New explosion noise when JJ with light assault!

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by SharpeShooter, Apr 18, 2013.

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  1. UberBonisseur

    LA needs 700 certs to be used properly
  2. Aegie

    Okay, so I suppose you think it is perfectly fine for certain classes to earn rewards at 15-25% greater rates than others.

    LA does not suck- LA is underplayed and under-rewarded. Forumside sucks because thanks to Forumside warriors we have nerfs for one of the least used and least rewarding classes to play. If the sound change has the intended effect of making LAs more obvious then we can only expect the disparities between LA and the other classes to increase.

    Guess I will switch to HA or Engineer like everyone else- sounds like fun.
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  3. Posse

    Maybe they did this not because of a nerf logic but for other reasons, maybe they considered it was ridiculous how silent it was before, I don't remember right now, and I'll definitely check how much noise it makes after this update as soon as I can.

    The problem is, what buffs can you give the LA to make it as rewarding as the other classes that won't make it OP? That's why I think they should just remake the class from scratch.
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  4. Niller

    It's not worth saying that the LA noise is a bit extreme, when the majority of people play HA, they don't like getting flanked. I say, get out of that goddamned tunnel vision and keep the finger of F/M1 for a second, and look around.
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  5. Aegie

    At this point, I would say they could buff LA by rolling back the ridiculous sound effect change- it was not OP before.
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  6. VSDerp

    i don't play LA at all but the new sounds sound awesome.
  7. FnkyTwn

    Of course they increased the sound of ESFs as well right?

    It wouldn't make any sense to have tiny little jetpacks that
    sound like jets, while the ESFs sound like hummingbirds?
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  8. TheBillOf3D

    I don't play LA but I think I'm against this change. How hard is it to look up from time to time? I've managed to kill LA as they try to drop c4 on my max. I've killed them as an engie when they tried to drop C4 on a max I was helping. The sound would make this too easy.
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  9. DeltaGun

    I like the new sounds. It was ridiculous how ninja-like quiet they were before, plus the sounds are just plain cool.
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  10. Alesteex

    Because not everyone plays for points. A lot of people play for FUN. And it's not fun to stick and hold your glue gun at someone over and over again. I'd rather be blowing someone's brains out or narrowly escaping death (more likely embracing it lol). I don't even pay attention to certs really. I also think it's okay because a character isn't glued to one class. If I want to have more fun I can pull a class that is more thrilling, like HA or LA. If I want to earn more points I can pull a medic or an engineer. They're giving up fun to heal or give me ammo. I don't care if they get more points than me in the long run for it.

    What do you get for killing a target? Satisfaction.

    What do you get for capping a base? Victory and more satisfaction.
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  11. Sweet Jackal

    First off, for other players this change will change very little. In a Bio Lab fight players will have trouble hearing the jetpack over the gunfire and explosives all around them. They will have their own LA's jetting about overhead to add more white noise. This change will not affect your ability to be unnoticed in large fights by abusing the vertical element and providing means of flanking.

    What this will change is the one LA jetting about on his own away from a battle. Without gunfire around someone will have an easily noticeable audio queue that you are around when you fly.

    So, this doesn't affect the LA that jets over the wall in the middle of a fight to flank a group. This change does affect the lone LA that jets over the wall trying to sneak by defenders preparing for an assault. In terms of the scope of the impact on this change, only time will tell.

    However, the sound shouldn't be obnoxious to the user. Said sound should be designed with feathering the jets in mind as that is something skilled players use to manage their fuel. Right now, it isn't.
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  12. Aegie

    Some good points but I still do not see why we should trade fun for certs- you mention HA being a fun class and they have 15% better cert gain than LA, are used by 2x the number of people and yet LA get the nerf.

    Not to mention how ******* annoying the new explosions are going to be when you hear them constantly while playing LA.
  13. GSZenith

    and then i camped a tower 37-0 20min and then got bored cos no challenge.
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  14. Aegie

    Good for you- 37 idiots did not look up towards one of the most obvious places for a LA to be positioned. A position, btw, that anyone with a squad beacon or squad deploy can get to with a relatively small amount of effort- you know and then be there with things like infinite ammo or OHK infinite ammo turrets, OHK medium range bolt actions and cloak, shields and rocket launchers, self-heal...

    Of course, with 37 kills I am wondering what loadout gives you enough ammo to accomplish that task.
  15. Hagestol

    My outfit is talking about disbanding the LA special division because of the sound. I've already been expected quite a few times today, fighting at hills, seeing a radar blip, jetpacking over a rock and bam. Gun in my face.

    I've said it before and it seems that after confirming it on TC, it is confirmed on live. The flanking advantage is negated by the noise.

    I dislike using this language but - this sucks.
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  16. crazyoldfart

    My thoughts exactly.
  17. Sysagent

    It's ridiculous... The sound doesn't even activate when you press the spacebar, there is a slight delay, which is even more annoying than the pointless noise.

    Seriously this is probably one of the worst things to happen to the game, it makes the Light Assault class a joke, but the thing is, it's not funny.
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  18. GSZenith

    was sitting at the lower ring just above the flight terms and taking some ammo from the burster maxs boxs when needed :) stock LA forever.
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  19. Aegie

    Oh, I think I know where you are talking about- do you realize how easy it is for any class to get there? You really do not need to be LA for that- you can just as easily be an Engineer and not have to move to keep infinite ammo.
  20. GSZenith

    right gonna go to the second ring next time then.
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