Chaingun Post-Patch

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jawarisin, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. Ikissyourface

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  2. Jawarisin


    The 3 top outfits are on Waterson:
    ZAPS (VS)
    TIW (NC)
    NUC (TR)

    The top air outfit is on Waterson
    PREY (NC)

    Most likely your favorite youtubers are also on Waterson.

    What have YOU got on your server. Waterson holds all the top outfits.

    But hey, if server bashing is all you've got left, you got my apologies. Bash away, I shall say no more.
  3. Jawarisin

    Sorry for the double post, edit trouble.

    I nearly don't play heavy o_O and as far as I'm concerned we all got a new weapon.
  4. MostlyClueless

    RO, MCY and INI on Miller and DA, NNG and the ever lovable GOKU on Mattherson.

    And a bunch I probably missed and will now be mad at me. What you gonna do QRY? TK me? (Don't do that)
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  5. Robertooooo

    If you didn't know it the MCG only gave the illusion of sniper accuracy to the user. I don't know how you on the recieving end actually tought it was so accurate.
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  6. MostlyClueless

    It was actually really accurate during the spin up time and you could use it to snipe fairly accurately. It just wasn't that great damage. The new version is a heck of a lot better.
  7. Goretzu

    It seems pretty good now, similar (but opposite) to the JH in the way the EM6 and CARV are.

    Losing extended mags for the new fast fire certainly changed it, but the new fast fire with extended mags would likely be too much.
  8. Robertooooo

    I think it had okay accuracy, but it wasn't near the level some people think.
  9. Jawarisin

    ^ that guy above got it. The issue was, if you were a good players, that sniper-like precision just showed deadly at ******** ranges for a MG. At close range, it was still deadly in the first few shots, and if you weren't dead instantly, all those reflexes straight out of the matrix wouldn't save you from the salve of bullets coming your way. You had a chance to kill MG in between the supper accurate and big spray. Now you got none.

    Spending 30 minutes with it in the VR. The first was always 100% accurate as far as I'm aware of, including during my testing. Maybe I just got hyper lucky but I doubt it.

    Well save DA to whom I got a lot of respect for. The top 3 outfits all server confounded are still on Waterson. I just went to re-look at the leaderboard, and apparently it seems like cobalt pulled ahead though. So gratz on that, but those outfits are still pretty small.

    Your server bashing was simply uncalled for and unnecessary, especially against a server like Waterson.
  10. Gutseen

    A minigun can't have sniper accuracy, and the old MCG was too slow to kill some one head on or at range. Now (with BRRT) MCG is a minigun -> fast spinup, bad at long ranges, deadly at close-mid. Only thing it lacks is a 1000 bullet canister
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  11. Jawarisin

    Spare me the 1000 bullets! It's pretty OP from close to medium range, and catches up with the rest at long range, simply because the ROF is so high (assuming you're ADS).
  12. MostlyClueless

    Server rivalry is only second to faction Rivalry in Planetside! You dirty VS scum.
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  13. Bear

    I tried it yesterday for about an hour in a biolab before I gave up on it. It's not overpowered. It's powerful in a CQB situation but it's far from the ultimate killing machine. It was far better before the changes.
  14. z1967

    OP, all they did was make the ADS COF not expand and BRRT only adds 44 RPM and a faster spin up time. A MSW-R with a grip is more accurate and costs less certs to acquire. You would be better off complaining about the beamer being OP lol.

    Besides, you are gonna see a lot of Lynxes, Cougars, Bandits, Zeniths, and MCGs over the next few days. Along with a T32 bull or two. These are just some of the weapons that were buffed, changed, or are new.

    Its accuracy is also fairly bad, being no better than the stock T9 CARV. Go and compare the accuracy of a stock T9 with your sight of choice to a MCG with no attachments. The MCG is not 100% accurate, it is a bullet hose with the accuracy of a drunk storm trooper past 30m. That is assuming you ADS of course, hip fire blooms to the point where you are more likely to hit a friendly than the enemy in front of you. It is not any more OP than the Orion or MSW-R.
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  15. Iridar51

    Yes, and you read this very carefully:

    That clear enough for ya?
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  16. Jawarisin

    outfit>Everybody/thing else. Go die in hell you crazy O'l man.

    I don't know, I killed 4 target dummies at the complete end of the VR training without burst firing. And that was extremely quick. The wind up time is what compensated. The weapon fully spun is OP. But since it required spinning up, it balanced it in CQC. Now it's a monster.

    It used to be a monster for good players. Now it's a monster for anybody, hence the problem.

    Go look at the numbers, but fine I'll bow down. 99.99% accuracy.
  17. MostlyClueless

    I have an NC on Waterson! We shall settle this the way all things should be settled. One of us spawn camping the other with the Zephyr.
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  18. z1967

    Do the same with the T9 CARV, MSW-R, Orion, ad SVA-88. You are going to find that being able to kill four people in one mag is a LMG trait and is not MCG specific. Time how long it takes for each guy to be killed at each range (10m, 20m, 30m, 40, 50m) and notice how the MCG becomes less effective at ranges past 20m-30m whilst the all the others can still reliably hit targets. The MCG is no more OP than any of these aforementioned weapons. Seriously, basically nothing changed about the weapon other than it now has a fixed COF whilst ADS and can boost it's RPM and Spin-up with a 100 cert attachment.
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  19. MostlyClueless

    It's actually fixed while hip-firing too isn't it?

    As gimmicks for guns go "No CoF bloom" is a really fun one and it makes sense for the MCG, since the spin up time was the big problem with a gun that needed to be burst fired because it got uncontrollable fast.
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  20. David Lancaster

    You taking notice of the Chaingun is good, it means the buff worked as intended.
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