ZOE max is still to powerfull

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Nocturnal, May 29, 2013.

  1. Ixidron

    MAXes should never move as fast as infantry or they stop being MAXes to become improved infantry, all that tactics are not a way to fight ZOE MAXes they are the way you fight normal MAXes and they don't work as good against ZOE, if you want to keep the mobility it should be reduced by half, and you should have a 2 second time penalty to turn ZOE on and off like TR and NC MAXes have when they use their abilities.
    Also, stop waving the pink glow banner as a viable argument, because that argument means nothing, MAXes are visible enough at any range, it doesn't matter if they glow or not.

    Anyway ZOE is going to get nerfed in GU10, that's a fact.
  2. Ixidron

    You know what gets us close to you too? charge, and it does it work a lot better than the shield, your MAX can move at infantry speed, if you have problems at killing an slow moving MAX with a maximum effective killing range of 10m you are doing it wrong.
    TR MAXes don't even move, I can kill them with my shotgun while they are completely helpless, lockdown is a ******* joke, being immobile in this game is a dead sentence.
  3. gigastar

    Well ive been having 20+ killstreaks when leading a platoon to hunt down a platoon of ghost cappers on Esamir.

    Mind you i was spending half the time shouting for engineers and transport.
  4. Fumblewatt

    Just remove VS SOE, rename the game to COD-BF:Auraxium Edition(start selling "I ZERGED Cr0wn" t-shirts, pretty sure 13th year olds would enjoy those")
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  5. DreamEvo

    So I guess that means we should get rid of weapons for the MAX because they're to OP. Quit complaining, its balanced. We take more damage at the cost of mobility.
  6. Van Dax

    The problem is that they give us two faction traits: no bulletdrop and more mobility.
    When is no bullet drop implemented? Not on the weapons that would benefit from it, It'd be like giving TR increased magazine size on their bolt actions we get no drop on our cqc infantry weapons, pretty much the only weapons in the game that benefit are the semi-auto snipers and battle/scout rifles also known as the weapons that are by far the least utilized-in the end a non existent trait.
    where is mobility applied? on our infantry? nope:
    AR + LMG + Carbine .75 ADS multiplier
    NC 2+0+0=2
    TR 1+0+2=3
    VS 1+2+0=3
    NS 1+1+1=3
    So we don't have a mobility advantage in infantry weapons ok how about tanks. Oh ok we are the slowest but with decent acceleration and a really slow strafe speed. So a marginal advantage, nobody else can strafe tank that's pretty neat.
    where else do we have mobility Oh ZOE? forget that the forums won't have it. What else do we have? nothing. We have the smallest amount of things that embody our faction traits because our enemies won't allow it.
    TR? sure you have your high mag size applied to Every single AR and carbine and nearly all of your LMGs (barring the MSW-R), Fire rate? On average higher good, we have one 750 RPM lmg and you have two. ARs its weird that you don't have the super ROF one but your average is higher, same with carbines. Tank is well obvious. Sniper rifles etc would be awful if they had your trait so be happy.
    NC? only 200 damage weapons so hard hitting slow firing check, tank same, you get a stock sniper rifle that is much better than our stock (though equalized if you spend certs or station cash).

    This is the frustrating thing about being Vanu, not that we're purple or that we're outnumbered. Its that our faction traits never apply when it actually benefits, and when it does? It will be nerfed.
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  7. OldMaster80

    The problem is ZOE made life of infantry impossible exactly like Lockdown made it for aircraft. VS Max takes more damage but this is compensated by higher mobility: if I can't hit you then your debuffed armor means nothing.
    It's almost impossible to survive or even escape in a face to face fight: your Max causes massive damage, it's very hard to hit and it can chase infantry easily. Ability can be toggled off at will giving it back the traditional Max armor.
    Before GU09 your Max was actually underpowered. Now one single skill completely turned the scenario upside down and made VS Max probably the best infantry unit of the game.

    I'm not for a removal, but that skill should at least have a cooldown. What really disappoints me is that devs were warned weeks ago that ZOE was not ready for live server. What's the purpose of this forum if our feedback is ignored?
    There is no way someone can convince me this is balanced. The guy in the video is a BR1.

    This is clearly unabalanced and it must be changed immediately.
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  8. Lyel

    I find it funny half the defenses on the ZOE max is "We take more damage. You are wrong."

    Dodging bullets negates that. Add onto that increased damage, and you have a more powerful max than before.

    See? same amount of math and logic used as these arguments.
  9. Lyel

    Because they are extremely situational.

    ZOE is NOT.
  10. Dytto

    Infantry can ADAD warp, ZOE can't, search on the forum.

    And the movie above is an old movie from the PTR.

    SOE don't read the forum because of all of you.
    Anyway they have all the stats, if ZOE is too strong they will nerf it, if you are too weak they won't. Problem solved
  11. FaLI3N

    Completely agree with Van Dax, why does every other faction get the bonuses of their faction trait whilst vanu gets the shaft?
  12. TheTreeness

    VS Max was never underpowered, it was underused because most didn't know its potential rivaled the TR/NC maxes. The ZOE exposure has shown the true power of the VS max.

    PTS has already nerfed the ZOE movement speed. There is also a transitional period now when changing strafing direction.
  13. Hagestol

    Mobility is the factional flavor of VS, just like more dakka is the TR one and OOMPH power is the NC one.

    You want to remove mobility from VS and leave them with a damage boost? That makes absolutely no sense.
  14. SolidSnake

    TR and VS made out like bandits with the Max buffs.

    Granted the VS needed a buff to their Maxes, giving them all this mobility was a bit too much. I think removing the armor reduction penalty and reducing mobility more would still give them a viable Max and it wouldn't be a souped up version of the HA class.

    Lockdown on the other hand has made defending bases a lot easier for TR. Bases with high points on which you can deploy, like towers and such, are a nightmare to rush due to the abundance of Fractures/NS Bursters.
    You pretty much can't bring air support to help take a TR base, they're shredded in seconds, it doesn't matter if they're Libs or ESFs. STRIKERS + Lockdown Bursters = no fly zone.

    Fractures are the best AV/AI weapons the TR have. Don't even bother equipping Mercies since you can more effectively kill infantry with dual Fractures AND you can decimate armor at the same time. Hell I was even hitting Liberators with them when defending a tower on my TR toon. While waiting for more enemy armor/sunderers to show up I was decimating infantry with them. Lockdown turns TR Maxes into NC Scatmaxes that can kill you at 100m in two blasts. At close range I need two hits from my Scatter Max to kill a player, one brings the shield down, two kills them, but I can only do this at close range. I was two-shoting players at 70m or so with them, and no this wasn't on the VR training room. I had my personal waypoint set to see how far I could hit vehicles with them. Yeah fun and lots of XP for me, not so much on the receiving end.

    I don't understand how they would allow weapons to be buffed up this much by Lockdown and not take into consideration the damage they can do even when not used for their intended purposes. Did we not unleash a million /cry4nerf threads about the Phoenix killing infantry but Fractures used in the same manner is acceptable?

    Meanwhile the NC got a glowing blue "kill me I can barely move" sign that lets us take a few more bullets/rockets while doing absolute jack for any of our weapons. Can we please stick to the faction traits? you stuck to them with ZOE/Lockdown, why not give the NC something similar to the ZOE that increases damage but also decreases accuracy or effective range? OR give us a shield like the HA that reduces a flat % damage for the duration rather than absorb damage. This way it increases our survivability without turning us into sitting ducks.
  15. SolidSnake

    That is supposed to be an NC trait isn't it? well can you point out to me where does the extra damage come from our Max buff? How is a stupid shield supposed to help me kill armor/aircraft faster? kill infantry at rangers longer than 10m without emptying two full extended clips of Scatter guns? We got next to nothing from this update. It's just like the Phoenix a fun little toy, but it's not worth using over other available weapons/abilities.
  16. Kozmyk

    VS have had the weakest MAX all along.
    Now that we have something competitive the enemy doesn't like it.
    ZOE is NOT uber!
    We still get ripped up by other MAXes.
    It wouldn't surprise me a bit to see us get nerfed though, that's been pretty par for the course for anything VS gets that works.
  17. loleator

    My oppinion on the matter:

    Its absurdly overpowered and an INSULT to the ability TR got, which also increases damage but makes you a sitting duck. (and no, an armor debuff coupled with insane speed coupled with instant switch makes you take less damage than standing still).

    The speed part needs to go. it will still be 10 times more OP than the TR ability, but at least infantry will have a chance. Also, TR ability is extremely situational, NC is situational, VS got the jack of all trades with ZOE, there's no need for them to cert charge. This is clearly unfair no matter how young or biased are people.

    All speed maxes should have is charge (which requires to wait between them and make proper use of it), not a permanent speed buff AND a damage buff. That is ridiculous.

    Maxes main drawback as always been speed. No max should get an ability that overcomes that main drawback. (and no, charge requires smart usage and has a long cooldown)
  18. SolidSnake

    That is supposed to be an NC trait isn't it? well can you point out to me where does the extra damage come from our Max buff? How is a stupid shield supposed to help me kill armor/aircraft faster? kill infantry at rangers longer than 10m without emptying two full extended clips of Scatter guns? We got next to nothing from this update. It's just like the Phoenix a fun little toy, but it's not worth using over other available weapons/abilities.
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  19. SolidSnake

    Fixed that for you.

    Ok, all of these "woe is me" posts on every single thread have me wondering. What exactly are all the nerfs that the VS are always getting hit with? The ones that come to mind were the Magrider nerf, which was needed, and even that they rolled back some and gave you guys some of the mobility again. Magriders aren't the beasts they used to be, climbing over impossible terrain for any other vehicles. They're still viable tanks so quit asking for the original Magrider you won't get it.

    What other avalanche of nerfs have the VS suffered? You guys got the small arms damage distance increased to go along with no bullet drop didn't you? The Lancer was pretty subpar but it got buffed didn't it? You can still instagib infantry with dual photon pods, faster than Breaker/Hellfire pods. Scythes are still the easiest to fly/maneuver aircraft. The Saron gun for Harassers can OHK infantry with more accuracy than a bolt action rifle and it doesn't need to be a headshot. I'm not even gonna go over the ZOE here. So again I ask, what are the myriad of nerfs the VS have suffered?

    Let's compare that to the NC, we had ONE, O N E, thing that was superior to both other factions' equivalent and that was the legendary Scatter Max. That ONE thing was enough to spill oceans of tears on these forums until it finally got nerfed. I'm not saying the nerf wasn't necessary just establishing a comparison. Oh and let's not forget the Phoenix launcher, which sucks against aircraft, has shorter range than any other launcher, but OMG it could kill infantry in one shot, we can't have a rocket launcher killing infantry so it was nerfed quicker than a lightning bolt.
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  20. Edenwolf

    Honestly big deal if ZOE makes you move faster, isn't one of the vanu traits mobility? Vanu will not accept the removal of speed, it sets us apart and makes us vanu, the only way I can see a fair trade is to have a charge mechanic similar to aegis shield, HA overshield or AI mana turret.