Rocket Launcher Primary needs to go

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Clay, May 12, 2014.

  1. TheFamilyGhost

    This, and a thousand times, this.
  2. Xaniy

    I would almost put money on Clay being stuck inside the Biolab on Indar, like most Vanu on Cobalt have for the last 2 months. If you don't want to get Deci'd in the face, dont fight in the Biolabs anymore =p
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  3. Drippyskippy

    The word of the day is specialization. That is a large part of this argument. Why should there be weapons in this game that are so versatile that are good in almost every situation. Don't you think there is a problem with that? You see i'm on the other side of the argument. Typically when I equip weapons/make loadouts I think to myself what situation will these weapons be good in. Then when I find myself in those situation I equip the loadout for the situation at hand. This makes you actually THINK about what your doing, instead of just equipping a one size fits all weapon that is good in all situations.

    I quit this game for 8 months because of OP easy weapons to use for farming (original rocket pods vs infantry, original iteration of shotguns, bad base designs that let tanks spam spawn shields) these are all examples of terrible game design. Terrible game design also leads to people leaving the game. Guess what, they changed all that stuff because they realized how bad they were for the game and now i'm back. SoE has made improvements to this game, but they still have things that need addressed. Rocket launchers being effective against infantry is another one. I'm not sure how weapons in this game feel useless to you when you can still kill people with your average machine gun in 6-8 shots. I'm tired of the low skill weapons/mechanics in this game, they get very old.
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  4. TheFamilyGhost

    Why should something that can penetrate armor not instagib a person?
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  5. Drippyskippy

    I want to point out I have not seen a single counter point from the pro rocket primary crowd as to why they believe rocket launchers should be as versatile as they are. And no, I don't want to see "because they are rocket launchers", that isn't a counter point in terms of a topic about balance. I have not seen a single counter point to why that is balanced (same could be said about C4, but that is another topic).

    I have not seen a single counter point from them either as to why when you're trying to shoot a max with a rocket launcher and instead kill their engineer, why you should be rewarded for getting kills on people you aren't even shooting at.

    Where is the challenge, where is the skill, where is the specialization in regards to rocket launchers vs infantry? None of these exist in its current form in your typical rocket primary within 30m base fights. These are the reasons why rocket primary's are so cheesy, call me whatever you want, but this is a good example of BAD GAME DESIGN.
  6. Waffle Fartsparkle

    I've pointed out several. You may not agree with them, but they are there.

    Again. I don't agree that the damage itself is overpowered. If you're scoring direct hits with a slow-moving dumbfire rocket launcher that takes 5.2-5.7 seconds to reload then GG. You've earned that kill.

    I really think that movement speed penalties should be put on a player with a rocket launcher out. On the grounds that for one, it'll make sense, This would be something across the board to all rocket launchers though. Not just the dumbfires. Rocket Launchers are meant to be heavy, so it would make sense that it would incur a movement speed penalty. For two, the damage isn't the issue. It's the availability of getting those rocket kills against infantry. With a movement speed penalty, the availability of getting those free kills are dramatically reduced.

    .75 movement while it's out. As in, you have it in your hands, and not when it's stashed away. .25 movement speed while ADS, leaving you standing almost completely still.

    If you wanna cripple the Rocket Primaries, this is a good way to do it. Since a .75 movement speed will have to make the user actually think twice before pulling it out against enemy infantry, who will just fill their head with delicious lead if noticed, and a .25 while ADS will make it so they will only rarely be able to peek out of cover.

    If they had their primaries or secondaries out prior to taking out their RL to hit someone, they'd have to wait until they can take it out. and then ADS. More than enough time for an enemy to notice their presence. Because of a .75 movement speed, it's not like players would be running with it out, as they sometimes do.

    Does this sound agreeable to you, Mustarde and Drippy?
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  7. ohmikkie

    this and also what I stated earlier about adding more projectile drop.
  8. TheFamilyGhost

    Assigning skill levels to weapons is extremely self limiting.

    Versatility is in the hands of the player, not the weapon. Expecting the game to create predictable outcomes will always lead to two things: disappointment for the person that needs repetitive outcomes (due to playing against humans), and destruction of re-playability for the person that wants diversity of experience.

    People dieing as collateral damage means only one thing: they were too close to the original target. Tactics 101: don't bunch up. HE will get you all.

    War fighters all know that the best kill is cheaply gained. Don't blame the weapon user, blame the person that put themselves in a position to be killed. This notion is well understood by those not suffering from JEM.
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  9. Mustarde

    I could still see it being abused. And my only concern with nerfing the mechanics behind using a RL is that it would be harder to combat maxes (who don't need an indirect buff). But I'd certanly be willing to see it tested because you bring up a good point and perhaps it would be enough balance out their use. My mind is open.
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  10. TheShrapnelKing

    Except it's not. It's not good in CQB, it's not good against moving targets, it's not good against open field targets, it's not really that good at long range either, it fires really slow, travels really slow, and there's already so many ways that you can NOT get killed by it. It's splash damage, need I remind you, is not very large. If the rocket doesn't hit within about a meter or two of you, you won't die. If you die it's because the guy aimed it properly. Oh, but it's an instakill with no chance to pop a medkit and gun him down while he fiddles with the long *** reload, yeah? Oh, I guess that's soooo unfair....

    It's simple really, stop camping windows and doorways and you won't invite rocket barrages to weed you out.
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  11. Idle

    Drippyskippy people have put up points about the risks of trying to kill infantry with RL's saying if they miss they are dead, 1 shot then long reload? Shotguns have 4 before they need to reload and the pumps can I hit kill. Rockets are slow enough to dodge, even at close range if you see a HA with a rocket you can twist and dodge it.

    It is not a sure thing when people use it they can be flanked miss and die or only get splash on then before target ducks away or shoots them.

    I have only seen 1 post that's pro rocket as you put it the rest are people saying it doesn't need a nerf to let elite infantry players stop crying about something that happens to them 3-4 times a play session.

    Be elite and outplay the person using it. Like I said you can spam your best is my worst after killing that RL primary attempt on you after dodging and killing them or say over chat to team mates what a noob player for using it. BUT IT DOESNT NEED TO BE NERFED.

    Things are at there most balanced, let the dev team get on with Hossin and new content. I respect your right to post what bugs you. But me like others who have posted why we don't think it is a major problem want to let the dev's know that not everyone think this should happen.

    RL isn't a 1 faction trait. No 1 is being a faction fanboy we are just saying in our opinion that it is not needed. You have had people support you in your call but a lot of people have said no it doesn't need to go and its been in the game over a year. Why the call for a nerf now? Why so long? My opinion is that because there are no major balance problems, people have started to nit pick.

    Out of your death stats how many are from RL's. 1%, 2% maybe as high as 5% but it wouldn't be any higher then that. How would you feel if new players came on and posted I was killed by a high BR player who kept getting headshots on me please remove headshots as they are really annoying and broken?

    I would read it and give some advise to the player posting, point out that its part of the game and that in PS2 you die alot.
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  12. Paleron

    If I'm in a big fight and I don't see other people carrying a rocket launcher, then I'll pull mine out. My thinking is "if we all round a corner and there is a max, then ONE of us should be ready to stick a rocket in him". This does, however, lead to firing a rocket at a meatbag if that's what it takes to stay alive.

    I don't think rockets work very effectively against infantry, in general, but their large amount of damage makes them worth firing if you are get jumped with a rocket launcher in your hand. You might hit and walk away. Often I miss and get pumped full of lead.
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  13. JonboyX

    The slow speed isn't actually a penalty. In many cases, it's a boon. To score with a bullet (indoors), you have to have your weapon over a target. With rockets you can stand back from a fight, then fire it through a doorwell. How fast it gets there doesn't really matter because all you're looking for is someone to trip across at the right time. It's better if they AREN'T there in fact, as if they were, they might shoot back at you. Truthfully, if you were really wanting to score damage from direct hit only, you'd sit there with a nice 6x scope on your sniper rifle, pointing at head height: instead, you're aiming for a big ol' doorway and looking to get either a lucky direct, or some AOE splash, or both.
  14. TheFamilyGhost

    This is what the people who are afraid of rockets don't want you to know.
  15. Hoki

    Cool story, I cried a lot.

    No actually it doesn't, you just need to change your expectations.
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  16. MrK

    Will this be a big deal if RL do 90-95% dmg to infantry, really? Reduce infantry flak armor effect to match current max mitigation
  17. DxAdder

    This discussion is about game balance not realism.

    In case the Pro Rocket Launchers Primes forgot:

    Why was this done ? For Balance no other reason, The rest of the Rocket Launchers should behave the same way.

    This why soooo many new players play HA, they are given an crutch.
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  18. Waffle Fartsparkle

    A Camera Guided rocket launcher going around 1-shotting infantry was definitely overpowered. That and the Phoenix is absolutely meant for battling armor. Exclusively so. To the point to where it actually does more damage to armor per rocket than the stock RL.

    A slightly faster dumbfire rocket 1-shotting infantry is not, and if a movement speed penalty was put in place, the risk of trying to fire a rocket at infantry increased dramatically. You might get that kill, but chances are you won't have time to run back into cover.

    Another, "nerf that makes complete sense" that I would give RL's, is to dramatically increase the damage it does to the shooter, so you can't just whip it out in CQC and take only 500 damage.
  19. Posse

    That would imply increasing the splash radius and damage, which would make it ridiculously overpowered.
  20. Waffle Fartsparkle

    Do you usually make conclusions based on implications?

    I'm saying that it should have the potential to kill the shooter. That doesn't mean I'm saying that the damage should be increased.