The FART attachment lowers the MCG's bullet damage to 125 maximum.

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by hawken is better, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. Koldorn

    I thought all the TR used to complain about the spin up time...
    So SOE introduces an optional attachment that reduces the spin up time while keeping the damage output mostly untouched.
    And it's a bad thing?
  2. Undeadfred

    But what is the point of RoF if it does not equate to more dps?

    That's the problem with fart. We sacrifice damage potential (extended mags) and DPS for no benefit. When you get higher RoF without a dps increase (it's actually a decrease in this case) all you get is a weapon that punishes you even more with damage loss every moment you are not on target, and with CoF bloom That is in often unavoidable.

    So what we have now is a weapon full of downsides. It cannot ADS properly, it has a spinup time, it has a CoF that can be reset past a certain point, It cannot be burst fired, and if you take the attachment you sacrifice 50% of you mag capacity for a DPS nerf.
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  3. Vearo

    I prefer the PTS MCG as well, but I would not use the FART as it is now. From what I can tell, the FART is a sidegrade to the base MCG and not worthwhile compared to a MCG with Extended Mags. Don't forget that the faster spin-up time is offset by the lower damage, so the TTK at any stage may not have changed at all compared to the base weapon.

    Right now it has to compete with the extended mag as it takes the same spot. If you compare a FART MCG to an Extended Mag you get:

    28600 Damage/mag
    ~15s fire time
    ~0.52s TTK nano 0

    125@920? RPM
    12500 Damage/mag
    ~6.5s fire time
    ~0.52s TTK nano 0

    143@800 RPM
    14300 Damage/mag
    ~7.5s fire time
    ~0.52s TTK nano 0

    TTK based on full fire rate.

    Which basically equates to a huge loss to mag size. If the FART wasn't competing with extended mag and was, say, an ammo slot attachment then the item would be much better. It would trade the benefits of faster fire rate versus sustained fire.
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  4. Pie Chasm

    Wrong. The issue was that the gun was subpar due to the spinup time. Few people wanted a maximum RoF weapon, but a viable weapon.

    Even with the FART it still has a spinup time so that with the reduced bullet damage the TTK is still terrible.

    One thing I cannot comprehend is why people want extended mag on a gun with 100 bullets per mag..

    not putting laser sight on the MCG and exploiting its small CoF bloom is sort of like puking on a pile of ****.

    Not that laser sight made it a good weapon, far from it due to the TTK, but it was the only sensible choice.
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  5. Wobberjockey

    so wait...

    you seriously thought that SoE as going to give you a rail attachment that would increase your ROF/TTK

    the entire game is built around the concept of side grades and tradeoffs.

    if you take a fore grip, you give up extended mags or laser sights.
    if you take a suppressor, you give up a flash suppressor or a compensator (and those flashes are great for finding eery at night, let me tel you)

    and you seriously expect the FART to give you a faster spinup time, a faster ROF or whatever without applying some sort of equitable penalty?

    wow. just wow.
  6. foesjoe


    TR expected SOE to fix the MCG. SOE decided to do this by introducing an utterly ridiculous attachment which somehow manages to make the already pretty useless MCG even worse.

    Why would we ever get anything nice?
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  7. hawken is better

    You just answered your own question. The trade off for equipping the FART is not being able to equip ex-mags while also burning through ammunition faster. Although now we realize that you also get a drop in DPS and still retain a spin-up time that is longer than the TTK of most dedicated CQC weapons. Sidegrades and trade offs, huh?

    I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume that you're feigning ignorance.
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  8. MickeySerendipity

    Talking about DPS on the new MCG is pretty irrelevant really, when you consider the massive loss of accuracy. At the sort of ranges where you're going to be able to hit your target consistently you're going to be dealing with CQC guns with higher DPS and the ability to aim for headshots. Beyond that you're just ********.
    Sure, the Lasher sprays around as well but at least it has an AoE to give it some purpose (it needs a slightly bigger AoE if you ask me, but that's another issue). The only purposes I can see for the new MCG are making BRRRRT noises and humiliation kills.
  9. bPostal

    Don't care. If you want to fire over waist high cover then use a CARV, it's essentially the same weapon but without a spinup.
  10. Dan_Killian

    Seeing as this is the forum for actual feedback prior to implementation, I must speak my peace as a full time MCG user.

    I am sitting at 5,450 kills with the MCG (all from the current live version) averaging a 2.5 to 3 k/d and 57.4 KPH with it. I use the MCG for what it was meant for: Flanking and Storming. I don't play conservative; my goal is to be the first in to difficult fights or flank an AMS and take out as many fools as possible. I never expect to live long.

    All this talk of extended mags as the only viable way to use this gun seems counter intuitive to what this gun (in my mind) was designed to do, hip fire. The laser is by far the superior attachment due the MCG optimal range 0-10m. ADAD and circle strafe combined with the live MCG's minimal COF bloom make taking down multiple targets one of it's strengths.

    The PTS MCG (with the FART) combined with the fixed COF bloom is HUGE for it's CQC potential. Was the long range ADS shotgun reticle nice for 20m+ fights? Yes, would I trade it for the fixed COF bloom? YES. People can crunch numbers all they want, but after testing the new MCG on the PTS I believe my ability to take down multiple targets in CQC will be improved with the FART.

    In my opinion, based on 99BRs, is that the PTS MCG will be a beast. The first target TTK is not what I look at; I look at the second, third, and fourth target's TTK, which, with the FART, seems to be improved.
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  11. MickeySerendipity

    Everything's effective with enough concussion grenades.
  12. Eyeklops

    "but..but..but..the Lasher has splash damage and that will always make it better...." :rolleyes:
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  13. Desann

    That's how it was in PS1. It should be a mind numbing death machine, the drawback is the fact that it is heavy, and the recoil would require a special grip(like just about EVERY OTHER minigun in real life/sci-fi) that is held from the waist.

    I remember the good ol fights in PS1...when dozens of TR would burst through the door spraying miniguns EVERYWHERE....nothing survived...
  14. Ephemeral Node

    Hi SOE, just real quick I started playing in early beta, and have tried to enjoy this game after every content patch since...

    You have no idea what you are doing with TR, Balance, Weapons , or ES vehicles.

    and its costing you paying customers.

    I barely play despite spending more then a AAA title costs on the game, I keep tabs on the game from reddit hoping for you guys to get your **** together. I guess its time to clear some hard drive space.
  15. Ozade

    This right here ^^

    Couldn't agree with you more. This is why it needs live fire testing and not people testing it on standing dummies and arguing numbers which haven't even been confirmed by SOE yet.
  16. Odin

    I really think the tr on the forums lately thought the new lynx and mcg would get the upgrade in rof and keep their bullet damage the same.
    It's silly I know but people with so much faction bias cannot see how sily that is. Rof is it's own amazing stat, anyone who has played a first person shooter for the last 15 years can tell you that. Bullet damage is nothing and unimportant in the grand scheme.
    The more rof u have the easier it is to track and hit targets in short ranges (95% of ps2 combat). I am not going to get into why as it's well known and most people understand this (it's mostly latency, visual clues to target tracking etc).
    The increased rof is a massive boost and very helpful on both the lynx and the mcg. If you cannot see that them there is really no sense I'm trying to talk with you guys on the tr buff brigade.
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  17. Klondor

    This is very true.
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  18. MickeySerendipity

  19. Klondor

    The big picture is that we have to completely sacrifice the best and most reasonable attachment for an attachment that does NOT reduce spinup time, instead puts out more bullets during the spinup, but ultimately dumps 1/5 of your magazine just into spinning up. It's bad, trust me.
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  20. Maljas23

    I'd like to see what kind of responses the NC would use if the Jackhammer's 3-burst mode required a 100 cert attachment on the rail, replacing the extended mag, that every single Jackhammer player runs with.

    I'd like to see what kind of responses the VS would use if the Lasher's "lashing" contact required a 100 cert attachment on the rail, replacing extended mag or laser sight, that every single Lasher player runs with.
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