I hate Heavy Assult shield ability!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dr Grumbler, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Kroom

    I hate it too... makes me move so slow.
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  2. TomaHawk

    +10 to overblown dramatics
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  3. Mythicrose12

    While true of all shot guns really, it amazing how many tells I've received using a Phobos of "way to buy skill" or "go back to CoD shotgun *****". Gun shines with the LA, but adrenaline shield heavies are pretty beastly with the pump shotguns, too.
  4. Frosty The Pyro

    realy? i kill heavis frequently as non heavy classes, the sheild only absorbes a few shots, and it slows down their move speed (leting you land a few extra shots). With how low TTK is, dispite the sheild making a decing difference as a %, it makes a very small difference in seconds. (like what .25 seconds longer lifespan underfire). Add to that I personaly consider AR to be superior to LMGs. If it wasnt for the fact folks like being able to fight tanks, and heavies have rockets for fighting tanks, I suspect Medic would be the most played class, as they are easily the best in infantry vs infantry fights.

    Surviveability under fire goes
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  5. Arenthas

    nerf light assaults
  6. MarlboroMan-E

    Lots of intelligent responses on the first page, didn't get to the second. Completely disagree with OP, heavy shields are just fine. As are jumpjets. And medics. And cloakers. And engies.
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  7. Zorro

    The shield (at least the default) is not all that potent. It only protects for a couple more shots, and slows one's speed too. In addition, the heavy assault is designed to be the average front-line brute-force trooper. If you are going head-to-head against one with a different class (other than a MAX) then you are doing something wrong.
  8. jak

    Heavies are the reason I use shotguns. I call my Nova "4 Heavies, one clip".
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  9. LibertyRevolution

    If your shooting at a HA as a not an HA, you should be shooting him the the back of the head.
    If you try and go headup vs a heavy as an ENG, your going to die.. unless he is terribad..
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  10. Jac70

    they are supposed to be an infantry class but have a massive advantage over all over classes. i think the shields ability to mitigate small arms should be reduced (not removed) - it should be considered more of a defence against vehicles.
  11. -Synapse-

    In truth is love to see a riot shieldish alternative to the current shield. Maybe it could be arm-mounted so you can still use your primary so long as its not activated.
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  12. Diamond Sword

    I hate the Heavy Assault class in general.

    They have a shield that nearly doubles their HP. They get every grenade. The LMGs are incredibly accurate. They are the only class able to use rocket launchers.

    I'm surprised they don't also have a jetpack. They can even heal and repair (themselves, at least with utilities).
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  13. bodmans

    :eek: dat OP

    you see that litlle bump above his body. thats a head. if you hit it the guy wil deflate like a balloon
  14. TheUprising

    ?? If you pick a support class and don't want to support whose fault is that? To be clear the LA and infiltrator are support classes in that they are far more situational than the HA, who is good in every situation, especially the LA. The infiltrator actually has several support abilities like hacking and scouting.
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  15. MutinyTheory

    I've noticed, people complain more about and in this game than they play the game. Whining about this gun being op and that class need a nerf. Infantry getting killed by a ESF, ESF *****in about burster max and lock-ons. Yet everyone in the game use these mechanics,classes, weapons and playstyles.
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  16. RomulusX

  17. Diamond Sword

    They all use them because they are OP and easy to kill with. They complain because when everyone is using the same items/classes and trying the same tactics, the game becomes very stale. This is why balance is so important; the players are completely unable to regulate themselves into playing skillfully and instead opt to use whatever the mindless populous is using to get mad points.
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  18. SirBurning

    Haha, I beat heavies with shields as any class if they aren't really good shots.

    It really get dangerous when you get a Good Adr lv 5 Heavy
  19. ENFORC3R

    Shield is fine. Carry on.
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  20. SenEvason

    I typically engage them at mid-long range with my medic out in the open. The flinch makes it difficult to hit me. Haven't lost yet. Close range is a bit more iffy though, I tend to bolt at that point, since their run speed is reduced.