Official Striker Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

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  1. LonelyTerran

    What are you smoking?
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  2. Mxiter

    Aww you was thinking about lib?? :eek:
    Low altitude quick hit and run (but sensitive to tanks guns) or high altitude with a maxxed zoom.

    It's poor but there isn't magic solutions...
    I still need 4 magazines (16 rockets) to blow it up.

    It actually deals more damages but need more time to deal it. it's a drawback. especially if missiles unclock at max lock-on range or if the operator don't keep it lock until all missiles hit the target, even if missiles continues to move in the same direction.
  3. ShureShot

    True but that is a slight drawback, it doesn't make up for dealing more than twice the damage of annihilator (2500 vs 1150) and plenty more than specific lock on launchers (1500).

    IMO they should not have made it a lock on at all. Just a full auto or select fire multi rocket launcher. It would be a cool weapon, useful and not so game breaking and forcing others to spend thousands of certs and removing their heavily certed and favourite utilities.

    Losing the magburner on my magrider is actually a pretty big nerf to it. And to think I have to pay a bunch of certs to nerf may own swagrider :(
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  4. Frigidus

    WOW, this is an incredible distortion of reality.
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  5. Steel Soldier

    I like the Striker for it versatility. I can fire a salvo of 5 rockets into a target, or only 3 if that is all that is needed to finish it off. The other launchers it is fire the whole thing whether the target if at full health or just a sliver.

    It only needs one upgrade: utilize the fire selection to either lock-on or dumb-fire.

  6. rickampf

    Matthew Higby ‏@mhigby 3h
    We're playing with lock on times for Striker, but we're pretty happy with where it's at for the most part, so it might not change much.
    Nice Higby! I hope so... i like that weapon and it feels perfect for the Terrans.
  7. ScorpDK

    Fix the lockon on base turrets, the rockets are aiming at the origin, which in the case of turrets is their freaking BASE. So the missiles will never hit the turret unless you aim at them from higher ground...
  8. Gary

    Problem is it doesn't need to change much... Adding just 1 second to the thing and its not worth getting... Reduced range compared to other multi role launcher, Potential for less damage with the possibility of huge damage. Horrible pathing when missiles lead the target...

    Fix the ability to lock onto the following items like the the other launchers:

    - Flash
    - Base Turrets
    - Engineer turrets

    Adding the ability to burst all 5 missiles out in one go in some sort of huge overly animated spiral/scattered flight pattern will by far make the weapon more enjoyable for all.. Even Enemy will like it since they can use a counter measure and not have to worry about the user holding on to 4 rockets which will be fired when they relock.

    Still pretty dissapointed that the VS and the NC get a variant of the launcher that can do exactly the same thing only with lower damage and bigger range whilst the TR/VS get no alternative at all to the Phoenix and the TR/NC Get no alternative to the Lancer.

    As it stands it really is just a direct upgrade of the Annihilator for any TR player.... It needs something different, I understand it can be difficult coming up with all the variety needed.

    If i had to quickly think of something i would say a huge magazine size of maybe 20-30 rockets which all do tiny amounts of damage but in total add up to the same total damage as the current Striker, Reduce the lock on speed to compensate for the sheer amount of rocket hits needed and up the firing speed. Give us something truly worthy of the TR way of getting rounds down range :D
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  9. Ceskaz

    The major problem wit the striker is its ability to down an ESF with only 1 clip : this is a very (too much IMO) effective weapon of air interdiction (it doesn't destroy it, but put a basic ESF on fire : it's a 95% death sentence). TR already have possession of the sky thanks to a very versatile Mosquito. Do they really need another weapons to keep their sky clear ?

    I'm not against a dumb fire mode, but SOE should make it impossible to fire accurately (with hard recoil, for example) in automatic mode so that MAXs would not be killed in 2 sec against a Striker)
    Also, to balance the lock-on mode without lowering each rocket damage, each rocket could also have such a recoil that keeping the target into the reticule will be a slightly hardest exercise (lancer and phoenix needs a minimum a skill to fire it. Why would it be different for the striker). Otherwise, lower the striker's lock-on angle to balance it.
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  10. Roland0077

    It cannot kill an ESF in one clip, it deals just over half their HP, same as your phoenix. and inb4 phoenix is useless rants. Flares/pathing/vehicle stealth >.>
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  11. Roland0077

    How are any pilots "running riot" with the rampant use of AA maxes and G2A lock-ons? srsly just because the striker is the new FotM weapon for TR doesnt mean we suddenly gained a huge advantage against air compared to the other 2 factions. You still have the same option if you apply a few more people with the anhilator and ur G2A lock-on, while the AA Max still trumps everything in TTK aircraft for infantry beyond lucky dumbfires
  12. Roland0077

    whats not OP? the fact that if it did the same damage as the anhilator with more risk the weapon system would be entirely pointless mabye?
  13. PS2Freak

    you see, i said it - lock on time increase by 1-3 seconds... so higby confirmed they working on it [ 1-3 second added to striker, could give the vanu and nc air, at least, some fly-window so to say]
    i think range need to be tweaked too. we will see.
  14. Papio

    This thread has devolved into over opinionated trolls.

    This weapons is a very shiny turd but still just a turd, I have a higher accuracy on every other launcher and I tend to spam the default launcher in big biolabs fights. that says something for its touted lock on ability.
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  15. Gary

    The Lancer can do the same thing... FIre 1 shot or charge up dealing more damage based on what you need
  16. Mxiter

    Almost every TR preferred an other stuffs than lock on. As it works, they still likes it but don't give gameplay improvements compared to NC/VS ESRL. :(
    It must get more works at actual state like different warning than different launchers or no fire and forget mode (i'm not sure if the lock diring 3 sec more after leaving the aim or if it's 100% fire and forget. should makes some additional tests)

    Lol a 5750 damages magazine?? with no drawback?? where? i must buy shis OP stuff an farm many infantry at long range with it without taking risks...
    Obviously distortion of reality!

    Read previous post: ESF needs 7 shots to be blowed up by a 50% lock-on and ESRL damage reduction.
    Stop Disinformation please, it's like to tell that the magrider is the less tought MBT...

    "IF" dumbfire, phoenix must have 50% damage reduction against infantries (like the lancer and like it MUST be for the phoenix)

    Maybe reduce the rocket damages by 25% (400 instead 500) but it won't change a lot the TTK for many things.

    The striker operator don't need many skills but puttig flares/smoke don't need much more skill... and arn't necessary if the pilot is smart.

    Striker lock-on warning must have a specific sound for the target.
  17. Zakuak

    It's new and people are getting killed with it so of course it will attract some p*ssed off players and get them posting about it.

    I used it again last night a few times and it is a fun weapon but I'm not so sure it's OP. You really have to hang your D*ick out if you try and use it as a defensive weapon and chances you get smoked while getting lock are pretty high. If / when you do get lock and fire a few had better maneuver to a new position because every one down below just saw where that came from.

    Offensively for me it was much easier to field. I choose my locations to deploy the weapon.

    Air, well that's a mixed bag, if the pilots are below 300 and buzzing about, terrain masking renders the striker useless for the most part. If they are flying in higher and being careless, that's another story haha.

    On the flip side I got peppered with this thing in my Vanguard and once you know where it is coming from it's fairly easy to negate....provided you are not sitting out on the Ice flats in Esamir....I hoped out of my Vangaurd...Pulled my Pheonix and sniped the f*cker lol
  18. CaptAmazing

    You know that one rocket of the striker doesn't have the same damage as one Annihilator rocket? People just screaming about "swarms" of missles. In reality they do less damage and 1/3 don't even hit because of their sh.itty fly behaviour.

    For me the Striker is just an prenerf Annihilator. The damage seems great on paper and the striker is not bad - but it is isn't really great either.

    a) 2.5s lock on time + 2.8s to empty the whole clip

    -> its main use is against air, but there its downside is the inability of all the rockets to actually hit. Even without flare mostly only 3-4 rockets actually hit the target

    -> against tanks its only good on areas without any cover like trees or hills. The 6 seconds (lock on/empty the clip) means that you won't do the whole damage if even any against a tank (I am not even talking about smoke). And you are a sitting duck the whole time.

    b) Every small bumb infront of the vehicle breaks the lock, even if you can see 70% of the vehicle - if just a tiny part of the center is covered you can't lock on.

    I mostly use the strike against air. As soon as tanks show up I switch to decimator or engineer with AV turret.
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  19. Snow Sheltie

    This is about as worthless of a post as you can ever make. If you are going to criticize, then make it a constructive post instead of an arbitrary "lol" post.

    I led a vanguard armored assault on Snowshear Watchtower. Armored numbers amounted to over twenty vanguards supported by sunderer-mounted infantry. Within seven minutes all but two vanguards and one sunderer were left, and no infantry had infiltrated the tower. Nearly all vehicles were destroyed by strikers. Aircraft for both sides were absent. My own vanguard had its health decimated by two striker users hitting my tank after my shields gave out. This sort of firepower is something I dream of having as an NC commander. The most I can hope for in a similar defense situation is the use of crows and anti-vehicle turrets which both require twice their numbers to have equal effectiveness against an armored assault at such range. I've seen it done before by NC but with twice the numbers of soldiers than I saw on that helipad (which surmounted to around eight that I counted) and against half the number of tanks rolling across the plains at the same time, with the rest trickling in manageable numbers.
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  20. Copasetic

    Fantastical anecdotes aside the fact is the Striker launches 5 missiles that do 500 damage each, for a total of 2500 damage if all missiles hit. Given their awful pathing this usually isn't the case. The Annihilator launches 1 missile that does 1150 damage and does so in less time, the anti-tank launchers do 1500 damage, the dumbfires do 1700.

    In short, the outcome of that fight would have been exactly the same if all those TR had been carrying annihilators instead. And it would have been exactly the same if it were VS with annihilators. And it would have been exactly the same if it were NC with annihilators.
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