ZOE changes on testserver

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by sindz, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. treeHamster

    The Comets are basically Pounders with no bullet drop and smaller mags (which means less ammo).

    Fractures need a MASSIVE nerf and the Ravens need a small nerf to bring all of them in line with the Vortex. Of course then the Pounders could use a decent buff on bullet drop but to be honest they're pretty good other than the crap bullet speed (which is what accounts for the giant drop). I mean they have a horrible convergence but so do the Comets.
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  2. Tar

    still a cruel nerf but it does make sense more than this imo.
    What I think would make sense even more would be a debuff to precision. After all itps a berserk mode, what else should it negatively afflict?
  3. Kangaaxx

    There is nothing wrong with expressing your opinion in a constructive manner but doing what the majority of posts here which is too cry and moan about something that isn't in real server.

    I wrote it before and I write it again, things on PTS either get their numbers tweaked, reworked or removed. But then again from your post history it seems that you don't get this and all you want is to qq on the forum saying everything is hopeless.

    If you want to have this negative attitude towards everything that doesn't go the way you want then fine but don't expect anyone to care about what you say or think.
  4. Lyel

    Bout godam time.

    Now you have to think about when you use it. So funny that you guys are complaining about that. "It's useless now!!" Yep, just like the other 2 abilities. Go ahead, tell me your stories about how 1 guy managed to use it right, and don't tell me the countless number of maxes you killed that were using them.
  5. Lyel

    We'll nerf Fractures the moment pounders become useful.
  6. LohaMoha

    ZOE is still infinite on the test server, no fuel added so far. No 8 sec time limit...
  7. treeHamster

    Comets are a nerfed form of Pounders but with no bullet drop. You don't need Fractures nerfed, you just need pounders to have their arc increased.
  8. Twitch760

    What's wrong with just making the ability shut off after X amount of damage is sustained? It then goes on a cooldown for X seconds. Higher ranks of the ability increase the amount of damage that can be taken before shutdown and decrease the cooldown.
  9. Xada

    Quoting my own post later down the line. I gtg so just reply on what you think and I'll reply to you when I get back.

  10. Serpent808

    The New ZOE ability is a joke. In addition, there's a way to get around it.

    "Added a fuel cost to the Zealot Overdrive, allowing up to 8 seconds of sustained use" implies that ZOE will only act as a buff for 8 seconds, and it will drop. Similar to Infiltrator's hunter/nano cloaking. It's up for t amount of seconds. Then it drops, and recharges. I'm guessing ZOE CD period is roughly 8 to 10 seconds. This is true on the test server.

    Sad thing is there's a way to get around it. There's no activation or CD to enable/disable it manually. So quite literally, you could spam the activation key, and still have 100% up-time on ZOE. This makes the 8 second buff irrelevant to the cause. Recharge rate is almost 1 to 1, so there is barely no loss in energy when spamming the button.

    This is such a joke on Higby and SOE staff, it's not even funny. Personally, I think they should take this crap back to the drawing board.
  11. DoctorXqY

  12. DoctorXqY

    Well, running an AP/Enforcer vanguard with friends as my dafult, I can say that although a 2/2 good vanny player will often beat other tanks in a head-on-head fight, it will almost always take longer than 12 seconds, although I've never timed it.
  13. Illusio

    Are you serious? Nobody can touch NC in biolabs in equal fights due to the ease which which NC maxes can force short range. Even if someone could make a serious argument that ZOE is somehow overpowered 1 to 1, if performance in biolabs are the measure of balance, then it's abundantly clear that it does not enable VS to walk over anyone. IMO, the vortex is far more of a game changer than ZOE. unlike the comet, you're simply not dodging a lancer beam by visual cues. There actually are many other balancing mechanisms built into ZOE as well that the whiners apparently aren't aware of.

    For example, the burster shots get an additional glow when you're in ZOE mode that completely blinds you when firing at distant targets at night, meaning you have zero capability to adjust your aim if the plane drifts slightly, making it much easier than normal to evade a ZOE burster at range. It's annoying in daytime as well, but not as much. And people obviously don't understand how squishy the ZOE maxes actually are on live. The imaginary scenario where you play a glowing purple ball of light and just strafe and don't get hit by a single one of 10 people firing at you within 20 meters is laughable. ZOE maxes die and they die fast when focused. In cramped hallways, which is by far the most common battle arena, strafing won't help you dodge splash much anyway. The complaint that they can retreat is similarly laughable given how easy it is to accomplish the same with the NC shield.

    The actual complaint here is about VS using and supporting their maxes, nothing else(Unless this game suddenly is being balanced for 1 vs 1 scenarios, in which case my grunt would like to be able to kill MBTs please).
  14. Coldmeister

    Thank God for this, long overdue. Can't wait till it goes live, maybe then I can go back to enjoying the game. Maybe biolab fights versus the VS will be fun again and not something to loathe. By the way, to those crying overnerf. Let's not forget when NC MAX was nerfed in EVERY way not just one OP ability.
  15. Gav7x

    The vortex and pounders definetly need a buff, the fractures a nerf and the comet a nerf imo
  16. Gav7x

    Probably they are adding a cooldown in the patch for the live server
  17. Gav7x

    You just proved the quote.
    "VS players are funny, they wont use a weapon unless its obviously OP" -M. Higby
  18. Torok

    The funny thing about this thread is how people (me included) wanted the timer for the ZOE 6 months ago,
    SIX FREAKING MONTHS AGO, and we're only getting it now.
    Leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
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  19. Xasapis

    It strongly reminds the 6 months NC MAX dominance. I wonder if they will do something to the Lockdown now and make it the go to empire for people who like to play MAXes.
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  20. Torok

    Another proof that they can't balance for real.