List the best outfit on your server?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BH Brigade, May 8, 2013.

  1. Kunotron

    Oh wait! I do actually remember one outfit of the VS on Mattherson. BBRO. And the only reason I remember them is because I originally thought their outfits name was Bang Bros until someone corrected me and said it stood Band of Brothers.

    I still call them Bang Bros.
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  2. Sebastien

    Summer already?
  3. Fernator

    VS: IP & TAW5
    TR: 208th & 2CA
    When I see those tags I know a good fight is coming:)

    NC: FHM:p ( What do you mean biased? )
  4. Best AssassinAU

    Briggs: our outfits are no where near the size of the other servers because of our low population and we have alot of pubs who are only here for casual play

    VS: Trojan trolls - best outfit on the server and basically the VS' only hope as all the other outfits are either small or just spread all their forces everywhere so they don't accomplish much
    TR: R0bk - only one worth mentioning, IIW used to be good but are trash now
    NC: has no organisation and people are mentioning 41st Battalion is because they are the NC's biggest outfit
  5. sSie


    Honourable mention for VS=VVG & MAP
  6. PrimePriest

    If I hold my biased opinion on Woodman's best, glorious particular NC outfit.

    IP - deadly as hell
  7. MNO


    NC = FFS - great outfit. NCCT before they disbanded, 2CT (sp?)
    TR = Honestly no TR outfits jump out at me, maybe I just haven't been paying attention.
    VS = VVG, IP, MAP.
  8. Blashemer

    As much as I'd love to say "VS as a whole" for Mattherson, only one group really stands out in my mind. It isn't AT or TEST or Goku or BBRO or any of those silly outfits.

    It's these ****ers:

    Now VS in general typically put up a good fight, but DA don't. They don't like to let you fight back whilst they're killing you. Dangerous bunch.

    NC is a blob of disorganization right now, so it's hard to tell who is and isn't effective. I've heard of Sturm Grenadier, but don't know if I've fought them or not. No NC group has really put up a decent fight in a while. :confused:

    TR is surprisingly still alive, and is held up by TE, AOD, and BWC for the most part. TE for strict zerg ops, AOD for casual zerg ops, and BWC for the moderately strict, moderately casual, non-zerg ops.
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  9. LordMondando

    I'm allways a bit sad when I see these threads and dont see DL mentioned. That being said I content myself with the fact that we are mostly rapid reaction, and have allways had an emphasis for over a decade on making our presence felt if not necessarily seen, which is what comes of jumping around from battle to battle as needed. Allways space for growth and improvement on this front. Make no mistake. But i'd like to think for our size we have a descent impact on how the battle is going when we have our srs war face 'ops' hat on. Certainly proved that the other night when RPS's calling us disorganised prompted Emitz to pull a series of fairly fancy moves on the VS and TR.

    What I'd judge and outfit on, and why i'd say so much of the comment earlier in this thread was spot on, is that an outfit should be judged 'good'. If they make a impact thats pretty much divided by the resources at there disposal. I'd judge the outfit that successfully takes a SCU down with only two squads in a battle, far more effective and thus good, than the outfit that has 2 platoons to throw at an objective.

    That being said, Its nice to see WASP mentioned here. They are not the 'zerg' people think they are and Ulysees is arguably one of the better commanders you'll see on PS2, not just Miller.

    Well much to the detriment of /yell on Miller, myself and the rest of DL's psyops division, are working pretty anti-social hours at the moment. The magic and whimsy shall return to /yell on the NC side, I swear it.

    WASP are good, very good. However, its sad that in these threads the non-english speaking outfits rarely get a mention. IX and JNJ need to get mentioned here, LSD as well. All are very effective outfits.

    Its really hard though, given the amount of cross pollination between NCTO outfits thats going on at the moment (every outfit mentioned in this thread on the NC on Miller is NCTO), I'd say we are all dancing roughly around even. It also comes down a lot to how any one outfit performs on any given night. Given the NC outfits are generally smaller you'll rarely fight in a large battle against just one of us. Most of the time we are working in concert. I can't really go into much detail here, but if you see DL, theres a good chance ABTF and possibly WASP and FC are in the vicinity.

    Likewise, it must be one thing to fight 252, I promise you its quite another to actually experience the magic that is Edwardo. They appear to be stepping it up significantly in recent weeks.

    With TR, everyone knows BRTD, good guys and well lead. Likewise, since undergoing a smidgen of 'restructuring' GOON also need mentioning, you mention FU but also needing mention are OCB and SOV as well. The similar cross pollination thats coming from TRAM, which I imagine is functioning a lot like the NCTO and so whilst this makes them more effective. Given your often up against 2-3 outfits at a time, its harder to pick them apart. Yet again here its the non-english outfit MM that I think is whom's omission is deafening to me. A extremely effective fighting force and were some of the first people I'm aware of to really adapt the max crash to a heavily defended biolab successfully.

    With VS, also hard. Part of the issue here is that they are pretty underpopulated on Miller the last few months for various reasons. DWG, ISK, MDK, DIG and indeed UBAD are all highly competent outfits. But for the prize its got to be basti's VC. I've seen them pull some really innovative tactics in the past (such as a charge of gatecrasher sundies almost taking heavily defended AMP station) which gained them my admiration.
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  10. Epoch/Eep

    The NC notices you mate :)

    I think thats what matters.
    I clearly see an absence of outfits who i've run into who are a nightmare to fight against with an organised squad nevermind randoms. It makes me wonder what game people are playing :)

    Strangely enough its vanu posters who seem off the mark. Maybe they only run into back hacking defence forces. :)
  11. FinnSimmons

    I have yet to see a good outfit on Cobalt. There is some with decent game play but most are just zergherding around the map. Looking at OWND and TRID here. Not saying they don't have some Good players.
    NC is more or less incapable on Cobalt. Without their new toys (ESRL for HA and their new AV MAX weapon) they'd be toast in those few situations where they can shine. Mostly wrecking vehicles from a safe distance.
    TR is trying but failing because they are spread out over so many smaller Outfits.
  12. Niller

    I love WDUH (TR) on Ceres, good for farming kills :p

    And IPT (TR), even though they a lolpodding infantry all day, they still tried to cap Amerish, while nobody else would (before the merges) trying to get some good fights in other locations than indarside.

    I have no idea what XMAN (VS) are doing, i just see them randomly, scattered around the place.

    These are some of the larger outfits i remember from Ceres.
  13. Niller

    Can i join?
  14. Flag

    We're mainly known for having BASTI in the outfit?!?!??!?!

    Oh dear dear oh dear oh deary me.
  15. RazerKilll

  16. Jaxxx

    My personal opinion on Mattherson :

    TR : Black Widow Company and Honeybadgers always bring the good fight

    NC : LowTaxLowEffort and Sturngrenadiers are always are up for the good fight as well

    VS: I will abstain because I do believe my outfit is the best but it would show a biased opinion.
    Although I will give a shout out to RaaaageQuit, GOTR, BBRO, AT, and the V404 whom we more often than not find ourselves attacking the same bases together, Im sure I missed a few others.. sorry guys...
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  17. LordMondando

    I think you took that the wrong way a wee bit. Your mainly known to me for being the guys who made a massive effort to deploy innovative tactics in the face of superior numbers, fairly consistently for months. Basti's just the one guy I know thats involved with your command structure (am I right here?).
  18. InZanity

    I really like that these threads always end up being a smackfest..
    TR: BRTD and SoV (ofc)
    VS: ISK (the only one i remember the tag of)
    NC: 252s
  19. HellionX

    Well what can I say J. Ya I don't have a huge K/D ratio. Here is some interesting stats.


    Facilities Captured 916
    Facilities Defended 2395

    MAX Kills w hacksaw only 3379


    Facilities Captured 2165
    Facilities Defended 1631

    MAX Kills TOTAL Including all guns Anti air anti infantry and anti armour and punching: 173

    So it looks like you may be a bio lab kill farmer. Where I am trying to capture bases and advance my empire. Also I'm on foot 90% of the time. Not a reaver or vanguard kill *****. Let me ask everyone else who they would rather have on their team?

    PS: Most people agree K/D ratio is worthless. oops!
  20. Sam the sheepdog

    Well this thread was fun for a bit, and I enjoyed reading the consensus on outfits.

    People should really stop flaming it cuz it's gonna get shut down. Thanks :)
    (not just you, but you're the only one on the page I have up)