Server Downtime for Patch January 23, 2014 6 AM PT (3 PM CET)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by d_carey, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Revanmug

    I did

    They don't. The missile will render but not the turret making them invincible since you can't hit what you can't render.

    Out of range from any enemy unit.

    Yeah man, pressing a button on my mouse to reduce its DPI to minimal is hard. Even worse, it require a high tech
    mouse to do such thing! It's not like 10 years old mouse had that right?!

    Now imagine the size of the actual turret if it was rendering!

    Yup, you are right! That's why it should be nerf to the same point as the Phoenix. 300m max range!
  2. TheBlazing

    Hornets still feel like they are not on par with rocket pods... lolpods deal up to 7000 damage per reload while Hornets only deal up to 3600, half of that, and the advantages to make up for it don't seem very clear or useful... yes they are wire guided, but you can't freelook-guide them, which means that you have to fly at your target for them to hit, just as you have to do to unload a volley of rockets. And the 450 meters limit also forces you to get within infantry lockon range (which is way too high anyways), which is also required to use lolpods.

    The problem I see here is that there is almost no range difference between rocket pods and Hornets. Both need you to be fairly close to your target in order to land hits, with the difference that lolpods deal twice as much damage as Hornets.

    My solution would be to simply increase the range limit of Hornets to around 700 meters, airacraft normally renders at that range so it won't be like getting sniped by AV MANA turrets; the damage could even be brought back down to 1500. Just don't force people to get close to hit, there are already rocket pods for that.
  3. IDC_

    still no fix for the no-ribbon-for-repairs/healing-bug.

    what about a fix for the no-ribbon-for-av-turret-kills?

    and does a sundy now deploy when you hit the deploy button the first time or do you still need to push it 3 times?

    and the 1 second freezes every 15-20 minutes still exist.
  4. EvilTwinCZ

    I tried logging in 3 times already. Every time the wheel on the button spinned bravely, but to no avail. The game client then closed itself from embarrasment after 5-10 minutes. If I consider the problems you have after each patch and the frequency of those patches, it makes me wonder why do you even turn the double exp event off?
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  5. Pizzasaurus

    Yea logging in takes forever and at the end it crash anyway :-/
  6. HalfCut

    I'm trying to login to the woodman server, it says logging in, it lies.

    I was playing happily an hour ago but like a fool stopped playing to eat, now I'm stuck watching the spinny thing spin.

    wow posting on here is witchcraft, it took ten minutes but I'm logged in
  7. Chad444

    Yup, same here. I could log in an hour ago but now..... nothing
  8. Garyed

    Not sure if its my computer or the game but have been having some serious lagging problems lately. After the latest patch today I have managed to get 'kicked off' 3 times in the last hour. Not sure what the problem is but hope it can be fixed before the weekend. Is it double points again?
  9. Vanunator

    Same here, stuck on login, even did validate files after hotfix, whats up devs?
  10. Chad444

    Logging in issues fixed after a 57mb patch. not sure of luck, or SOE are responding to the community
  11. Concussion

    Yupp there definitely is a small problem!
  12. DLL2

    -freeze + crash
    A other fail patch.
  13. Chad444

    Update: just crashed and I cant log in again. looks like it was just luck :(
  14. Concussion

    Oh come on guys that can't be it !! I've got only limited time, and if i pay for something i expect it to work when i want, right ?
  15. nanu

    validate files, wont detect the lastest clientversion,but its fixes it.
    the check for update process is ,
    "out of time on clientstart"
  16. MrMarkNl

    Can't login aswell, this is stupid..
  17. ScrapyardBob

    I've heard estimates for PhysX as being "Spring 2014" -- in fact, I think "bringing back PhysX" is listed on the roadmap.
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  18. RyanGUK

    Sounds like everybody is having the same login issues as last time, and every other patch oddly enough.

    It's as if there was a pattern between multiple people trying to log in at the same time after a patch that's making the servers go slow, and people not being able to log in quickly. What a strange coincidence.
  19. RIctavius

    I played perfectly if you got 'the long login feature' it's not a problem, it's something you have to deal with;

    one: The Patch (I've Seen it - but not today apparently) always brings a long loginning in time.

    two: Your server is having people trying to cram into it so thusly - the virtual doorway is crowded and you have to wait for space to be made.

    three: you're intentionally shutting down the program to restart to "fix" it, to which in the immortal words of Luperza "DONT DO THAT" - you're aggravating the problem.


    Turn it on , let it log in - Alt+Tab and stroll the internet or do some word, for those with CTD result don't panick it; it's a refresh mechanism. When it CTD - restart game - instant access?

    Anymore panickers? no? or yes?
  20. RyanGUK

    This basically. Also it's worth noting SOE has actually acknowledged a problem with logging in after patches because of the way the game works right now. It logs you in, but it downloads all information about your character to your client before logging you into the actual game. Now imagine tons of people doing that, and you might have a good idea of why it's so slow to log in.
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