TR Miller keep holding Indar

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JeffBeefjaw, Mar 29, 2013.

  1. Tilen

    Lol, the VS held indar for at least a month as far as I recall so why the hard feelings? Neverming Indar, come to Esamir and Amerish.
  2. Tilen

    Why would you want to defend the crown? Can you explain its strategic value other than it being easily defendable?
  3. Rolfski

    NC letting TR cap the Crown was a blunder. Finally the game has a legit excuse to camp all day at it.
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  4. Tilen

    If the NC would have made a condensed effort on other territories as they do at the Crown, maybe we would have a fighting chance. Alas, I see people spam the hell out of /leader chat with "PROTECT THE CROWN!!!111" when cleary either we are about too cap a cont and need reinforcments or a cont needs defending.

    I blaim people for not strategizing. Besides, 10% infanty discount. Yeah, take it.
  5. Canaris

    I know we talk a lot of smack but I must say some of the best fights ever in the history of Miller have come from this. War most glorious!
  6. GamerOS

    Can some of the TR switch to VS to balance out the population? That would be great.

    Currently the Tr got a 40% population on average most of the time while the VS only has like 23%
    Would make for much more fun fights, and altough fighting BRTD, SOV, FU and the dozen other TR outfits is fun I'd like to mix it up a bit if you know what I mean.

    Also can the TRAM aliance focus more on tactical gameplay between outfits instead of just focussing an entire zerg blob made out of outfits to one continent to overwhelm anything by superior force?
  7. JTKirk

    VS seem to disagree, Canaris. Usually we reached almost 30% at primetime the last 2 weeks. Tonight we are at a all time low of 24%. Megazerg/lockon/spam doenst meet the defintion of glorious fighting for everyone (especially when its at the crown). TRAM!
  8. Hovis

    The TR now having an incredibly powerful one-stop-shot rocket launcher certainly does not help the fun factor for any other faction. I feel bad for the VS because, while conceptually the Lancer is great, in practice it's a hunk of poo. That's got to be a bit of a downer when the TR and NC are sporting shiny new toys and SOE just take your money and spit in your eye.
  9. Hyperz


    TRAM, once it gets going it doesn't stop :p .
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  10. willowstyle

    -best MAX
    -best ESF
    -best MBT
    -best look

    best best best...

    come on PS2 dev i am sure you could do better...morron..
    i am a vanu and my faction abilities, weapon and vehicules are ******* ****!!!
    i am so angry guys!:mad:

    your decisions suck, refund all abilities/vehicules factions...
  11. willowstyle

  12. willowstyle

    why do you let those poor ps1 veteran think like this!
    Tr 40%, VS 25%, NC 30%
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  13. desktop

    I'm calling it now, theres going to be a hot fix where territory cut off from the warpgate no longer counts against a continent lock. The crown will be out undoing.
  14. Sekaszy

    As a VANU i say: S H U T UP FOOL
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  15. MajorZbug

    Why not do both :D

    If you just had an idea of the sheer quantity of useful intel that gets on alliance comms all the time. Really you should do your own stuff, you'll like it ;)

    Should have chosen another order, you lost all credibility at the first bullet point :D
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  16. Sekaszy

    TR pop is not a big problem.. VS pop is problem. You know as fast as we get vanu at 30-33% TR will be like 33-36%.
    WE dont need less TR we need more Vanu
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  17. GamerOS

    That doesn't make 100%...

    Still, the idea is correct.
  18. C0L0NELH0GAN

    VS would have had the skill, but not the manpower to do that alone!
    Here the TR has a massive advantage - they are organised and have the manpower to do such a OPs

    Friday Primetime 25-40-35 :(
  19. willowstyle

    yep vanu sucks from the begigning in ps2, just complete refund this poor faction..
    no one want to play vanu exept for loyalty from ps1...
    no surprise to see 25% VS.. and in some month if nothing is done on a great scale VS will be 15% and TR 55%..

    enjoy your stupid balance SOE
  20. willowstyle

    ok the pb is the vanu number but why everybody go to Tr and let VS if this is not a balancing/OP pb?!

    only a look preference according to SOE lol.. ******** they know why those stats are so xtrem.
    because their balancing is xtrem..