I hate Heavy Assult shield ability!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dr Grumbler, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Dr Grumbler

    At the moment the extra shield ability of HA is basically a F...CK YOU button. Every time a heavy starts taking fire they just press F and presto - you can do sh...t to them. A HA doesn't need to see where the fire is coming from, the extra shield protects from all directions so it promotes noobish behaviour - HA doesn't have to be bothered with spacial awareness and reflex. Just press F and run away instead or turn around and check if there's somebody behind you, if no then run, no skill required to gain additional protection on top of already increased health and standard shields in comparison to other classes.

    I think that it would be much more fair if the extra shield of the heavies was directional ie. protected for example only the front of the player (like jackals from halo). That way it would actually require some tactic in how it is used. Heavies would actually have to pay some attention to their surroundings.

    Alternatively the extra shield could be modified to be something like a bubble shield from halo. If ambushed the heavy could drop a bubble that blocks enemy fire (possibly also blocks enemies trying to go through the bubble) but also HA's own bullets. Staying inside the bubble would give enough time to regenerate the primary shield and locate the attacker but HA would not be able to use it to gain unfair advantage. he would have to actually step out from the shield and engage the enemy on equal terms.

    The third option that I can think of is making the extra shield a deployable cover, an emitter than the player drops on the ground to create a flat panel cover that protects from fire (obviously from one direction, unless you combine your shield with other players to create a mini fort - that would be an interesting tactical option). Again, using this would require some skill in contrast to the shield that heavies have now. Health/Shield wise they are already the strongest class after MAX so no need to baby sit them and give unfair advantage. I'm curious what others have to say about this?
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  2. Jagdwyre

    The way you rant about the shield you'd think it was a freaking permanent ubercharge. And where do you get the idea they have increased health compared to other classes?
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  3. MilitiaMan

    #1 - Use a pump action.

    #2 - Get in face.

    #3 - Pull trigger.

    #4 - Profit.

    Love my claw and HA that get in my face, what's that? A shield?

    Well, a lot of good it will do you without a face!

    Unless they have nanoweave 5, and the max adrenshield.

    The pump action at point blank will take away the adren shield, thier standard shield, and their health. Though you cannot be a coward with a pump action.

    It is a all or nothing weapon.

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  4. UrMom306

    yep i initially played medic at launch cause i enjoy supporting my team, but i kept getting **** on too many times by the heavy so now i strictly play heavy
  5. TheUprising

    You won't like this answer, but HA is the main combat class in the game, all other classes are support classes, HA should be the main fighting force. They win 1v1 against every other class in the game.
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  6. Gary

    The light assault jump jet ability is the same... Use it to flank from above and i do not even see my death coming :( Heavy shield is fine it does what it needs to and increases survivability. Ina 1v1 they are a difficult target if they know you are about.
  7. Dr Grumbler

    But this game is a shooter with elements of MMO, not a god damn RTS. The classes should be more balanced IMO and have an equal chance of winning in 1 vs 1 combat. The deciding factor should be skill not the kind of loadout that you carry.
  8. tastyBerryPunch

    Aim for the head.
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  9. Dr Grumbler

    I have no love for the jetpacks either but that is something for a different thread:)
  10. Singed

    All you need to do is go around them while hipfiring (at close range.) All heavies ADS all the time so if you move fast enough they can't move their gun fast enough to fire at you. Or if your an LA fire from unusual angles, always works.
  11. Loegi

    That's the point of HA, that it's better in plain combat. Every class has advantages like that, but mostly outside of combat.
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  12. Recce

    Your tears is the fuel for HA shields. RAGE MOAR
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  13. xGreedFuSioN

    If this was the case there would be no reason to play heavy as every other class has a more useful ability and could theoretically win 1v1 with a heavy
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  14. dragondrop

    I hate Light Assault Jumpjets. They can get where NO ONE ELSE CAN and kill you from above. No skill required, just fly up and go lololol.
    I hate Engineers. They just magick that turret I shot down back up and kill me with it. Or they stay in cover and never run out of ammo. No skill required, just click the glue gun or plop down an ammo pack.
    I hate Infiltrators. They sit somewhere where you never find them and one-shot you. No skill required, since no one finds them they have all the time in the world to line up their shot, and eventually the last noob will get a kill.
    I hate Medics. Cleared 3 people from the cap point, then a medic kills me and resurrects them and I am back at square one. No skill required, just hold LMB.

    I hope you catch the glaring sarcasm.

    Every class is supposed to have a unique ability that gives them an advantage in a certain area. An Assault class will always kill a Support class if two equally skilled players fight.
    If you can't wrap your head around that principle play a game where everyone is the same.

    For the record, the shield doesn't make you invincible. It lets you take a couple of more shots.
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  15. Jezs

    So it now takes you 0.7 seconds to kill someone with your carbine instead of 0.4? Too long eh
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  16. Liberty

    Every infantry class has the potential to kill any other infantry class in a 1 v 1. The potential is there, It just boils down to who is the better shot / who uses cover better / who gets the drop on who / etc etc. If you want to focus on killing infantry and give up a bit of utility? Go AI MAX or heavy assautl.

    If you want to kill infantry while healing/reviving teammates? Go Medic.
    If you want to repair MAX/Vehicles dispense ammo / Mine areas? Go Engie
    If you want to try and sneak around, play infiltrator.

    You act like that shield is the end all be all, when it reality the standard shield is anywhere between 3 and 4 extra bullets to kill, less if you score headshots. Considering many guns fire upwards of 600+ RPM you are looking at what? An extra half second alive.
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  17. BalogDerStout

    The short answer, since as engy I got owned by almost everything and fighting a Heavy was pretty much guaranteed death:

    Get a shotgun.

    Heavies think they can stand up to a shotty, but the odds are pretty 50/50 in truth, other infantry get torn up. Yes you're limited to CQC, but that's probably where you're having the problem anyway.
  18. MasterCheef

    Its what they do.I had to learn the hard way that you cant out heavy a Heavy Assault.
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  19. Poacher

    CQC and shotties will melt heavies. Problem solved. Move along this is a no whine zone now.
  20. Arenthas

    This is the truth. And the way it should be. A Heavy Assault class is meant exactly its title. Heavy Assault. No class is at its equel in terms of infantry, but there are stipulations. The shotgun is a prime example, get a heavy close, and you can easily TTK him down before he has a chance to pop shields and take you out. Even with an AR>