Most OP Weapons or Vehicles in the Game - 1 from each faction: Bring the Nerf Bat.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname6587, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. BarxBaron

    I agree with your post.

    I'll admit I haven't tried them others in real combat but from what I can tell in VR the mossie rotary is the worst of the pack....also I believe stats will account to this. ESFs are fairly balanced IMO when you take some of the weapons into effect...especially since only NC has a secondary close-range AA weapon in the airhammer. No other facs have that.

    I dare NC players to try and take a mossie-banshee for a spin in the
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  2. siddar

    I don't know why they haven't used Phoenix missile as template for engineer AV turret yet. Keep current AV turret guidance but use Phoenix stats for everything else. 300 max range, cant one shot infantry, can be shot down, slow travel speed. Maybe cut armor damage to 1500 instead of Phoenix's 2000.

    The above would fix most problems people have with engineer AV turret.

    I also prefer my donuts with no cream filling as well I like chocolate glaze on top.
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  3. Prodigal

    Or just irony.
  4. Vikarius

    Nerf the scythe? hahaha
    Only reason reaver has less score/hr is because most of them Mustang AH people rather then try to rocketpod sundies and tanks like Scythes are always doing.

    This is why those dumb graphs and sheets that are released are completely meaningless and only contain partial information, and the only part that could possibly fit to their opinion.

    lol.... I agree they should completely remove lockons from the game period. I don't want to see it *nerfed* however since people did pay for it. What it should be is *changed* into something else completely.

    The engi AV turret is predominantly the most over-tuned AV weapon in the game right now. It desperately needs a resource cost, and probably even a cooldown.

    Pump actions? Yea. if All of these classes are getting the ability to just easy mode 1 shot. Then there is no reason why infiltrators cannot have access to the non-PA shotguns. Fair is Fair.

    Heavy Assault? Rocket launchers should not be able to be resupplied at ammo packs. Ammo packs are field ammo supplies. They should only contains small arms magazines. If they do not contains grenades, c4, or even AT/AI mines they damn well sure shouldn't contain rocket ammo.
    Class shields should be split. NMG should ONLY absorb explosive damage. resist shield should ONLY resist small arms fire.
    LMGs need more bloom per shot when standing ADS and hip. The LMGs should have the biggest difference in accuracy between standing and crouching. LMG user crouching should be similar to a AR user standing in accuracy
  5. Vixxing

    The Glancer got a honorary mention... as OP! \o/ YAY! (you made me lol!) :D
  6. Nocturnal

    The thing i hate the most are the pump shotguns plz nerf them so they dont 1 shot anymore.
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  7. Sledgecrushr

    The carv is a beast. Probably the easiest to use lmg in the game.
  8. Ghosty11

    Come on everybody knows the thing that is OP in this and every game. What killed me last.

    The level 1 nooby that snuck up on me while I was AFK and killed me with his T9Carv? Of course he's OP. Nerf.

    That sniper that headshot me from 300m while I was standing at the vehicle terminal trying to decide between the hub caps or antennae ball for my Flash? He's definitely OP. Nerf.

    That Magrider that ran me over on the way to the vehicle terminal where the sniper shot me? He's totally OP. Nerf him too.

    The list goes on and on. The only thing that's not OP is me. Sadly.:eek:
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  9. Taiji

    How can it be just irony and not a dumb comment? lol
  10. hellaskan

    TR: 1. Striker: 5 missiles that can hit AIR and Land at immense range with nublock. Crazy OP. Every TR with their moms debit card has one... this should clue you in right away how OP it is.

    Does the Striker not bug out for a lot of people like it does the 30 or so people I speak with on a nightly basis on Connery? Lock on, fire 5.. 1 maybe 2 hit.. well within range, no flare, no cover.
    Stupid long lock on time, easy to escape from.
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  11. Jrv

    "Wahhhhh NC's close range max is good in close range! How could you let this happen SOE?"
  12. Prodigal

    A dumb comment is one in which someone laughs at his own joke.
  13. Taiji

    A dumb comment about dumb comments? Perhaps now we're approaching a situation of genuine irony.

    FYI, laughing at your mistake has nothing to do with joking, unless you're pretending to make the mistake as a joke, in which case it would be your joke being laughed at.
  14. Prodigal

    Trying to confuse where you cant convince is not going to help you buddy. Keep a clear thought and stop talking nonsense, thank you.
  15. Gary

    Exactly this, any good pilot or even driver can easily force the rockets into the ground by either Driving down the smallest slope you can see (literally a mole hill will do the job) or flying towards the ground briefly.

    However when dealing with vehicles i will say there is a special way to fire it to increase your chances of 5 impacts... Lock on, Then look up and fire a rocket, Look back at target briefly loook back up and fire a rocket, Repeat until all 5 shots are fired. Once mastered you lose no fire time and your rocket flies up first before starting to track giving it a lot more chance of reaching the target and avoiding tiny mole hills.

    Yep, it has the same lock on time as the Annihalator but a slightly smaller range and a tighter locking cross hair (you have be more precise in keeping the target centralized. Not to mention again it may have huge DPS potential but in reality firing 1 rocket to do max damage is better then firing 5. Sure the annihilator has less damage but it performs at a longer range and in squads is way better then the striker since you can still reliably kill the target with only 1 hit.

    It is definitely a mental weapon.. players see the 5 rockets or here the impacting and amateur players freak out about it and then often die to other means... However it is hillarious when a base is being completely sieged and an idiot pulls a liberator, which promptly gets locked by ever striker at the base and goes down in what appears to be 100's of striker shots we all know we only need fire 1 each but firing all 5 is to much fun.. Then the liberator pilot spawns and claims op... Yet camping the spawn with a tank is fine :p

    on a plus note, i was runninng around on my Heavy with the T7-mini chaingun and concussion grenades and killed about 6 or 7 people during 1 grenade duration and a 2 of them whispered me "Wallet Warrior"... i have never laughed so much in my life... Firstly i bought it with Certs ;) Secondly its the chain gun by far one the least over powered weapon on available. As long as people like that keep playing so shall i!
  16. Taiji

    I do and I don't respectively, and you're welcome.

    But how about you keep your dumb off-topic comments about your imagined reality to yourself? It would be nice.
  17. Prodigal

    Troll yourself, troll.
  18. Saigak

    Actually BlackJack - is ****. But never mind keep going.
    Thats why i love you ma man. Im absolutly sure that u used it alot before u did this clear conclusion. Well done.
  19. Intruder313

    Let's check this:

    Shield: 500
    Nanoweave Armour 5 Health: 625
    Nanite Mesh Generator: 600 (last time I checked)
    Total: 1,725 "life"

    Tier 1 PA Shotgun Damage: 10 x 134 = 1,340 damage
    Tier 2 PA Shotgun Damage: 11 x 134 = 1,474 damage

    So even if you are close enough to hit with all the pellets (that's very close indeed) you won't kill him without headshot damage. In fact you need 9 pellets to the head to get a "OHK". I don't really aim for the head with a Shotgun myself as the spread + smaller target + empty space above the head will cause more net misses.
    Remember the Headshot multiplier is only 150% for a Shotgun.

    I think if you are able to land 9 of the 10/11 pellets on the head you deserve a OHK more than a HA deserves to survive because of his extra shield.
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  20. Hibiki54

    Who the hell uses Nanite Mesh? Resist Shield reduces ALL damage by 45%.

    10(134 x 0.45) = 603 dmg if I am not mistaken.