Official Phoenix Launcher Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Eclipson

  2. Zenith

    The thing is, anti-air is not what this thing is for, so that's totally pointless. Unless they're going to up the range, speed, and agility to make hitting aircraft more than just random chance. :rolleyes:
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  3. Odin

    This better not be a nerf to max or close in damage, I understand the camera long range sniping damage nerf but close quarters it needs to do the same as the shrike
  4. WalrusJones

    They are rewarding you for doing it, Is that not a step in the right direction? (Not to mention, it doing decent AA is actually quite a beast ability against liberators.)

    You guys seemed to have no trouble hitting sprinting infantry......
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  5. Kubor

    I'd say that "adding a fuel guage" alludes to a range buff at least.

    Sprinting infantry do not go anywhere from 224-350kph. Come now, it's quite simple:

    What we need is increased AV damage in addition to greater range.
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  7. Vladd

    NC Phoenix Per VR Training
    Phoenix vs VS Magrider 2 hits dead
    Phoenix vs TR Prowler 2 hits dead

    Turn Radius is horrible. if your not pointing at the target you may as well forget you even shot at it. I tried to do a complete 360 with the rocket and its range expired before it even made it 300 degree's

    Damage far exceeds any other weapon. Basically all I would need is 2 NC heavy to obliterate any opposing force. This weapon almost hits harder than the Engineer's AV Mana Turret and the Phoenix allows you to be less exposed.

    suggest: Reduce Damage, Increase Turn Radius. This weapon show also have a self detonate IE: Planetside 1's ability to release the camera when the player feels they are in danger.

    I'm less likely to buy this weapon than the Lancer, and because of the Striker's Ability to reload faster and shoot faster I'm more likely to reconsider my current Faction...
  8. Zenith

    Sprinting infantry my backside, the Phoenix is nowhere near agile enough for that. Stationary targets are easy enough, perhaps the odd slow moving vehicle, but running or moving at speed? No way.
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  9. WalrusJones

    So you need better planning to hit an aircraft: However, aircraft are larger targets.

    You can at least take rather nasty potshots at liberators without warning. Right? At least try this.

    Most lib pilots will get sweeped by the buffed phoenix.

    I have seen it happen. Maybe it wasn't their original target, but.... They made due with sprinty mic sprintington in my field of view quite a few times. :rolleyes:
  10. Bill Hicks

    Rewarded for hitting morons? Sprinting infantry is not a aircraft moving in 3 dimensions with afterburners.
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  11. ScorpDK

    *facepalms* I hope it's just caused by twitter's short message limit that he left out the point where he wanted to say "increased the maneuverability and range, so you can actually hit a non-empty, in-battle aircraft"
    While they're at it, they could make the lancer work as something more than a pea-shooter, too.
  12. Bill Hicks

    Stop just stop you have no idea what you are talking about.

    Would you use a weapon that had 20% chance to do its job? even a lock on rocket launcher is better, even if it hit only 20% of time because it would make the pilot run away and pop his flares. Most liberators stay out of lock on range unless they have complete superiority in a hex: LOCK ON RANGE IS FARTHER THAN PHOENIX RANGE.
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  13. Zenith

    I don't trust SOE to do anything other than make the new launchers redundant. They appear to listen far too much to minority community whine, and that is usually the pitfall which results in a failed game.
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  14. WalrusJones

    I don't see how anything is wrong with a reward for hitting morons. o_O
  15. Onetoo

    Higby also talked about extending the range of the Phoenix projectile. Basically, it sounds like all the launchers are getting tweaks/buffs. Higby: "now that we've seen em in action, we've got a few buffs planned for them next week, and some functionality changes too."

    The reduced damage vs infantry could simply mean that it will no longer one-shot infantry that are using 'flak armor'; it's too early to speculate just how much of an impact these changes will have on gameplay.

    I'm mostly worried that these launchers will become "must haves" instead of "Side-grades"; they need to walk a fine line between being great in a specific situation, but not overshadowing the other available options.

    Link to Higby's twitter feed if you want to read it all first hand:
  16. Ganelon

    NC need counters to MAXes? I thought they just went Hacksaw/Scattercannon MAX and lol'd their way through or mowed them down with LMG's.
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  17. Kubor

    A little more:

    "we've talked about a plan to do to make it keep going but lose camera control at 300m. Still working out the details."
  18. Zakuak

    ooh boy...
  19. Wasdie

    I bought one and I think it's kind of ridiculous how powerful it is against infantry. None of the AV launchers should be able to one hit kill infantry (including dumb fire ones) but the Phoenix is even worse that it can be guided.

    We have enough one hit kill weapons in this game, don't need any more.
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  20. Zenith

    It's not a reward, anyone can do it with a dumbfire launcher.