To all the VS who don't think ZOE Is overpowered

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Ned, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. ViXeN

    Stats? And even if that were true, most VS ZOE players use blueshifts these days. I rarely see anyone with comets on Waterson. But you see Fracture MAXes everywhere now.
  2. ViXeN

    What? No... just no.... A dual scat max CAN and DOES kill a ZOE at close range without reloading. I know this for a fact because it has happened to me on more than one occasion. :rolleyes:
  3. Ganelon

    Does it really matter? You'll just try to justify them anyway (like you're doing in this thread).
  4. ViXeN

    Justify what? Comets? You mean like how I defend everything else in the game for all three factions? I even said the freaking Vulcan Harasser doesn't really need to be nerfed. :eek: What part of "I HATE NERFS" is so difficult to understand? Nerfs kill games, they don't balance them. If you want to try to get better balance then BOOSTING the other weapons is a better idea. I gave my ideas for improving the NC and TR MAX abilities.
  5. Posse

    The real badasses use Nebulas, Blueshift is for p u s s i e s. Nebula + KA = Ultimate anti MAX setup.

    Comets have 2 rounds per clip, Fractures have 10 rounds per clip, it would be pretty unbalanced if the Fractures killed faster than the Comets, don't you think?
  6. Clockwerk

    Yes, it does matter because it just evidently shows the TR's traits of how they always exasperate the situations and attenuate their advantages in order to inflict a nerf on the opponent or a buff to their faction that quenches their indefinitive thirst of being over powered and superior to others. That is not mentioning their misinterpretation of data and falsely accuse other factions.

    ZOE has nothing to do with the kill superiority that Vanu Max obtained. It's the team work that they exercise to pull such incredible stats that we are discussing. Logically, the fact that TR was dominant throughout the first four weeks of WDS, until the change of scoring system being implied, should tell people something about TR.

    Surely, SOE should establish an award for the faction that whine the most, and I'm sure the winner will be announced in the next second.
  7. Ganelon

    Doesn't take away from ZOE Comets being incredibly OP against both vehicles and MAXes.
  8. Posse

    At short range? Yes, but if you're a tanker at short range of a MAX, then you're doing it wrong, at long range it's easy to dodge. And if you're a MAX at short range, well, you're supposed to lose against a AV MAX, a FracMAX on the other hand, can beat a Comet MAX if he engages at a decent distance.
  9. Purg

    *Because you are not using KA5*. You've replied to me how many times about KA5?!?

    That NC MAX *also* has to have extended magazines, something the TR/VS MAXes don't have to worry about to be effective.
  10. Posse

    *cough* KA5 *cough*
  11. Purg

    You need specific ZOE stats which aren't obtainable to prove ZOE being OP. You only need anecdotal evidence to suggest that the average VS player is better than the average NC/TR player, or that all the crap players play NC. Get with the times.
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  12. OldMaster80

    This is neither correct: ZOE moves so fast you must be incredibly skilled or lucky to hit it with a rocket. Because ZOE is the only Max Unit that can actually dodge rockets and don't forget TR most beloved rocket launcher can't lock them.
    This is the reason why ZOE is so powerful: speed boost allows to avoid AV weapons and makes them very shifty basically reducing the effect of the armor debuff. In other words they don't care about having less armor as long as they're so hard to hit.
  13. MilitiaMan

    Funny how the VS MAX is like that now isn't it. :rolleyes:

    Blink and your dead, the funny part is the VS MAX can do it outside of 5m lmao.
  14. Ganelon

    Not all vehicles are tanks. An AMS Sunderer, for instance, is not a tank.

    Other than that; who uses MAXes at long range?

    Oh, and stats:


    Now factor in the damage boost ZOE gives it.

    Thought as much.
  15. jak

    I'm still amused by the VS defending ZOE. After a 34 kill streak in 9 minutes yesterday, I switched classes because I was afraid of killing the fight and, quite honestly, I felt bad for the NC I was fighting.

    Statistics are great, but if you can't grasp why the combination of accuracy, damage, and speed make this thing out of whack...I'm not sure what to tell you.
  16. Brewery

    I completely disagree about your nerfing comment. Nerfing does not kill a game, it puts it into a balanced state. If all you did was buff everything the TTK would be too high and we'd basically be playing on hardcore. For example : the release of shotguns...

    You need a decent record of nerfing and buffing for a game to be truly where it should be at.
  17. Posse

    The thing is, stuff gets balanced around the average players, you're not an average player, my experience with ZOE is pretty much the same as you described, but I still believe the numbers more than my personal biased experience. The first time I used ZOE my thought was "OMFG this is so OP!" (well, it got nerfed afterwards).

    Fractures and Ravens can be used at long range, and they actually are used that way.

    So what?

    It takes 0.5 seconds (because it has 2 clips for a comet to empty its clip and the refire rate is 0.5 secs) and then it has to reload for 1.75 secs, so it actually deals 950 damage in 2.25 seconds for a 422 sustained DPS (or 506 DPS with ZOE 5)

    Meanwhile, the Fracture has a refire rate of 0.75 secs, it has to refire 9 times so it needs 0.75*9 = 6,75 secs to empty its clip, which deals 3150 Damage, if we had 2.5 reload, we have 3150 damage in 9.25 seconds = 340 DPS. BUT, if you are smart and reload with 1 clip left (6 seconds to spend 9 bullets for 2835 damage plus 1.75 reload) you have 2835 damage in 7.75 seconds you have 365 DPS. So the Comet deals 50% more DPS but that's only at close range (and with ZOE 5 activated), at close range the Comet wins, I won't deny that.

    But at long range, the muzzle velocity is a huge factor that makes the Fracture far more useful (and by long range I don't mean 300m, I mean distances something like 100 meters). Against a smart enemy at this distances, the effective DPS of the Comet will be zero while the Fracture can actually deal damage, it's the same comparison as that between the NC MAX Shotguns and the machine-guns of the TR and VS MAXes.

    Another factor to take into account that can even the things DPS-wise is that the Fracture is more likely to kill an enemy vehicle in one clip (both arms combined deal a total of 6300 damage). The DPS of a Fracture without taking reloads into account is 3150/6.75 = 466.
  18. jak

    That's exactly my problem with the ZOE. It takes an average player and makes him/her better. It takes a good player and makes him/her a nightmare to fight. Compare that to the other two MAX abilities and I cannot comprehend how anyone feels they're in some form of balance currently *for all players*.
  19. Mhak

    Shh...ViXeN's only logic thus far has been "You can't empirically prove it's OP despite extremely heavy circumstantial evidence and data, and the vast majority of player opinion." Now it's changing to "Besides, all nerfs are bad. All the time."

    You're not trying to derail this crazy train, are you?
  20. BITES

    Sums it up nicely ... not sure why ANYONE is still arguing with this mindless zealot ... you have to admire the absolute ignorance, and zealotry in the face of overwhelming opinion, in addition to the statistics backing that opinion, its hilarious.
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