Official Phoenix Launcher Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Hatamoto

    Q&A apparently thought it was awesome, might be cool if they could be sober once while testing the patches
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    No see here we go again.. You were given 23% damage by a rifle and the phoenix finished you off. that is not 1 shotting infantry.. you were already damaged. Any launcher would have killed you in that scenario.
  3. f33die

    My honest opinion is that this was a huge waste of Station Cash. I bought this weapon straight away and all I got was a low range, low damage dumbfire rocket launcher. That's right, 9/10 times it dumbfires. Weapon is not working as SOE announced and it's not worth the SC until this weapon has been fixed and tweaked so it is on the same level as TR and VS launchers.
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  4. N0008918

    Are you trying to tell us that he was specifically aiming and guiding that rocket at you. I killed 2 guys with it too. The thing is i was shooting at the sunderer 15m behind them an they literally ran into it. Do not try to make it look like a camera guided sniper bullet because it is harder to hit infantry with this one then with a normal rocket.
  5. Poorform

    Go grab the phoenix and go around trying to one shot infantry. Go ahead. Seriously, try it.

    The turning is a drunk bus and any moving infantry will easily avoid it. Also, you'll need to get within 200 meters of the guy you're firing at, assuming he's completely stationary, and not a single enemy unit is looking at you, which is important because you're going to be completely stationary while guiding the rocket.

    Go out and see how many times you can actually get the rocket to the target (lol range) and how many ONE SHOT HITS you actually get. I'm sure you'll have enough for a sick montage by 2015.
  6. whitescar911

    Poor turning speed
    Poor range
    Poor Damage
    REALLY bad against air

    Thank you SOE, waste of 1000 certs.
  7. XDDante

    the control for camera needs improve,a little bit of damage buff to MBT'S and a selective fire mode to chose TV camera mode and dumbfire as you run the risk of being sniped while guiding the missile that way you also encourage the need for acquisition to the new ESL :p
  8. Gav7x

    For some reason mine works just like a dumb fire missle whit a scope, no camera guide or anything
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  9. ExarRazor

    dude, the lancer is even worse shape than the phoenix.

    the TR got the only launcher that actually does what higby said it would do.
  10. SpaceKing

    Just like they avoid AV turret rockets.
  11. LordMondando

    Actually you know what keep the range, just make it so the missle drops and can still explode, not just decons.
  12. Poorform

    Agreed. The lancer hits about as hard as the VS max AV cannon, at full charge.
  13. Gribbstar

  14. Bloodmyth

    Make it more powerful against armour and less against Infantry, we've been 1 shotted by this a few times already and I'm pretty sure that's not the idea behind it.
  15. PS2Freak

    range need be more about 500m we talking here not about 350m after buff...

    i died today more because i used phoenix, and no kill with esl. 0 kills..
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  16. Streetfighter

    I did it the last 15 Minutes and I logged off with disgust and shame. I achieved 25 kills (with unoptimized mouse sens and being new to the new phoenix) in an average fight without visual contact with an enemy. It IS easy farming. It's getting free kills without any risk.
  17. Bargus

    In big fights , Phoenix rounds do not render. They cannot be shot down , there is currently no defence whatsoever.
  18. Qel

    Have to say I feel quite underwhelmed. If we keep the current range limit I'd like to see either maneuverability buffed (not to PS1 phoenix levels) or keep that the same and increase the range. Right now I'm not sure I'll use this over what I already have... disappointing.
  19. ExarRazor

    its not just the power of the shot vs the time it takes to get that shot off

    level 2 and level 3 sharges fire 2 and 3 separate pprojectiles in a shotgun spread, unlike the single projectile higby said it would do, which makes it inaccurate as hell beyond 75ish meters.

    we cant switch between hipfire and ads when charging, which higby said we could be able to do.

    the bullet speed isn't anywhere near what higby said it would be
  20. Gribbstar

    Killboard or it didn't happen.
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