Latice system has destroyed your game!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OzDeaDMeaT, May 24, 2013.

  1. Lance007

    Fixed. ;)
  2. Vortigon

    The problem with most outfits in PS2 is they have no real knowledge of tactics/squad level ability - and the lattice system shows up the lack of tactics because they can no longer pick a relatively empty base, cap it and boast how cool they are.

    In PS1 outfits used to practice regularly at squad and platoon level for all types of situations, up to now PS2 outfits have not had to have this level of skill.

    It's time outfits stepped up and went back to the drawing board with their 'playbook' of skills and adapted to the new situation.

    There are many great outfits that have transferred PS1 organisation/tactical skills to PS2 and others should look and learn from them instead of moaning.
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  3. Alcatraz

    They have already mentioned they are in the works/discussing spec ops missions and objectives. This is one of the most highly integrated dev team with a community I have ever seen. I can understand frustration of not being able to feel like you have an impact because of the scale of battle, i.e. missing spec ops missions, but don't fret b/c we have devs that care about this game and have more passion than most.

    Also, lattice is great. It is just starting out so it will not be perfected but lets help find ways to improve it. I have had the most fun in this game since beta.

    Example of fun.. I joined a rando squad attackiing a base in Indar.. it was an intense battle, and we were pushing up to the walls of their base.. bullets flying.. we were barely surviving now. I was a medic, so that was intensely fun.. We could not seem to break there walls because of the towers and AA on the towers. I am part of a casual smaller outfit that specializes in AIR. I called on my outfit to bring two galaxies. We coordinated precise drops on their two rear towers to hack. destroy, and clear those towers. This was some of the most fun I have had, and it worked. It was a break in their defense with about 8 guys dropping inside each tower, dropping beacons and clearing them. Tactics are still tactics at the end of the day.
  4. iccle

    o rly, so plenty of people have found that lattice encourages ghosting and produces less action? I think not.
  5. maxkeiser

    Was playing Indar last night and saw plenty of ghost capping (for want of a better word). Personally had to go to clear the bases which were in the process of being ghost capped. Lattice has made little to no different in that regard.
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  6. Jex =TE=

    Let's hope SOE add more metagame to it, it really needs it and some bases like the ones pictured above would be awesome.

    With the bases, I don't know why they can't just experiment with a few and make them completely different to see how they play out. The game is still in alpha, they just changed to the lattice system so why not play around with some different base designs and see how they go before they make a final decision?

    Thirdly they need things between the bases, things to hide behind. I think they call it "cover"? Anyway some more of that would be great because battles between the bases can be awesome.
  7. Akashar

    I like Lattice, you can still chose big battles from small ones, it's rare to have a total locked front with 48+ everywhere. Good thing for me. :)
  8. maxkeiser

  9. Azrafar

    I just came back to PS2 after two months, and I feel the game is improved a lot since then. The lattice system is a nice addition, though I barely noticed it :rolleyes:. The only thing that was missing is ghost capping all over the place and thank the devs for that!
    I tought of new strategies and I wanted to share it with you....than I read the whole thread. Those who welcomed the lattice system probably figured out the same things. To those who hate it...well...try to do the research and thinking your self :D (though you probably won't).
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  10. Vanus Aran

    Stupid comparisation is stupid.
    Nowadays the life of most US-citizens is in danger whenever they leave the US due to arrogant and humandespising foreignpolitics.
    You think you can blow away the whole world? Lets try. Japans citizens dont gave it their all as well because if they had they had to abandon their homeland. But they didnt wanted.
    And who would have thought that the US would commit a warcrime back then?

    Too bad huh? Atomweapons arent legitimate weapon! Everyone thinking that should go into prison very fast!
    I pity US-citizens a bit. To be an american means to life in fear for the crimes of others and the own government.
    If you call this a victory, then you should search for mental help soon.
  11. Quovatis

    I love the new lattice. It forces bigger fights and less backhacks from 2 guys. I love the massive battles that we are now getting that was advertised for so long.

    That being said, there is still a lot missing from the metagame. There needs to be things a small squad can do like in PS1. We need to be able to blow the generator at a tech plant to disable the tech benefit, just like PS1. The generator needs to be in a room that is very defendable (again, like PS1).
  12. ShotMeTender

    Before last update, my main fun was to get Auraxium Medal on every weapon, not an easy things sometimes but, with Alloys Inc and Bio Labs i earned a considering experience about how to get quick kills in hot spots. This cuz big fights was still lead by Infantry and some Max here and there... Now, on EVERY CONTINENT but much more on Indar, the game has become: Vehicles spamming---> Max + Engi Group and for the same result, a lot of HE shells and cal.50 round Flying against everything shields walls turrets and whatelse... If u tried to make this game a bad copy of World Of Tanks and Robot Wars, u did it! Gz! Now people like me should learn a way to destroy Heavy Tanks with rifles to get a dammit achievement!
    From SoE Epic Fails, that's all folks!
  13. Aliasse

    ^ This is the only way to fix the current system.
  14. maxkeiser

    One way to fix it, perhaps.