9. MuldoonX9 Developer

    Actually we looked into fourth factioning. A very small percentage will switch sides. It's more people just logging off.
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  10. Ronin Oni

    Give a note to the web team, we need to be able to like a comment more than once ;)
  11. RemusVentanus

    All that is subjective and everyone has his personal preferences... Esamir is ugly as *** and has only 1 techplant (for me as i mainly play MBT tank v tank that is a big meh). Amerish? i got enough amerish when i go out the frontdoor... and that is my subjective view on it. If Indar is locked i will log out and play something else.

    Very interesting is also that when Esamir and Amerish had their rerelease there have been multiple 48+ fights all over them with indar only left with a few hardcore indar players (at least on the server i play on) and yet it died down rather quickly...
  12. Silver Fox

    I believe the key words in his post were "all the time"

    I personally get sick of the only good fights being on Indar. I want to see the other continents, but there's nothing to do there.
  13. Tuco

    So a good chunk of Connery TR prefers to just log off during some alerts?
  14. Ronin Oni

    It makes sense too in a way.

    Defeatist attitude. 60 minutes into an alert, the losing factions often lose a chunk of pop who sign off because they don't want to "waste another hour" to lose even if they're only down 1 facility or 10% territory on a continent.

    What we need is far better XP for fighting during the alert, with the reward just being more of a cherry on top.

    20% isn't that much, and during Facility alerts you spend over half the time fighting in regions outside the target facilities anyways.

    Make the facility type XP bonus extend to nearby links (up to 2 away maybe?) and significantly increase the XP % boost (50% minimum). Give a smaller boost to everyone, everywhere, no matter what they're doing... so if they can't take part in the alert, like max pop on Indar, or if 100v100 biolab fight ain't their dig they can still benefit at least a lil from the alert.

    I definitely like the idea of alert's happening on a per continent basis so 2 continents could both have different alerts running as well.
  15. Ronin Oni


    And why I have no clue. You have pop, you should be taking the bloody things.
  16. Soviman

    I get the feeling some of you never played PS1, and thats ok. The thing about Cont locking is that despite what your fav continent is, the zerg will try to lock it for their faction so they lock down the benefit from it (whether thats an actual resource bonus, or the ability to pull MBTS whether you own a tech plant on that planet or not, etc). Before there was no reason at all the dominate a planet because it would swap colors in only a few short hours (sometimes minutes) after you had moved to another planet. With Cont locking it gives an incentive that at least you get to keep what you take for a while knowing it wasnt all for nothing.

    TL;DR- Cont locking will change the way the game is played (mildly at first until Hossin and the lattice system is added), and everything you think you know about the zerg behavior will likely change as well.
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  17. PhantomOfKrankor

    Remove the major facility alerts all together and work on improving the mission system.
  18. LibertyRevolution

    Here is my issue with continent locking..
    The maps do not have the same number of bases.
    It is way harder to lock Indar than it is to lock Esamir.

    Lets take a look shall we??

    91 Bases.

    77 bases.

    58 bases.

    This MAJOR issue.

    So, since Esamir only has 58 bases, and you need only 94% to lock it, which is 55bases.
    Then you should need to take no more than 55 bases on indar to lock it also.
    You fallow my line of thinking here??

    Do you understand how indar is not any way fair as far as locking goes??
    You have one map where you can lock with 55 bases, and another map that takes 86 bases to lock?
    86-55 = 31 bases difference, even at 4mins a piece, that is 31*4=124min (2 hours) more to capture.
    And that is with no resistance, pure ghostcapping, with no travel time, guys standing on the point when the base before it flips!!

    So either you drop the amount of bases you need to lock indar to 55 bases, which would be 60% territory control.
    Or you need to delete 23 bases on indar and bring it into line between the other 2 maps.
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  19. Pikachu

    I would love the 2nd option. :)
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  20. Ronin Oni

    The former wouldn't work. That happens regularly without much difficulty when Indar is max popped where capturing that much territory on another continent, when occupied of course, is still rather difficult

    The latter, YES... Indar needs to be gutted and shed a BUNCH of useless/bad bases. Not because of this, but just because it's got waaay to many bloody pointless tiny spawn camp bases.

    Just remove the cap points and terminals. Hollow out bases so we can park sunderers in them as forward outposts pushing to the next base like that new cover between Indar Ex and Quartz Ridge
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