[Suggestion] Do not give the VS MAX ability that is currently on the Test Server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NUKABAZOOKA, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. stalkish

    The same idiot that called the lancer a 'rocket' launcher.
  2. Lucidius134

    So what does this berserk ability do?

    - Makes damage on part of that of HA LMG's


    - No ADS means they're piss poor accurate
    - Makes MAX's health bonus neglegable, possibly near the HP of a HA with a resist shield.

    But who cares about AI? My first thought was that this skill sucked but with this skill the VS would have the most effective AA in the game and our AV would be boosted up to around the Falcon's damage while reloading like 2x quicker.

    Poo for AI but I'm really interested to see how few VS MAX's in an outfit it takes to shut down air, insta-melting them.
  3. Phazaar

    If it's any consolation, I feel like the NC one is useless and does not represent our faction well when it has to be combined with the Shotguns. All development ideas currently look like this:

    NC should have X because NC previously had X.

    TR should have Y because on their other vehicle, TR has Y.

    VS should have Z because it fits our incredibly loose idea of 'faction principles'.

    They do not -ever- factor in the actual situation.

    NC have shotguns, and only shotguns. They are useless at range. In any CQC engagement, flanking is far more likely, so a front facing shield is irrelevant. Furthermore, not using charge means you cannot escape during the HUGE reload cycle, nor close the distance if caught outside of 10m range. Charge will do all that the shield does (in terms of increasing survivability and lethality), but it will do it better and be useful in more situations. The shield also has no use as an AA MAX as it does not offer enough protection from above/around when air targets will either be bombing/shooting from above, or using splash damage around the MAX.

    TR have chainguns. They're fast and accurate. Increasing fire rate, projectile velocity and reload speed means that they will become even better than NC MAXs at camping corners, however they will be counterable. Quite balanced with charge. This ability however makes them the absolute most effective AA MAX, since movement is irrelevant as an AA MAX whilst shooting at targets, and increasing fire rate, projectile velocity and reload speed will be -ridiculously- overpowered here.

    VS essentially have chainguns also (just gay little lazorz ones). They're also pretty fast and pretty accurate. They have the highest TTK (anecdote, correct me if I'm wrong), which the new ability will help with, however as MAXs are normally absorbing damage as they put out damage, this will be as broad as it is long, presenting a sizeable disadvantage every time it's used and only really a situational advantage, whilst Charge will be more useful in 90% of situations. The ability will help as an AA MAX however, though not as much as the TR one.

    Essentially to make the VS one worthwhile, it will have to significantly increase damage whilst only increasing incoming damage a little bit. The TR one is likely to need nerfing about 4 times before it'll be balanced (this will happen in about 4 months, judging by prior TR nerfs). The NC one simply cannot be buffed enough. I'd still take charge even if the shield made me literally invulnerable for 10 seconds at a time. I'd also still take deploy over all other abilities simply for how ridiculous it will be as an AA MAX.
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  4. stalkish

    Do you seriously think with all these glaring bugs that dont get fixed, or even acknowledged, that any devs play the game.
  5. Prodigal

    It's not the point if they actually have time to play the game... jeeez.
  6. stalkish

    Vanguard shield doesnt stop 2 c4 from killing the van, what makes you think a max shield will stop a c4. C4 is its direct counter i doubt the shield will be strong enough to stop it.
  7. stalkish

    Should i have highlighted the 'play NC' part or did you just ignore that.
  8. stalkish

    Im sure you could originaly do that in PS1, unless it was a bug was a long time ago now lol, burster maxs on the back of mossys was awsome.
  9. FnkyTwn

    Those are the boy maxes in the heels. The females wear smaller heels with stylish slacks.
  10. Prodigal

    That's the actual fact, and thats also what you tried to play down. So whats the point in highlighting it now, if you played it down before? You're contradicting yourself, only to say you were right.
  11. Duff_Chimp

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  12. Plasmaszap

    VS will never get good features. Get use to it. Its a Fact. Iam pretty sure SOE originaly put 70% of there effort on NC , 29 % on TR and 1% on VS. They dont give a **** about the purple spandex opness

    We all know the reason why NC needs beter gear then everyone else...When you have skill you dont need bether tools ;)
  13. Liquid23

    TAKE MY 7 DOLLARS SOE I WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  14. stalkish

  15. stalkish

    So what did you mean by this, that they dont play or they do? which one?
    As far as i can see it, some1 said all devs play nc, i said no devs play the game at all, you said whether that have time to play is irrelevant, therefore no devs play NC or any other faction, not sure what im contradicting
  16. TeknoBug

    Oh my lord, I do fine with dual Cosmos and increased damage would be cool but I'd probably NEVER use it unless I want to instantly die (which I often already do in its current state).

    I'd be a little happier with drifter jumpjets.
  17. Prodigal

    Uhm I'm going to end this conversation. Please try again after you've acquired reading comprehension and logical calculus.
  18. Goretzu

    Indeed, but with numbers and support 1 person isn't clearing them out.
  19. SinerAthin

    The extra damage helps little when we can't even hit the stuff we're aiming at.

    VS MAX weapons have too much spread, it's like playing the lottery when trying to hit people not directly infront of you.
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  20. Nexnyn

    make the VS max ability turn it into a hover version of this: