What is the point of this game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RAWRimscary, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. Paisty

    You have no points, besides "I was part of the terrible decision making process and someday I will play PS1 with the these new graphics. Even if it takes 3 years!" Your head is in the clouds dreaming, enjoy it, the reality of the situation is ugly.

    Have a good life, I could not careless what your next post says.
  2. Klondik3

    Oh there are objectives its just that victory produces little sense of accomplishment and it gives very little in term of in-game rewards.
    Won an alert? Great... your contribution was miniscule, people you were fighting with and against were mostly randoms. All in all the victory wasn't product of your superior performance, it was product of things outside of your control. You might have as well just spectated...

    There is little gratification in this game beyond getting a kill, just like in TDM.
    Unless you identify with your faction that is but I don't think that is the case for majority of players.

    Also, objective is basically a victory condition. Since you can win a TDM it necessarily follows that it has objective. Other players instead of capture point/flag/MCOM are objectives in TDM.
  3. LordMondando

    I pushed for logistics dingus, not even in the game yet, nor am I claiming credit for it just trying to explain the design directions the game is taking over the next few months. Fundamentally you've not understood what i've been saying. GG.

    Have the last word if you wish. Sure it'll be the height of wit.

    Well what sense of achievement you get out of it, can't really be impacted upon by game design. I know winning an alert or a cont cap when we are running together as a several outfit alliance feels pretty awesome.

    Though I'd hope people see a slightly clearly sense of objectives when their is an actual strategic relation between continents. Hossin is almost done as is one of the three battle islands. So what we are really waiting for here is the remaining two battle islands.
  4. tproter

    No game will ever match the liveliness and excitement of having a life and living in a real world.

    Why some gamers expect otherwise I'll never understand.
  5. Klondik3

    Yes it can. For example, would it be fun to shoot enemies if you received no kill notification nor XP?
    You just said that it feels awesome to win an alert with your alliance. Formal alert system could perhaps be circumvented if all major outfits agreed to partake in weekly "Biolab domination" events but still it still wouldn't be the same as having alert system implemented in game.

    I would imagine it feels awesome for you to win an alert because you identify yourself as a part of larger alliance which actually has huge influence on the alert's outcome. But it is possible that majority of players don't and hence the complains that "this game has no point" - and the cause is not the lack of objectives but rather lack of identification with your faction(which is quite normal, this is a game after all and vast majority of players don't know each other) and perhaps more importantly, lack of personalized objectives.
  6. LordMondando

    Well. Most FPS didn't have any XP mechanics till the second part of 2000's, 2007 even I think was when it started to become a popular mechanic. Likewise 'YOU KILLED X BRAVO's' flashing up in the middle of the screen, is relatively recent.

    A games basic mechanics can be or not be fun, but if you don't find PS2 fun as is, theres unlikely to be some new mechanic or bit of content thats going to make a night and day difference.

    Fundamentally you find it fun, because its a battle game involving hundreds of people. Because thats its USP. Or you don't.

    The game could certainly be made more involving though, why I'm very happy about logistics and continent lattice. think that'll make a big impact. To a lesser extent player missions could be amusing also.

    It probably could on Miller, but from what I see very few servers have an outfit community that interacts as well as we do.

    I honeslty see alerts as just a stop gap, and they have on occasion been fun, the issue with them is they make population imbalance problems a lot worse, and things need to be done on thouse fronts and hopefully in logistics are, and in stopping people switching to overpoped sides on alerts will be.

    But I don't see them making a huge amount of sense when we are fighting from continent to continent and have fairly cohesive fronts across the gameworld as a whole. An biolab alert won't work for example, if the TR doesn't even have access to biolabs on amerish.

    Mostly, yes, but theres the level of integration of outfits, the feeling of being something larger. Its there allready, and as this game is entirely PVP is allways going to be brought out best by players interacting together.

    Other mechanics are going to help that, a lot. But it doesn't create that we do.

    And thats part of the problem - a lot of the people who play the game, do it solo or in zergfits that are little more than a tag next to your name. Never going to get the best out of it that way.
  7. Kacho Seiyo Arino

    Unlike every other FPS, you don't have to shoot at people to contribute.

    I'm dedicated medic with a RS/laser sighted TAR, but I only use it for suppression and self defense. Most of my time is spent healing/reviving at a choke point and I have tons of ribbons to prove it.

    I kinda wish the stats on the tab screen changed depending on your class. My K/D might be .4 but my Revives per death is probably double-digits or more. I give life where others are dispensing death.

    Best part is that 20 K/D heavy assault has people like me to thank for it cuz I saved his *** from a C4 he didn't see coming.

    Another cool thing medics could have is a "Phoenix" bonus for reviving someone and they get a kill within 3-5 seconds.
  8. Bill Hicks

    A way for sony to make money on a really long beta test.
  9. Torok

    Trolling and Owning other Players in a very good FPS game, having fun with Friends, being part of EPIC CLASHES never seen before.
    Takes some effort to understand where the fun is and then having yourself be there all the time.
    The more you play the better you'll be at finding such places, when you won't find them you just have to logout and come back in a 30 minutes, that's what I often do atleast.

    GL HF!
    New players should need some experienced veterans to guide them through the game though, videos and tutorials aren't enough, one needs to be handheld nowadays :D
    • Up x 1
  10. bodmans

    objective in this game is HAVE FUN /thread
  11. Klondik3

    Yes but games still tracked your KDR. If there was no KDR tracking then people would play much differently especially in conquest gamemodes and wouldn't concern themselves with fragging as much as with playing the objective.

    If you didn't get any kill notification and XP that would imply that getting kills is worthless and therefore you wouldn't get sense of accomplishment. Imagine shooting little pixels in your Liberator and if they gave no XP/kill notification. I doubt many would bother...

    What I'm trying to say is rewards guide human behavior. In this game reward is XP. If you wish to have everyone play objectives then you have to make sure XP distribution is aligned with that. In case of infantry farming with Liberator/ESFs sense of accomplishment most likely wouldn't be there if there were no rewards that imply it is an activity worth pursuing.
    This depends. XP reward system is such a fundamental mechanic which shapes player behavior which in turn has drastic impact on playing environment, especially in MMOs.

    Its not solely about game mechanics nor solely about players. It is the interaction between the two that gives end result.

    Ultimately games are fun because they satisfy some fundamental human need. PS2 fails to satisfy a need for sense of progression which explains while some players quickly get bored and leave. It also fails to satisfy human need to be influential ( in a sense that your actions have impact on result of battle or alert) which explains why some feel alerts and base conquests are pointless. As number of players increases the importance of one individual player diminishes, the way around this would be to introduce more personalized objectives.

    Battlefield 3 isn't any deeper than Planetside 2 but it has clear victory conditions and more importantly actions of one individual player have much higher influence on the outcome of the match.
  12. ViXeN

    Things will be changing soon with the warpgates so hang in there. Oh and personally I have a lot of fun on this game just killing people and taking bases. Its an FPS game and they ALL involve pretty much the same thing: Killing people and going for objectives over and over. Maybe FPS games aren't for you?
  13. Kacho Seiyo Arino

    I dunno. In Real Life there's very little progression, rewards for playing your class come only weekly/biweekly, perk advancement is super slow (5-10 years real time to level from fry cook to manager in the restaurant faction? WTF?), and lets not forget that stupid food and bills mechanic that's been around for thousands to millions of years that saps at your currency, even while the economy is trash and some people can't even play a class cuz no one wants them in their "business".

    Real life is a ****** game, they should just cut their losses and disconnect the servers.
  14. SwordofCyric

    At least when the alerts were new this seemed to have worked pretty well as motivation.

    The 1st and the 2nd usually fought tooth and nail until the very last second over who would win the alert with 37% and who would be the first loser with 35%.

    Despite the actual difference in XP reward between the 1st and 2n in XP being meaningless with such a small difference.

    People were really motivated just by wanting to see their faction's logo being declared the victor
  15. SwordofCyric

    Actually even that wasn't the case for the longest time in FPS history. Sure, your K/D for this current round was tracked, but having it tracked beyond the single round was also something that came much later.
  16. ManualReplica

    To be fair, these forums are basically the 4chan equivalent of the three, so once you beat the game you actually descend to hell and then you get to stay there forever.
  17. jihon83

    At least there's less anime fan art here than on any given 4chan bulletin board.
  18. uhlan

    At one time the developers at PS2 wanted to make a FPS's genre breaking game.

    A game of massive scale, a pseudo-sandbox FPS.

    At some point along the line they got confused trying to satisfy the paying public and got pushed and pulled in too many directions.

    As folks who would prefer what was/is still advertised leave disillusioned, the player base gets distilled down to those that prefer small unit combat centered around a particular objective (a point). These tend to be the "bouncy/spammer/shotgun" types you see so often now-a-days.

    This vocal player base then becomes the dominant expression and the devs cater to those wants and needs. While commendable, this unfortunately has pushed the game down the road already heavily trodden by every other FPS out there.

    As it is, PS 2 has reached a serious level of stagnation despite a new continent coming out soon. All this new land mass will do is add more base maps to play in a linear flow-chart like fashion with different dominant background colors. Devolving into a treadmill of never-ending base capture without even a hint of purpose.

    PS 2 is in a period of serious identity crisis. It doesn't know what it wants to be. The game touts a grand epic scale and yet focuses on small base combat consistently with plans for small unit challenges advertised on the PS2 site. Many of the ideas needed to foster epicness languish unrealized on the roadmap (or inside my head...lol).

    I still like playing with friends and I'm heavily invested in the game both in time and cash so I stick around. I still have hope that the game will turn ito something like it was originally advertised.

    Meanwhile, I'll be playing EUIV more often and RomeTW2 when it comes out in a few days.
  19. LT_Latency

    The point is to, Log in, shoot stuff, kill stuff and blow stuff up and have fun just like any other FPS.
  20. LordMondando

    What server you playing on?