What is the purpose of a visible tankmine??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dvine, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. hostilechild

    Right now mines are broken/useless.

    Once they make it so mines can not be shot/exploded but only "disarmed" by an engineer then they will be useful again to some extend. You can have a few engineers place a field and the drivers have to get out to disarm them or have mineguard to get past. Area of denial. When they get out you can shoot them. Although a couple strikers would be 10x more effective than a few mines.

    Much preferred invisible mines but reducing the damage so each mine would only to say 20-25% damage to a vehicle without mineguard and one with would be pretty much untouched.

    SOE always takes the easy way out rarely the smart way.
  2. Ruxty

    I hope those defending tank mines in their current state fight as hard for other OHK tactics such as shotguns, explosives rounds from tanks on infantry etc. I mean, don't we deserve a fighting chance too? As an infantry running on the ground, if a tank rolls up behind me and one shots me, that's unfair. Tanks should have huge buzzers saying when they are rolling up so as an infantry I get a chance to hide. Also, shotgunners should have a huge beep every second so we know when they are nearby. Nobody should be able to OHK me with a shotgun when I am lurking and playing carefully. There should be a warning so I can spot them and take them out.

    This is exactly the logic those defending the changes to tank mines are using. It's a one hit kill (note: you actually need two shots at least to take down MBT / Sunderers) and it's not like you couldn't spot them at all. I've blown up plenty of AT mines myself because I was careful and sometimes shoot indiscriminately on the ground where I suspect there are mines when I drive a tank. If you didn't notice it and get blown up, tough luck. Just like if you didn't notice the shotgunner or tank who blew you from behind in one hit, that's tough luck.
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  3. Ruxty

    When you do this, the first two mines despawns. You can try it out yourself.
  4. Dvine

  5. Jex =TE=

    I think all products made by SOE for this game should be prefaced with "Whine"

    So we now have

    SOE should release Cheese as the next weapon. We can put it on the pizza mines.
  6. Dvine

    Im thinking this, but it would shot marshmellows because we dont want people getting hurt in a war..
  7. Aphotic

    @Dvine You're right. I actually went to edit my post admitting that I was wrong about the number available, and honestly I deserve any **** that I get because I know better than to make statements early in the morning when I've been at work all night. /shame
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  8. Dvine

    Hmmm! Wow! I salute you dude! Way to go!
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  9. Nenarch

    Visible tank mines wth... they should be only visible to NS/EV visions.. If your too stupid to equip those on your rifle or tank.. then it your own risk to die to them.
  10. bobzebrick

    Nerfing tank mines this hard was pretty stupid. I had managed to spot and avoid some before the patch and they have a counter that is easily certed, mineguard. Yet C4 is way more powerful, way smaller and has no counter. It's pretty stupid, these mines should at least OHK all vehicles now or I want my certs back. Anyone stupid enough to drive on one deserves it.
  11. Zaik

    i suppose you think it was better when mines were literally invisible to vehicle drivers? basically get mineguard on everything or be a free kill completely randomly and entirely out of your control.
  12. Fenrisk

    Mines were not invisible. You could see them from 50 meters away if you bothered watching the road. Mines also show up bright orange in thermal vision and if your sunderer has bulldogs you can spam the road ahead to blow up any mines. Then you have mineguard which makes mines a non issue when you run over 2 or 3 in your path. Most organised outfits use all of them tactics and never EVER get blown by mines on a road.

    Mines on a road were not a problem for ANYONE other then NOOBS. Now any idiot who isn't short sighted can see the PIZZA mines from 200 meters away.

    What next? Make players 3 times as big with glowing heads so no one gets caught off guard? It's exactly that they did to mines in terms of gameplay value.
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  13. FABIIK

    But randomly is a bit of a stretch. Engineers usually dont place their mines randomly...
    ex: you run over AT mines in front of the spawn room in an Amp station ? bad luck has nothing to do with it. ;)
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  14. yama

    Might as well replace the new mines with exploding tank barriers. At least we would not have to pretend any more.
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  15. pada0

    Just be clever in mine placement. One of a good spot that does not reduce the effectiveness after the nerf is to place the AT mine at the top of an incline. Absolute no way to spot the mines when climbing up the incline.
  16. Advanced Darkness

    no kidding man. A combat engineer in PS1 was a dangerous guy. Now we're relegated to being repair drones and if any explosive we use kills anyone ..well that needs to be nerfed because it killed someone. On the other hand all guns (sarcasm) are shot guns and they 1 shot kill you and from farther distances than you think should be possible.

    I dont have Spifire (or any variation of) turrets, we lost nanite technology so i can only deploy what i can carry ( this is the future), i cant hack AND be an engineer ( like you used to), i cant be an infiltrator AND an engineer (like you used to), I cant modify base turrets and increase their ground or air effectiveness ( like you used to) but i can drop a pack of ammo , repair you until my gun catches fire, and i can make a turret that i have to man until i get shot in the head.

    Didnt mention mines because i guess using them is cheap, taboo or unfair in a war video game but 1 shot shotguns are no prob.
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  17. Zaik

    wrong. you could see them from 50 meters away when outside your vehicle. they didn't render until maybe 5-10m inside one, and realistically you wouldn't be able to do anything about it unless you were putting along at 15kph.

    they also CONSTANTLY fell through the ground and operated perfectly fine but were completely invisible.
  18. kungflu

    placements are very limited when flora and shadows can be turned off in settings
    i still do get kills from tank mines though, but i hate it when an infantry passes by shooting at it because it's taunting to be shot at
  19. Nogrim313

    blockade blocks C4 damage....
  20. Advanced Darkness

    In 2013 you cant see mines...in the yr 2600 whatever aka the future, you can see mines..thats why its called the future. ;)