Most OP Weapons or Vehicles in the Game - 1 from each faction: Bring the Nerf Bat.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname6587, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. Badname6587

    TR: 1. Striker: 5 missiles that can hit AIR and Land at immense range with nublock. Crazy OP. Every TR with their moms debit card has one... this should clue you in right away how OP it is. Honorable mention: Mossy, Prowler, T9 Carv, Blackjack

    Vanu: 2. Scythe - Sleek frame design, ability to hover for days, nimble, faster than a reaver. There is a reason why the average score/hr on the scythe is ~ 15% higher than a reaver. 6000 to 6900 ish. ESFs shouldnt have that big of a discrepency and it really has nothing to do with the weaponry that is equipped rather the mechanics of the vehicle. Honorable mention: Orion, Vagrider, Phobos, Lancer

    General: 3. AV Turrets : Frankly - Engineers should not have rocket launchers period. They are a support class that shouldnt be able to take down armor at range. Tank mines ok... rockets, no. Honorable Mention: C4, Lock on Rocket Launchers from Infantry.

    NC: 4. Hacksaw : Too easy to use, despite the current nerf, Id rather they just got rid of this weapon and made the nc use scat cannons and not just hold down left click to win. At least make them click and adjust the aiming rectical on the fly. Its harder using the scat cannon than the hack... marginally, but it is definitely harder. Honorable mention: Saw, Phoenix
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  2. Bill Hicks

    the engie turret could use a range nerf

    I love dohnuts but I hate the ones with too much cream in the middle.
  3. phungus420

    Most OP thing is the sunderer, and it's not even close. The sunderer isn't even on your list, yet nothing else even comes close to being as ridiculously OP as an AMS sundee...

    According to Score Per Hour stats the MAX, for all factions is also severely overpowered. Makes sense because it is simultaneously the best thing to use to kill infantry, is deployable everywhere, and can be reequiped at any infantry terminal to be the most poerful anti air platform in the game - all while being revivable and having the same cost as a single piece of C4. The MAX also isn't on your list...

    You have no idea what OP is.
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  4. Hibiki54

    None to really mention. Although I am an advocate on nerfing pump actions that can 1HK doubled shielded HAs with Nano 5.
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  5. VanuSovereignty

    How about no. And are you seriously calling the phobos imbalanced compared to the other pump actions? If you truly think so then you are a fool who ignores the weapon statistics.
  6. Onetoo

    I don't think that there are really any OP weapons/vehicles left in PS2 right now.

    Honestly, I think there are more things that need to be buffed, than nerfed at this point. Example: Light PPA for Scythe and Magrider are a complete joke compared to all other options.

    GU07 sounds like it will fix a few of the other under performing weapons that could use some love: Scout rifles, some max weapons, and battle rifles. I would recommend the Beamer getting a small buff, but I really don't see that happening since new pistols are being released soon.
  7. FreelancePanic

    Sorry OP, your post is full of CryAboutWhatKilledYouSide 2. Phobos more OP than the others? Really?
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  8. Joram

    Let me guess, you play NC right? the TR and VS PA shotguns are op, but the NC ones that are exactly the same are not... ok

    If i had to say something is op i can only think about Hacksaws vs other Max and is not that bad if you have kinetic armor. Something i dont like is the wraith flash + fury, is the new automatic LA + full auto shotgun combo, suicide runs to get 3+ free kills in a lot of situations, i dont think is op... just kind of a stupid design, doesnt make sense to me give a cloak ability to a guy with a granade launcher.
  9. LonelyTerran

    The Carv is horrid after the nerfs

    TR-Flash Weapons-TRV(Maybe) Blackjack/Uppercut
    NC-Flash Weapons-God Saw/GD-7F/Hacksaw/Mattocks/Scattercannons/Falcons/Claw/Phoenix
    VS-Magrider Saron HRB/Scythe Weapons-VX6-7/Orion/Phobos/Demos
  10. Herrick

    I still use the skep and grounder despite having over 2k smedlysheckles left. They actually hit stuff.
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  11. Badname6587

    Sunderer is OP? It costs 400 mech points. You must be kidding - fine it is terribly armored - but it is also one giant *** target which everyone wants to destroy as quickly as possible. The sunderer is correctly balanced. I do agree that a Max should cost more inf. resources, but not a crazy amount. I think 150 or 175 is fair. However is the max OP in comparison to other vehicles the answer is no. Any ESF 1v1 should never die to a solo max or even 2. The max is a deterrent for ESFs and really, they should be the only infantry/max based deterrant to ESFs. Lock on Rockets from infantry should not have the range that they currently do. I think the problem is mostly with these when it comes to balancing since as it stands almost every other heavy now has some form of a guided or lock on rocket launcher that rips up ESFs. Infantry alone should not be proficient versus planes. They shouldnt be absolutely gimped, but they should be semi-ineffective. Vehicles dont have enormous problems with the Max, tanks typically nicely trump maxes, while planes trump tanks. Infantry can get chewed up by maxes, but they should by design. There are stupid ways of taking on a max and smart ways. The higher leveled players are pretty adept with killing maxes, lower level nubs tend to just run right at them and feed the beast. Its kind of like shooting your nub saw at a liberator. Eventually you are just gonna get pwned.
  12. Badname6587

    All of the pump action shotguns are OP. Phobos, Claw, Uppercut and now the new ones as well. I dont mind the current damage, make the reload times significantly higher. You should have to pay for that obscene upfront damage burst.
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  13. Herrick

    Goat you can't make weapons "semi-ineffective", not with the current gameplay. If something ceases to be reliable for generating XP people simply won't use it. Then it just becomes completely useless and when those are paid unlocks that is when people get jaded and leave.

    Until the XP model is changed from tracking individual actions to instead granting XP for total contribution at the end of a battle ala PS1 people are only going to rate tools on their solo killing power and nothing else.
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  14. Poacher

    Thank goodness the devs tend to ignore blanket nerf posts like this. They play the game as well and are aware of the real issues. Developers also know whiners that routinely get spanked tend to cry the loudest rather than change their play style to overcome their deficiencies.
  15. Badname6587

    You cant make everything effective against everything. You need to draw lines in the sand - IE: Infantry should not be terribly effective against air. As it stands right now, without spending any resources Infantry with a striker is on par with a max and a dual burster versus air. It shoudnt be on the level of the burster max, it should not have the range it does. People will still buy it because it locks 5 rockets on air and ground. Right now it is uber easy god mode... worse than the Phoenix pre-nerf because basically it eliminates the need for having set anti-air personnel in your platoons. You already have a functioning OP weapon that can lock both air and ground. No need to specialize or have any strategy.
  16. Badname6587

    I think a consensus can be found on the 4 items I listed as most OP.

    Do you discount that the striker is OP and shouldnt be modified? The Phoenix was modified. I guess the devs didnt listen to the community.
    Do you discount that the scythe holds a significant advantage on the reaver? Have vehicles been brought back to the pack before? Nah... I guess Im dreaming.
    Do you agree that the Hacksaw is fundamentally too easy to use in biolabs versus other factions CQC max weapons? - they did nerf this once already - so obviously they did listen to the community. I do think its slightly OP still- the automatic weapon part of it makes it a tad overpowered still. I think all of the other cannons are balanced fine after the nerf.

    AV turrets? I dont know anyone that actually likes them because they are so cheesy... engies with rockets? dumb idea. They make vehicles so less sexy to use.

    I guess you want a game that constantly pumps out better and better weapons each week to the point where everything is eventually 1 shot kill and we can all get our godmode on dukenukem cornholio style.
  17. f0d

    why the scythe and not the mosquito? the mozzie has close to the same agility as the scythe but can go faster
    and i have never had any issues with strikers (phoenix's are more of a problem imo)

    either way i dont want to see any of the listed things nerfed - we have already nerfed the game into oblivion
  18. Covah

    Wow, this thread is some serious pile of ****.
  19. LordMondando

    The most OP thing is moaning.
  20. gigastar

    Well youre the first person ive ever seen to whine about the VX6-7.

    So share with us, why is it OP?