[NC Mattherson] Sunder Military Gaming

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Neritus, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Forlorn Hope

    Is it raining outside since its Spring? Stay warm inside and join SMG. We will make you feel all warm and fuzzy.
  2. Forlorn Hope

    There is a pot of gold at the bottom of the SMG rainbow. I dont actually know what that means.
  3. skifton

    April Fools....it's a pile of dead VS/TR bodies.
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  4. Forlorn Hope

  5. skifton

    NC Mattherson players!

    We're always taking applications (99% are accepted) for new players who want to be a part of an organized, tactical group in Planetside 2!

    http://sunderhq.com/ (click the "Join Now!" button).

    See you in game!

    O-2 Captain - Air Battle Group
    Sunder Military Gamin
  6. Forlorn Hope

    What I want to know are who are the 1 percent?!
  7. skifton

    Should've been you...
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  8. Forlorn Hope

  9. skifton

    Engineers, unite!

  10. Kacey

    Engineer's with our AV turrets, get a nice four to six of us on a ridge and watch us decimate armor columns >:3
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  11. Herby20

    Fun fights with you guys last night <3
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  12. Forlorn Hope

    Always fun to fight against you as well Herby! I have had fun flying with you guys in the off hours trying to level up my TR alt.
  13. Deladin

    Come fly the friendly skies. Just a little air video, most taken during SMG ops nights.

  14. Forlorn Hope

    SMG is looking for new members in every division. If you are looking to learn to fly, tank or just run infantry we have a place for you.
  15. Forlorn Hope

    SMG has gunners with actual duster kills. Take that Vanu and TR you can't even contend!
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  16. Forlorn Hope

    With the recent Duster buff infantry everwhere will now run in fear from the sound of the duster! Not, its still terrible. I will still fly you around in a duster lib though 30 meters off the ground hovering and still missing every other shot because the bloom is so huge.
  17. Forlorn Hope

    4 more Duster Kills for SMG yesterday. Soon someone will get an actual medal with it and we shall rule the world!
  18. Aeflic

    Tell Dathnic he can't make promises about being on command and make my feet tingle the first time I hear him and then not show up to the party :/ I wanna coordinate and pew pew with SMG!
  19. Forlorn Hope

    I know Aeflic, he didnt show up to our party either :(.
  20. Aeflic

    Hope all is well!