To all the VS who don't think ZOE Is overpowered

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Ned, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Prudentia

    I have yet to see a ZOE max standing in a door with less then 3 engis repairing it.
    i have yet to see a TR/NC max not standing in a door even with one engi or even none at all.
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  2. Ned

    I know, I'm sorry.
  3. ViXeN

    How do you know the lead couldn't have grew that wide without the ZOE? You are making another assumption based on nothing, other than what you want to believe.

    Okay, if we're going by total number of kills then clearly the Quasar is better than the Blueshifts and every other VS MAX weapon. And the TR Cycler is better than the Fractures and Mercy. They have more kills so they are better right? :eek: SOE needs to nerf the Quasar and Cycler, they are soooo overpowered compared to the other guns. o_O
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  4. Ned

    Yet the VS MAX in total has over 500,000 Extra kills compared to TR/NC, and a higher KPU, and you honestly don't think this is because of ZOE?

    While we are making assumptions these aren't exactly dumbfounded, something is causing the VS MAX to outperform TR/NC, that thing is quite simply and obviously ZOE, nothing else could be causing it, especially considering the low VS pop compared to TR
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  5. Flapatax

    Your problem is you're TR. Anything you say is going to sound like sour grapes.

    DA is a VS outfit, and we pretty much unanimously agree that ZOE is not balanced. Extra speed and damage in exchange for a negligible defensive loss is incredible. Compared to its NC and TR counterparts, it's obscene.

    That being said, I have rank 5 ZOE for the times when I really, really don't want to risk losing at all.
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  6. umbrellapower

    I hope you guys aren't seriously suggesting that ZOE is OP. ZOE is actually UP; it's only the inherent superior skill of the average VS player that allows them to dominate with ease. Remember, when a ZOE MAX chases you as fast as you can run... you got outplayed, son.

    Seriously, stop trying to nerf skill!!!!!!!1111
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  7. Areski

    So you prefer anecdotal evidence over statistical evidence? Because the anecdotes are better? That's your argument?
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  8. Van Dax

    this popped up in the last max thread, include av weapons and it paints a different picture. Last time this was argued it turned out fractures accounted for more kills than any other max weapon.
    besides if that kind of 'evidence' was all we used the marauder and vulcan would have been nerfed long ago.
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  9. Flapatax

    No, that's unreliable. It sounds like irrefutable stats are the only acceptable metric, and since those are unobtainable ZOE is therefore perfectly fine.
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  10. Gavyne

    It's pretty obvious ViXeN likes the ZOE MAX's, heck she last logged off after using it extensively ;)

    Really though, this is all a flashback to back when Magriders ruled the MBT's. Remember when Magriders made double the MBT & infantry kills and how much VS tried to reason the statistical anomaly it was? Turned out Magriders did need to get adjusted. Same with when TR temporarily had op'ed Prowlers and how much TR made excuses about it. Yup turned out Prowlers did need to get adjusted.

    This is no different. It's funny how stats matter when one is making the complaint about another faction, but stats are completely faulty when they are used against you. This is ForumSide at its best. ZOE Max will get nerfed, it's not an if, but when. The when is obviously after SOE has milked enough 4th faction hoppers, after enough people have spent certs and sc into outfitting a brand new MAX unit. It'll come soon enough.
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  11. libbmaster

    This is madness.

    SoE should just buff everything so hard that all weapons, vehicles and attachments become OP.
  12. umbrellapower

    ur right dude

    TR and NC are just shrub scrubs who can't deal with skill whilie having most OP weps (GOD SAW (omg best gun in the game), MAURAUDER (**** OP), VULCAN (holy ****))
  13. Ned

    I play all 3 factions, but I do see your point
  14. PapaMojo

    Putting ZOE is OP aside for a moment......those numbers could indicate that ZOE is forcing Vanu to ensure pocket engis are used more frequently, increasing the life and kills of ZOE Maxs not due to the extra damage, but due to extra survivability. Also, since both the TR and NC empire abilities reduce either movement (lockdown) or the amount of lead they are firing (Aegis) that also reduces the amount of times they may be in engagements, opposed to ZOE which actually makes them enter engagements more frequently, and have to play more aggressive due to fragility.

    Now, I'm not saying ZOE is or isn't OP (although I would add a power-up timer to it personally) but I am saying there are alternate ways to look at the data other then "Look! This proves it!" The only thing it proves is VS MAXes are getting more kills then other MAXs. I'd rather see some buffs to the other MAX's, but ZOE will be nerfed. It's really just a matter of when at this point.
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  15. Ned

    Marauder should be nerfed, vulcan should be tweaked but not nerfed, since it is only really OP when stuck on the harasser
  16. Scientiarum

    I would like to see total MAX hours played of all factions as well... I mean what if the VS have like 4 times the time as the other two factions? That would indicate the VS MAX are UP (not that I think that is likely).

    Average kills per hour played would be a much better metric.
  17. Prudentia

    i actually hope they remove the Dmg buff of the ZOE. than its 2 negatives VS 1 positive
    and smoke is the most effective weapon against zoe maxes, just smoke them and go in with your own maxes and shot the lights...
  18. Gavyne

    I would think by now most people would have built up multiple faction characters. Like I played NC from launch for 4 months straight, but since coming back I've been working on my VS character exclusively.
  19. Van Dax

    false, the magrider has never led in infantry kills, it has always been behind the prowler. It did however kill prowlers quite well and vanguards as well (remember shield was bugged and it had the same velocity as the magrider). according to higby before he freaked out and overnerfed it, prowlers and magriders were 'really close in general'
  20. Ghosty11

    Kills per unique user picture paints a better picture than total kills, although even that doesn't tell how many were ZOE and how many not.

    Example: if the Vanu pulled 5000 MAXes in the last month to get their total vs. TR pulling 500 to get their total, which performed better?