Server Downtime for Patch February 20, 2014 6 AM PT (3 PM CET)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Firesss

    Yea, that's kind of what I was wondering myself.

    "When you repeat a mistake, it is not a mistake anymore: It is a decision"
  2. FliegerPanzer

    SoE just wasted my booster today... They must give it back
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  3. FliegerPanzer

  4. ncDieseL

    Ah man, 75 points from Tier 3, 75!!!!! Arrrgh. I should have just stayed on longer last night and cheesed them.

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  5. sidewu

    I have the same issue. About an hundred points off the tier 3 reward. I wanted to get them this morning (Canadian).

    I would have gotten them yesterday if I would have known about this.
  6. Dreadnaut

    They need to purge old outfits that are taking up good tags.

    I think your outfit should have at least 5 people in it to be an outfit in the first place. If you don't have 5, you're not an outfit, you're a gaggle.
  7. Grumpob

    My apologies, I was not aware membership was sold in hourly packages.

    Oh wait...
  8. Robertooooo

    6 hours now? Well, guess im going f2p then.
  9. mblades

    Not sure how you think continent locking is bad to be honest? it might actually add some meta game that some people want but for me it may move default continent aka indar to esamir or amerish of course, Hell might see some crazy fights on hossin even.

    Of course warpgates that link to other continents will need to be redesigned to make it much more harder to cap and maybe 10 minutes maybe?

    Still cant really see much problems with it unless there is something you dislike about this idea of continent locking.

    Also despite this hoping that it works resource revamp is what I am truly lookin forward too.
  10. SantaKlaus

    I don't know how to quote, but they just added an extra hour...

    And when I try to launch the game it gives the G99 error...
  11. SevenTwo

    As long as it saves us another downtime period for hotfix patching tomorrow - I won't get my hopes up about that though, as usually there's a hotfix the day after a big patch, which means the servers needs to come down again for 3 hours 5 hours a very long time in the middle of EU prime time.

    The erroneous downtime estimations every single week don't exactly inspire confidence in the customer base either. Were I community manager, I'd probably err on the side of caution in the future and overshoot the time estimate by a fair margin, just so people would have the cance to mentally go "oh, nice, the downtime lasted shorter than was estimated! Good job team!".

    It might not sound like much, but it does make a huge mental difference to people when you "give" them something like this rather than take something away from them (perceived game time) - and who knows, maybe you'd actually need the extra time to sort out errors with the update, making it only go an hour over the estimated time, which seems much more reasonable to a customer (paying or not), rather than three.
  12. DarkOverLord

    Downtime Start: 6 AM PT (3 PM CET) *Time Zone Converter
    Downtime ETA: Up to 6 hours (12:00 PM PT)
  13. Valok


    Very interesting posts, keep then comin.
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  14. AuxiMoron

    I hope things in the Ukraine settle down soon, hopefully Yanukovich will step down. Sorry things are so bad over there and that people are dying in the streets. It's really horrible and needs to stop.
  15. Amit2120

    ITS TIME to raid the dam test server:mad:
  16. MichaelS

    relax, you just need to listen to that song 4 times and the servers are up:
  17. Fisk Black

    6 hours maintenance during prime time, gjgj -.-
  18. mblades

    k. well it is adding you know revamped amerish with lattice with amerish redesigned bases regardless of whether ya play on it or not.

    The game is being updated weekly something we didn't have since the beginning of the year..... guess ya preferred that massive drought of having no updates for 4-5 months at a time due to Optimizations.

    I'm sorry it doesn't fit in your timetable but its only one day.... unless ya play on EU than im sorry to here that.
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  19. Jachim

    Oh my god furry! *points accusatorily* :p
    also +1 wtf SOE
  20. Firesss

    Whats a joke is the amount of money you wasted on your computer. 32 gigs of ram and sli gtx 770's to play ps2? Impressive. Your hardware will die before any game is created that actually needs all that.
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