Official Phoenix Launcher Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. supernauttt

    idk what everyones problem is, but I love it I think u guys did a great job on this launcher but I will tell u my few gripes with it right now....First off ive gotten slightly more xp maybe the same with it then any launcher before and it is wicked fun to are the cons...first and formost is RANGE, almost half of the shots i have fired against vehicles the missile would literally go POOF INCHES before hitting the target..super aggravating, hitting an ESF with it, forget it, youll never hit one if it is doing anything but standing perfectly still...I agree hitting esf with this launcher should be hard, but when you do pull it off I needs some reward as i hit a lib once and after seeing the damage i havnt even tried hitting anymore esf's way to hard and time consuming for it to be worth it at all. The other problem is the speed ehh could use just maybe a 15% speed increase, or even better IMO is it start off slow out of the launcher and pick up speed over time so if ur chasing a tank or ESF with it u will slowly but surely catch it eventually....I mean the other day a prowler was rolling away from us running, and i was bearly catching it..with a rocket lol, and yes it ended before i could hit him anyways....other than that just some bugs with collision some hits don register, it detonates in mid air when u are say 3 or so feet away from objects, tress, or the ground for example,

    and I would say keep the turn radius maybe increase a tad bit but buff its damage atleast on esfs' and by itself i dont think i could have killed a prowler without help of others, its damage is very low considering the time it takes to fire/fly/reload a eng could repair more than the damage u do between dps is to low based on that alone, and needs slightly better or more consistant splash damage on infantry, i havnt killed any infantry inless it was a direct hit...which is pretty hard, hitting right at there feet does no damage either, i think a good fix would make the damage and splash equivalent to a HEAT round from a tank..or closer to it...and to me i had no trouble with the turn radius, no u cant hit something 20ft away from behind a rock and u shouldnt be able to, but from a medium range i had no trouble whatsoever i liked it, Im getting hits all over the place/ tons of them, just not doin really any damage, and needs to be a little more effective against if u agree!!! so SOE sees it
  2. supernauttt

    o and IT NEEDS TO KEEP GOING AFTER THE FEED ENDS AT THE VERY LEAST....the rocket should atleast keep going straight after u lose control of it, that would solve alot of my problems with it, and just give it a little more dps on esfs or alltogether maybe and fix its dps against infantry
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  3. Mxiter

    Did someone already posted this video:

    Phoenix is fine.

    If the range is buffed, it need more drawback like reduced damages Vs infantry (like the lancer).

    An increase would also be interesting imo: possibility to hit aircrafts but takes more skill to mastery/reduce the effectiveness vs small targets like infantries or flash.

    It's certainly the best ESRL atm, even with a 300m range.
  4. Mxiter

    It's quite rare: striker can't dumbfire, so you should has been on its trajectory between the lancer and its target. This happens, but can't be intentional.

    The phoenix is the one ESRL that can be used efficiencely and intentionally against infantry but is weak against. aircraft (too slow/too short aim). That is very wrong and must be changed.

    Give the ESRL the same efficiency, bu by different means...Don't give them the different purpose.

    If the Annhilator was NC only, The Grounder TR only (no crow and Nemesis), and the Nemesis VS only (no hawk and skep) everybody were asking WTF!
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  5. CaligoIllioneus

    I think he was just being sarcastic.
  6. Acer

    good it was designed to kill them quicker and for them not to be kept alive. that is the purpose of the pheonix to kill armor. it just has the added benifit of killing infitry with direct hits. In my opinion it needs to do way more damage to a sunderer and it needs to one shot any esf 3 shots ofr a lib
  7. Amouris

    Don't worry, the bads got AT mines nerfed so you will be able to run blockade. No reason for an AMS to have anything else soon.
    On topic: I don't want to be on the empire that attracts all the 4th empire nub cakes. The Phoenix in its current state is the perfect example of a weapon that attracts bads. One shotting infantry from cover. Really? Steps to make it acceptable as an anti vehicle weapon are as follows.
    • Lower the damage against infantry. 3-4 shotting infantry sounds about fair.
    • Extend its range by 50-100m
    • Give us better control of the missile during flight.
    • Change the acceleration effect at the start of flight to give us control faster.
    • Increase missile velocity. Hitting anything moving, even ground vehicles, is a shot in the dark.
    • Don't have the missile deconstruct at its max range. Instead have it drop off like all other missiles.
  8. Imortalvalk

    After seeing nothing but whine threads, some saying it is overpowered some saying it is rubbish, I can only think of 1 thing to shut both types of people up, reduce damage slightly against infantry so it almost insta kills them but not quite, and make it dumb fire after 300m thus extending it's effective range a little bit.

    Also is there any dev feedback on the players feedback yet? Do we know what they are planning to do with the launchers?
  9. -Zlodey-

    I`m like to play as TR, but now, looks like, maybe better to abandon this game for month or two?
    Until developers wake up, and balance things in this game - nerf OP Phoenix (yes, infantry spam/sniping even on the run in random directions), nerf OP NC MAXes, nerf OP automatic sniper rifles... oh, I must say NC Gauss SAW/ETC.
    Until then, PS2 will became one faction game only - NC.
    Hell, even OP Magrider times not so bad as current state of the game.

    BTW, we dont have ANY counter to Phoenix spam, dear developers. At all. We cant hide and protect sunderers if we attacking NC base - it will be spammed by Phoenix squads in few seconds.
    Stricker not locking on infantry, you can hide behind obstacles from it, use flares, use smoke.
    Lancer needs time to charge, you can hide from it.
    But Phoenix... ho do we supposed to counter it? Its rockets not even rendering in most times.
    Its too easy to snipe infantry and sunderers, tanks from safe location with Phoenix.

    Oh well, I still have WoT on my PC...
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  10. JKooL

    Why does the phoenix use inverted controls? It should use infantry controls, not air controls. This is the biggest problem with the phoenix by far.

    The hit detection also seems really bad against vehicles. In fact, it's so unpredictable against vehicles that my outfit primarily uses the phoenix as a infantry sniper rifle. So, if the intent was to make a great AI rocket, well done, but as an AV launcher it's pretty bad.
  11. Phannjodoxis

    The game play videos of this weapon in actual use are all that matters. The complete lies and pleas for more out of this weapon are comical. Some of you guys want to be able to sit back and nail infantry positions all day and then complain because a tank drives out of your rocket range?

    For the record Im not criticizing the reasonable requests to make this better AV and much weaker AI however.

    Also, it seems clear that SOE will adjust this, but not until they get a ton of people to buy it... which is a pathetic practice that really makes me want to find another game. Sadly, I really like so much about PS2 and would prefer they clean up their act.
  12. Deathreaper523

    1 request: make it easier to buy
  13. Naturaliensammler

    Lol wat. 5 hits kill a sunderer.

    You CANNOT have a sunderer anywhere near a NC base now. There is no cover anywhere anymore for a parked sunderer.
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  14. RogueComet

    I write this from the point of view of a Vanu who has played against these things for a couple of days. I'll fully admit that I havn't used them, but I can simply write about what I've seen.

    In summary:
    I think its damage vs infantry is too high.
    I think it either travels too fast or does too much vehicular damage to offset how easy it is to guide since there is no really good way (other than extreme range) to get out of the line of fire (arcing over rocks).

    I'm very upset that the Phoenix is so powerful against infantry. I have been one-shotted several times by them. At least three times it was at point blank range. I'd say over the last few days six times at greater range as well. Coming from a comparison that the devs stated they didn't want the Lancer to become an infantry sniping weapon, yet that is exactly what some of the NC are doing, feels inequitable. The TR isn't able to shoot without a lock-on. The VS does very little damage against infantry. Why should the NC be able to kill vehicles AND infantry with their weapon? I've seen quite a few HAs running around with their phoenix out now inside a small base, instead of their main weapon, because they know it can one-shot someone. I've even had them kill me while I'm jumping through the air as a light assault several times over the last few days. I've been kill enough by this weapon for me to say that it is definitely "too easy for an AT weapon" to kill infantry with.

    When I compare the damage of the rocket and its TTK against the Lancer as well, it feels a bit off. Not by a whole lot, but I know that I've lost several vehicles VERY quickly to rockets arcing over a rock that I have my vehicle hidden behind. The fact that, given a good person behind the camera means that you have absolutely no way to defend against the projectiles seems unbalanced compared to the TR who you can break using smoke and the VS who you simply have to be behind an object for. You say that it doesn't turn fast, but the fact that it does still turn, and you can see where it is so you can guide it as it turns, coupled with high damage doesn't seem quite right. On the flip side of the coin, those who claim it is balanced because you can shoot it out of the air, I call BS on your argument. The rocket does travel much too quickly to really shoot out of the air, especially when traveling straight at you so it is extremely difficult to see. Do me a favor, look on the forums and count the number of people who have claimed to shoot down one of the rockets. Do me a favor, go into VR and work with someone for a while and see how easy it is to shoot down your rockets. You'll see that it is almost impossible. Personally I've had a chance to try and do this 4 times, with a total of about 20 rockets over the last day and a half, and not a single time was I able to do it. I personally have not heard of a single person who was able to do it either from my outfit. I'm sorry but I really disagree with the rocket damage and speed when compared to the other two empires.

    My fix:
    I'd lower the damage to infantry so it wasn't a one-shot-kill. Take their shields and half their health, sure. But to do this much is extremely stupid.
    Lower the rocket damage (by maybe 10-15% only) against armor, OR reduce the range 15%, OR lower the rocket speed by about 20% so we have a greater chance to shoot down the rocket, or double the reload time. I just would suggest one of those, and even then it isn't a huge nerf, but a slight one to bring it in line with the other empires.

    For the people who don't want nerfs, but buffs:
    SOE has stated they don't want people to have weapons that allow them to easily solo vehicles. Didn't you get given one that allows you to do that AND OHK infantry? Seems like it to me. Please bring this into balance with the other empires.
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  15. HadesR

    So less effective vs infantry ( I can understand that ) AND less effective vs vehicles and you say it's not a huge nerf ?

    While we're at it lets make the Lancer only charge to 2 and the Striker only have 4 rockets per clip .. :)
  16. PS2Freak

    o We can't really give the phoenix more range without making you have a loading screen when you switch back right now.

    o we've talked about a plan to do to make it keep going but lose camera control at 300m. Still working out the details.

    o We'll probably reduce it's vs infantry damage and increase it's anti-air damage, hopefully add a "fuel gauge".


    So.. we will have useless Launcher with fuel gauge with range limitation. and increased anti-air damage ? You tryed to hit ESF with Phoenix or not ? Impossible with Agility and turning circle, speed, level of control while first ms since launch of misssle, phoenix right now have.

    "We can't really give the phoenix more range without making you have a loading screen when you switch back right now."

    you Should
    as we already stay still while riding the missile, I DONT MIND LOADING SCREEN! make the range USABLE for AV

    (anybody from NC mind the short Loading circle after using phoenix ? if yes, write it here, i rather have problem with range then with 3-8 seconds of loading screen; Phoenix benefit from range more, then from saved seconds of loading, imo)

    if there will be no range change - dont tweak AI OHK, the only left use for this phoenix. also tweak then lancer to OHK, and striker already kill vehicle+driver in it. no buffs for it needed.
  17. Smalltown

    So essentially, you want it so that it'd still be highly effective, and at most, people will have to spend an extra rocket. That much damage won't curb the use of it at all, or how many people will.

    The fix here is plain and simple, you need to make it back like it was in PS1, at least three to four hits to kill soldiers. Then you'll see the launcher being used like its supposed to be, and not the easy mode sniper weapon that EVERYONE is complaining about. Sure you can argue that it isn't 'realistic', but we're playing a game, you need to have some breaks from whats expected in order for everyone to have fun.
  18. Kubor

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    Thank god for trials.

    I can't wait for the inevitable cross the board balance of all weapons.
  20. WalrusJones

    We all knew this was coming.