A Message To The VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ApolloMCProductions, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Ganelon

    I'm pretty sure, it was in the thread where someone was whining about global TR overpop when TR was severely underpopped. Turned out he was talking about Miller.
  2. IamDH

    Its going to turn into a striker thread in a bit
  3. HerpTheDerp

    The only way it isn't true is that TR is about equal to NC now.

    But the entire VS small arms line still gets free 20-40% accuracy boost at no penalty.

    So yeah, easy mode.
  4. Xasapis

    Hmm? Compared to what? How do you define accuracy? As far as ADS, first shot recoil and COF bloom goes, NC are still top dogs. VS do fare better at hipfiring though, but that's not accuracy, that's spraying. And even on that front, TR have more bullets for their effort.

    Honestly, infantry weapons are pretty balanced right now. If you base your assumptions about easy mode on those, you're doing it wrong.
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  5. HerpTheDerp

    So basically you have no idea that there is more than one ADS value and that CoF bloom is roughly equal across all empires.

    I knew I was going to get some ignorant answer, but you topped my expectations. Gratz.
  6. Xasapis

    I'm glad that we indirectly agree that small arms balance is pretty good and play little role in faction balance at this point in time.


    That guy still updates the data. Feel free to nitpick ;)
  7. Aegie

    and the API data says?
  8. NoctD

    Warp gates got rotated!

    People under-estimate how important a role they play, and it has certainly changed the landscape tremendously.
  9. TheFencer0

    But the NC got the north Indar gate, and that generally indicated the pop advantage (which is dumb, really).
  10. NoctD

    Yes but since WDS counts all 3 continents, so VS getting the other 2 good gates gives them the biggest advantage. Its not just Indarside anymore that matters, at least since WDS is in effect.

    The way the gates are rotated doesn't favor factions equally even. During the past rotation, it was more like 3 good gates for TR. VS get 2 good and 1 bad, NC gets 1 good with this rotation.

    Its easy to see given the gates why TR dominated the first 2 weeks of WDS by huge margins!
  11. TheFencer0

    Curious theory, and the evidence supports it thusfar, since that really was the only real change with the last patch. Things are close to being balanced in this week. Close enough to consider it fair, as a 2% margin is not a whole lot, practically speaking. There was also the release of GTAV and the BF4 beta, but I would figure that would effect each empire somewhat equally, and thus not be a factor.

    I am also curious as to why this seems to be the thing the 4th factioners would follow. I would think it would be weapons or abilities, something innately mechanical to individual's chance of success, and not something that is a factor in grander strategy, something specific to group success. It is almost as if the 4th faction is thinking about larger scale victory than K/D.

    Most curious indeed. Any of you 4th faction folks on the forums care to explain this mode of thinking? I want to understand you better.
  12. vulcan78

    Yes lets never forget 9/11 and its true perpetrators and purpose:

    In anticipation of flames from mindless automatons (we do everything Newt Gingrich tells us) who have conflated Patriotism with obedience I should probably note that I am an American who has served with the U.S. Army active honorably for 8 years mostly with the 25th Infantry Division as a 68s and participated in OEF 2004-2005 in Afghanistan. This is an illegal war. We are not out to "liberate" the oppressed. It is all about resources and geo-strategic primacy, what Zbignew Brezenski termed "Full Spectrum Dominance".

    Before opening you mouth to talk about something you know little about, you would do well to do a little research on the subject matter, but this simple request pre-supposes that Americans read.

    Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil by Michael C. Ruppert

    If you don't wish to see information such as this violating your myopic world-view then it would probably be wise to refrain from putting stupid statements such as "Never Forget 9/11" in your signature, especially if you are not a combat veteran and know little of the actual event.
  13. HooWoo

    Soz mr serious

    This is the real 9/11 mate! cheer up bro, turn that frown :( upside down :)

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  14. Vixxing

    Cobalt VS is getting it oooooon! :p
  15. Vixxing

    We had 28% TR had 42% population, but we still won the alert "conquer Esamir" with 55% :D
  16. iMartyr

    Everybody is a winner in WDS, just log into the winner's faction for a second.
  17. vulcan78

    I couldn't find "part 3 of 10" for 9/11 Mysteries but found a complete version instead:

  18. BITES

    Picked mine for what they stood for and their weapon style (not power) ... during PS1 time. That being said .. I didn't expect the role playing of underdog to carry over forever however .. .. ..

    I play NC, faction hopping is only helping yourself.
  19. Sovereign533

    Good luck VS, at least the TR doesn't win.
  20. ApolloMCProductions

    Thanks for the support, we'll be needing it; less collateral attacks from the NC means less territory for the TR >:D.