VS MAX ZOE: Boycott

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Siveon, Apr 13, 2013.

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  1. Village

    Can someone please explain to me what the heck ZOE is, and where i can get it? No clue whats going on.
  2. Prodigal

    Originally Zoe is an ancient greek word and means Life.
  3. Dragonblood

    Vanu guys hate the not yet released VS Max ability, although it's not even sure, what exactly that ability will be.
  4. Shockwave44

    You don't need to test something to know how it will turn out. It's like stopping a bad movie script in is tracks before it goes into production.
  5. Shockwave44


    VS MAXes had jump jets in PS1 and only the VS. Do some research first.
  6. PLooschacK

    Maybe for a change you will act reasonable and at least wait for the thing to be released? personally, I look forward to ZOE. I think it will suit dual Comet \ Buraster. This applies to both type of whiners - the way it works and the way it's gonna look.
  7. Fumblewatt

    Damn, no more lazy mode for VS engies repairing crabmen, sprint sprint and sprint, TR engies will up their lazyness though, so they would probably need to stop eating carbs, just a tip!
  8. Darlith

    Actually the main TR doctrine from PS1 was "More projectiles/guns + sometimes speed" Their tank was a dual barreled monster with a dual chaingun as a secondary, their sundy variant was had 4 recoilless cannons, their attack buggy had a spam grenade launcher with chaingun secondary. The tank and buggy were the fastest in game as I recall, their maxes had overdrive to increase fire rate, or lockdown to greatly increase firerate at the expense of movement, their AI max was a double chaingun, their AV was a double spam grenade launcher, AA was dual flax cannons with high rate of fire. Their infantry weapons put out a lot of bullets at fast rates, AV launched a series of rockets. It was all about putting the most shells/bullets/grenades downrange.

    NC was about tank and power per shot. Their tank had more durability and the biggest cannon in game combined with a heavy recoilless cannon as secondary, the buggy had comparible armor to a lightning as I recall, and a heavy damage rocket launcher, the sundy variant had a pair of guass cannons. Tank and buggy were slowest in game, maxes had a shield to absorb damage during reload, AI max had shotgun arm, AV had a heavy damage rocketlauncher, AA was lock-on rockets with high damage. Infantry weapons were the highest damage per shot rifle in game and a shotgun that could pump out 3 rounds at once for extreme damage, AV put out a single high damage camera guided rocket. It was all about putting as much damage into individual shots as possible.

    The VS were odd, overall their doctrine was mostly "Flexibility, and Mobility + accuracy." Their tank strafed and could pull off some fun manauvers as could their buggy, their sundy variant had plasma mortars. Tank and buggy were still pretty quick, faster if you abused the strafe mechanic. Their max flew to get to places other people could only dream of, AI had a laser gun that could swap from AP to AI modes (a common feature on the VS weapons), AV was as I remember plasma cannon that made vehicles take damage after the hit, AA was a different style lock on plasma ball. Infantry had the ultimate suppression weapon of the Lasher and the highly flexible pulsar. They also had arguably the best accuracy on their rifle for ranges, combined with the ability to swap modes from AP to regular ammo with a click added flexibility, AV was a sniper perfect aim laser cannon (charge up took getting used to).
  9. XRIST0

    Know that mate , but this is not ps1 . We cant have VS max's flying everywhere , they would dominate and unbalance the game .
  10. Salganos

    Suddenly, I want a laser sword, so I can run into rooms screaming my head off as a giant purple crab samurai.

    Maybe its just because the current MAX melee attack isn't very useful, and I've come to appreciate the ability to stab people due to using a Lasher.
  11. Shockwave44

    Who are you to decide that and what does this not being PS1 have anything to do with jumpjets? I guess you'll need to tell hibgy that anything that was in PS1 cannot be in S2.

    Besides, they are jump jets, not an airplane.
  12. Salganos

    The current speed-boost utility actually seems like the sort of thing that would fit the VS, provided it weren't designed like crap.

    By which I mean if it could be properly cancelled, didn't take forever to recharge (proper cancellation would improve that already), and if it could be used offensively, such as meleeing out of it being deadly to the target (and capable of hitting that target too, unlike the current melee attack).
  13. XRIST0

    Can ask you the same thing ..

    Its not an option obviously , there has been no word about jump jets for VS max's and there probably wont be .. For planetside 2 it would just be rediculous .

    How would you feel if TR max's had jump jets and the VS max had lock down ?
  14. Cryptek

    the only reason given was that it would encroach on Light assaults ability... Flying MAXes are less of an issue than certain whiners would make it out to be.

    However, this is planetside 2 so I guess the real reason is:
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  15. XRIST0

    Care to explain why ? everyone would be spawning flying max's :rolleyes:

    Has nothing to with fun , more about the balance between all 3 factions .
  16. Cryptek

    And then they would die and have a 10 minute cooldown ;)

    MAXes need support to function, and unlike a light assault they can't bring a shotgun with them to clear out the point, or silencers to make sure people don't know where they're being shot at from. (said LA are also expendable because they don't have a cooldown)

    The only thing flying MAXes would succeed at would be really annoying (and fun), as they fly around, hoping no one notices the fact that they're blotting out the sun. Personally I'd be more worried about the A-hole LA with a pump action :p

    Ask yourself, how often does a LA get the jump on a group of people and murder them all with his carbine?.. not that often, with a shotgun? sure, but this isn't the ScatMax, it's the VS MAX.

    Just because they're flying, doesn't mean they stop being a huge, easy to hit target, and they wouldn't be able to the hit the broad side of a barn while flying either, so they have to land.

    And any worry that people would make a huge, flying MAX crash: How is that different from a huge MAX crash using charge? They both get you to the place you want to charge.
  17. Ev3ntHorizon

    Erm actually no. The emission is not purely laser light, when you introduce ION or plasma you get recoil, not a lot but you do, NASA use the effect in its ION drive tech already deployed on a few space probes as the main drive
  18. Klondik3

    Wish NC would get ZOE. It would fit perfectly with the shotgun max. Far better than stupid riot shield :(
  19. voody

    Not going to judge the thing before I have tested it (and seen the TR and NC abilities in action) but I have to say that I already feel slightly concerned about the balance. Lower damage mitigation, less HP or anything less survivability really is going to be something that's hard to make up for. MAX units aren't really durable as it is and somehow I have this scenario in my head where I meet a ScatMAX and pop my ZOE, which he (partly?) tanks with his shield and then one-shots me because I have half my base HP. A blatant exaggeration most likely. We'll have to see and I hope I am completely wrong.

    That being said, a hover mode which generally increases movement a bit and gives us the ability to strafe left-right without (or little) loss of momentum would have been more to my liking. It also would have been more in line with the Magrider. Seeing how the NC MAX gets a Vanguard'ish shield and the TR MAX a Prowler'ish lockdown mode one could have thought something related to hover or anti-grav technology would be the first thing a design team would think about when it has to come up with a new ability for the VS MAX.
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  20. Marinealver

    Nice but the TR vehicles had more armor to include the Raider which had more armor than the Thunderer. There was sort of a formula the more gunners or passengers the more armor that vehicle had to have. The more armor the slower the vehicle was. So while the Raider with 4 gunners (gunners had more armor over passengers) had more HP than a Thunderer the Thunderer had slightly faster speed.

    As for the VS accuracy you could say but everyone knows better accuracy gives you an advantage at range. That is what many Magriders tend to do, become sniper tanks.
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