Latice system has destroyed your game!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OzDeaDMeaT, May 24, 2013.

  1. McFatal

    What server do you play on? I play on Mattherson, and while I can agree that this could happen and has happened before, the big fights that are going on typically stay in their lane the majority of the time.
  2. Vaphell

    ceres on friday. The other 2 continents were steamrolled by one faction at that time so it made for equally ****** gameplay.
  3. Hawkstorm

    I do agree that the new Lattice system is utterly borked thoiugh for different reasons.

    My main concern is that is just funnels people into a set path and removes all tactical or strategy out of the players hands as to where they can attack next, that said I do agree that back capping etc needed to go but the current lattice system needs some serious work so that only territory's on the front line can be capped and not just by one lone individual.

    Every ajoining Province should have a link to it not just one or 2 to specific places, they should be dynamic and change with the map according to rules set in place.

    Bigger battles doesn't mean BETTER battles in many cases it just spoils the gameplay.

    While like I've said I do think that its daft that one individual can cap a territory solo and things needed to change I certainly don't think lattice in its current form is anywhere near the right way to go.

    The other main problem is that when you push so many into one place the very game mechanics break down as well as any sence of balance, you can't balance a game 1v1 and 1000v1 and things still work.

    Tanks and planes cease to perform their function because of the incease in damage being directed at them, balance and performance and the game mechanics unravel the further they are pushed to the extemes and the design of the game should take this into account when implementing systems like this.

    And the new max changes need a serious look at too, Only the Vanu one is of any real practical use IMHO, Making any unit static in a pvp enviroment without giving it a huge defence buff is rather silly, in the same way I think as giving a shield you can deploy but do no dmg at all. While Vanu max's dance around with high mobility like its swan lake, AT weapons being used as uber grenades and Anti infantry weps, and many other elements of the game need to change to improve the gameplay.
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  4. TheDrone

    Why not admit that people have a multitude of opinions and tastes? Some people like yellow, other people like green. You may not understand why, but that doesn't make their opinion invalid.

    In stead of alienating many, many players we should strive to accommodate as many players as possible.

    Therefore PlanetSide 2 should feature BOTH game-modes. Lattice AND Hex.
  5. Spookydodger

    What server are you playing on? I haven't really had that problem on Waterson - Indar as VS. If I want to not get into a giant slug fest, I've found that fairly easy to do.

    I was in a squad of 12, and we felt like we were really getting bogged down in the big battles at the time. So as the base we were at was slowly getting taken over, we made a decision: we fell back and set up defenses at the next base in the chain. For a few minutes we waited, tensely, listening to the distant sounds of explosions getting louder. Then a sound of motors, light transports crested a ridge, travelling through the pass. The first couple exploded, sent skyhigh from the mines we had planted. A few swerved and careened, attempting to make their way through and were met by a hail of dumbire rockets, lances of light, and glowing balls of plasma. Then came heavy tanks and infantry. We lasted a while at the pass until the sheer wait of infantry made it impossible.

    By that time, people from the freshly taken base were starting to spawn at the base we were defending. Their numbers started to fill our own as we hunkered behind rocks, in gullies, and behind trees. Eventually we fell back another line, perhaps 100 meters away from the ridge. The TR were now firing down from the ridgeline, giving them a slight advantage, but no firer could last long atop the ridge due to the chokepoint. All it would have taken would have been some small unit, like ours, to circle around about 800 meters to the north or south, but most just doggedly poured through the kill zone.

    By that point, our scouts determined that the pass to the north, which held a TR controlled base near the biolab, was lightly defended. More importantly, it was near VS controlled Vanu Archives, and served as the shield to the TR right flank. Half of us grabbed tanks from that base and rolled up the flank of the TR skirmishers: a pair of prowlers and assorted infantry who were trying to do what we were doing... find a hole and make a different to the main push. Neither of us were now actually engaged with the mass of blood and fury that was happening in the pass, just a few hundred meters over a rock formation. We were engaged in our own struggle along the cliff face. We had a squad of coordinated individuals, though, and prevailed. As we came across the base, we laid down covering fire and intercepted the reinforcements for the pass-battle, allowing our main force to push forward.

    As they joined us, we moved forward to another base and waited. It wasn't along the lattice path, it was uncapturable by the enemy. However, it afforded a shielded area to strike out from to nearby NC forces that were pushing in on the area. Vanguards and Reavers flew past. We let the first few go by, then we sent our harassers and scythes to bait them. Equipped with afterburners and high speed. The tanks and planes took the bait, and pulled off from their main push towards the major conflict area. Through difficult tree and hill terrain, we fired on the units. Most pulled back and repaired, and others were taken down, but we bled off precious reinforcements for the NC push on our positions.

    I honestly couldn't tell you whether or not the 12 of us made a huge difference. I can tell you that maybe 7 of us talked, and were not really a part of any outfit together. We just decided to fight on our own terms and had a lot of fun while doing it while not getting bogged down in Hamburger Hill scenarios. And when it comes to the fight for fun, we won.
  6. ncAce

    Your attempt to make a bold statement only looks ignorant.

    " Either learn to adapt and overcome or fade into the background never to be heard of again."

    Considering how many players this game is losing I don't think the devs should be attempting to implement changes that alienate large player bases. You can adapt all you want but as this game continues to completely implode there soon won't be anyone left for your well adapted self to play against.
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  7. Spookydodger

    The only thing that truly breaks anything is the tactic of "focus fire". Focus fire turns an incautious player into a pile of good and a foolhardy tank into flaming wreckage in the blink of an eye. Cover and using distance fire effectively, however, can balance that. The problem before was that there were so few troops in most area that you never really had to deal with focused fire.

    I have found that I need to use my zoom much more than before. In situations where there is a lot of cover and a kill zone, then tanks have to take up the role of long-range artillery. I don't think the mechanics of the game break down, it's just that people have become used to a certain way of fighting and now fighting is alternating more between long range and close range. People are not mentally and cert-wise prepared for those sorts of battles. It will even out, I feel.

    No AV MAX weapons that I am aware of have a good amount of splash damage to call them a grenade-like weapon. The VS Comet kinda has decent splash damage, but on average you would have to hit the ground around an infantry like 8 times to kill one with weapons like the Fracture, Pounder, and Raven. So they become more psychological weapons, like the VS Lasher for the HA. Not so much killing power as "push back" power.

    I think that the TR MAX lockdown ability should give it a defensive buff at least against explosives, because remaining stationary against VS with Lancers is a 2 shot dead experience. Making the MAX armor buff against explosives also apply to direct damage weapons while locked down would probably work. In the meantime, it seems that great way to get around this would be to put an Engineer MANA AI turret in front of the MAX and let the MAX fire past it, but I haven't tried to do this, functionally, yet.

    Bear in mind during all of these changes is that the developers can only change so much at a time, and sometimes we need to wait a few paces to see where we are going, overall. Perhaps making certs earned from "sponsored test sessions" on the test server might do well to get a bigger population there for testing purposes and streamline this without having to use the live servers as guinea pigs and earning the wrath of people who don't read patch notes or roadmaps or any of the other sources for info.
  8. Rivenshield

    Funny how all of the OMG LATTICE IS TEH FAILURE threads sport more pro-lattice posts than anti.

    I hope to God the devs are paying attention to that, and don't wind up catering to a minority of whiners.
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  9. TheDrone

    You should look up argumentum ad populum. It would do you good, my friend!

    Wouldn't it be highly unfortunate if the devs caved to the whiners and rolled back the Lattice? Now how to prevent that, but also stop the pesky whining... Mmmh...

    Aha! Eureka!

    Why not both? Apparently the Lattice needs only a little polishing. Even more so when the developers no longer have to twist and bend the Lattice to wishes of the Hexers. So the developers could be free to further develop the Hex.

    How would that work? 2 Lattice continents, one Hex continent. Everyone happy. And future continents could then be voted upon which they will be.

    We should start to realize by now that we're arguing over something that is ultimately about taste. It's like arguing which color should be everyone's favorite color.
    Utterly pointless and we are sure to alienate more than a few people this way.

    A co-development would be better for everyone. It would fend of the game becoming stale and it would attract more players. Hundreds of games have more than one game-mode.
  10. r1stormrider

    they wont roll it back. if they do, they can kiss the vast majority of their ps1 vets goodbye and that'll be it. believe me when i say the vets are watching this very closely...
  11. S1eB

    I don't see the problem..

    Look at map, see bases that need taking or are being taken. Go defend or attack them.

    Same as before, you don't have to follow the yellow brick road. Anyway, since Lattice and GU09 I have had more fun and been in better, longer lasting battles than before it. All the changes being made have definitely improved the quality of the game and made the gameplay a lot better than it used to be. Apart form the OP weapon changes and imbalances that is.
  12. HMR85

    No, it wasn't a ignorant statement. It was the truth. Also, these changes are bring back members of our outfit that have all but given up on the game. Not to mention other members from others. I would say GU09 has breathed new life into the game for those of us who wanted more than battlefield on crack. The implementation of the lattice finally means we are seeing the beginning of the inc. meta game along with cont. capping and more. I don't see how anybody could be against this. The sad part about it is the best argument you naysayers can bring up is lack of choices which is BS. Nothing has changed minus the ghost capping which has been reduced drastically.
  13. Macchus

    please make sure you amend your proposal to have either a 2 hex to 1 lattice ratio or an equal 2 hex 2 lattice conts , even if that means we have to wait for a new cont to be introduced .
  14. Nirallus

    - You can't please everyone, and if you try, you'll usually end up pleasing no one.

    - Diversity for its own sake is rarely a healthy thing.

    - Not all controversies are a matter of subjective taste. One side is right, and the other side is wrong, full stop. Lattice is an entirely positive change, and a necessary (but not sufficient) step in making this game live up to its potential.
  15. TheDrone

    No one, literally no one is suggesting we should aim to please everyone.
    There are two distinct groups with two easily defined wishes.

    It doesn't matter if one side is wrong and the other side is right. CD's are objectively vastly superior to vinyl. Yet people still buy and use vinyl.
    And the concept of "right and wrong" only applies to a situation in which there is one measure of success. This simply isn't the case. Different people want different things out of the game.

    It's quite amazing how threatened people feel when confronted with the concept of not getting their way 100%. They'd rather see their little tribe gain a petty victory than see more people happy and the game better off for it.

    It is a simple fact that having the Hex AND the Lattice would be better for everyone.
  16. maxkeiser

    So YOU say. There are plenty of entirely valid negatives which evidently you are choosing to ignore or somehow have missed.
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  17. Crowne

    Having the enemy "funneled" is making it harder for you to ambush them?
    Having a more predictable flow and supply lines is making your "smart" fighting more difficult?
    I do not think it means what you think it means...

    Lattice isn't forcing Zergs. Constant zergs on hex maps. 30+ brave and valiant soldiers blasting tank shells at a single soldier inside a tiny spawn room. Zergetyzergzergzerg.

    No offense man but if you can't figure out how to use the Lattice system to your advantage with a "smaller" outfit, should you really be calling other people's brain power into question? I mean, from a logical standpoint, your 2+2 no go make 4.

    An awfully crude solution. I would be willing to bet that if you sit down in front of the lattice map, with your favorite beverage of choice... You will begin to see ways your outfit can find their niche. You guys will wind up making a much bigger difference on a lattice map than you ever did on a hex map.
    Maybe what you're looking for is more of a Rumsfeld style "Light Rapid Response Teams" rather than the more conventionally sized army with resource intensive, heavy deployments.
    A small band of determined fighters may not annihilate the larger army, but they can sure inflict time-consuming damage, shake their soldier's confidence in their leaders, leading to breakdown in command. Wage chaos.
  18. HadesR


  19. maxkeiser

    Good post. Perhaps some of these ideas could help to make the lattice workable.
  20. Teegeeack

    The lattice is just the next link on the continent Higby, the map of terrible game development. Planetside 2 is zerging itself to failure.
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