Game Update 04: Coming soon!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Mar 1, 2013.

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  1. Thagyr

    Hopefully the Wraith flash module works as intended from the get go.


    Though it'd be funny if visible people were driving around on Invisible Flashes.
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  2. Tsurupettan

    No account wide unlocks for all faction variant weapons? More nerfs to vehicle?

    Guess time to get more premium tanks in WoT instead of this weird idea of a combines arms game, at least MBT work like mbt over there :3. Thanks alot nvidia!
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  3. Notheory

    Can you please get Cert Reset into GU04? Thank you.
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  4. Dubious

    Scythe Dual Photon Pods as OP as Prowlers Infantry killing ability..
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  5. FigM

    I am concerned that vehicles are further marginalized against infantry with the addition of extra powerful anti-vehicle rocket launchers. I don't mind the idea behind those new weapons, but not if they are completely free of resource cost. Unless vehicle cost is reduced, it seems unfair that free infantry should have such powerful counters.

    Also, I hope that NC's guided missile won't 1-shot ESF's, as they have no lock on warnings, it would become more effective than using dedicated AA MAX and Skyguards. At least the TR version can break lock if ESF takes cover.
    The VS version could make tanks obsolete, if it's free and easy to use, there would be no need to get VS armor, just heavies with Lancer to perform same role
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  6. Draknar

    Are the MBT secondary weapons (that share the same name) considered common pool or empire specific? Case In Point I have a Walker on my prowler and want one badly on my magrider, and while it "should" be common pool I'm not sure how the mechanics work going from one MBT to another.

    Any clarification would be much appreciated before I spend my SC/Certs =)
  7. RaTzo

    Immune from what? ESFs are made of paper, shoot spitballs, and everyone in the game has some elegant way to kill them.
  8. Ashur

    Beats me, they really love coupling crippling nerfs with buffs to it's counters. Makes total sense to me!

    I think the best way to fix this is giving the heavy assault more weapons, they as a class are really struggling right now with their 70% or so infantry population, they could use the help.
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  9. Stigler

    Most of the update sounds exciting, looking forward to it.

    The whole thing with Infantry vs Tank balance is going to far though. Going to be more negative lead/lag effect in the future though.

    The tools are already out there for Inf to combat ground vehicles effectively. Many people have probably not even certed C-4 x2, mines x3, improved Rocket launchers and the new engineer AT missiles, and you are further nerfing the tanks AI ability and adding even more AT weapons? Tanks are already spammed from huge distances and even with the improved render many times you have a non stop lock-on and cant even see the player. Then people will be certing c-4 ect.. on alternate classes also.

    A 250 cert major MBT resource (sometimes forced to spawn far from lines and brought forward) should not be so easy to kill by a single zero cert non-crucial infinite resource. Period (Its bad enough most infantry are all kamikazies. IE no reason to live vs spm.)

    (Hence stats like .13 K/D and 200 spm, ridiculous.)

    In essence tanks are being penalized because once a base is taken, Infantry continue to run out as fodder, I laugh when they do this. I fight from inside and pop out IF it looks clear, and redeploy to next base before cap kills me.

    Do you really see that as still being balanced in another four to eight weeks as more people cert the already available tools? I honestly feel as this is being done just to slow cert gain, and not about balance at all.
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  10. evansra

    This is awsome :)

    About the tank aoe nerf, i think this was needed so good work, also feel people are over reacting, tanks were way op v infantry before this will just move them closer. i mean i regularly get 20-50 kill streaks in a tank but never on foot or in the air.

    The prowler nerf goes without saying and as a direct hit is still a 1 hit kill so still has the best AI of the 3.

    Yay for the pheonix im realy happy we got it back ps1 style :) i can see why people are worrying but i think as long as it turns slowly it will be fine, ohh and make it 2 hit infantry.

    I am wondering about the lancer tho, with no lockon and the ability to fire up it could easily be too good vs air, 3 or 4 guys could sit on a hill insta poping every plane that comes by with no warning... still time will tell.

    Thanks for the update and all the hard work behind it!
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  11. Revten

    Great job fellas, but please stop the nerf, people will still ***** no matter what kills them . We shouldnt have to change what we love doing in the game just because 5000 ******* have got killed by a tank shell or rocket pod and raged on a forum .
  12. ShayeUK

    I want this now also, [edit, venting] If my prowler is now useless for what it is designed for I want my ******* certs back.
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  13. Iceflame

    "Explosive radius from ALL vehicle based damage sources have been reduced, this does not affect vehicle vs vehicle direct hit damage, only splash damage vs infantry."

    Please rethink this. First this means that it's a second nerf to HE weapons(I do not know how far you think of going with this but it feels like it is not really needed to me and yeah, I'm mostly a vehicle kind of guy), you might actually get to the point where you make the HE cannons being ineffective at their supposed specialty. This is pretty much just infantry FANSRVICE at this point.

    Infantry has quite a lot of anti armor tools at their disposal and is still getting more:

    -Dumb fire/Lock on Laucnhers and more added(will the striker lock on be countered by smoke?) which makes IR smoke and Flares pretty much a necessity if you plan to accomplish at least something with a vehicle this days. I believe you said you do not want any of the cert upgrades to be a necessity but it already is that way. I am not mentioning that invisible heavy lock on firing invisible missiles still occurs.

    -C4 and tank mines instagibs(my medic can go ninja on a tank and one shot it with a press of a detonator, and the same goes for sunderers which is in my opinion an issue for just one light infantry man being able to one shot the armored spawning bus that is quite expensive and has a good CD but thats another topic)

    -Flak armor(this is actually very important and is very effective at what it does for infantry)

    -Ninja guided engineer turrets with no warnings that hit somewhat similar to a decimator or the standard dumbfire faction rockets it seems and now Lancers will be added to this as well as Phoenixes which could possibly make the life of vehicles a pure masochistic existence since both of them will most likely pack quite a punch without any warnings. Imagine what will happen if the precious ESFs suddenly get one shotted by a Lancer or a Phoenix for example if you make it that way.

    As mentioned earlier please do not address another issue with a set of significant buffs or additions to one side and nerfs to the other, you seem to be doing it constantly and it's not a very pleasant thing got a to of players every time. It would be better to go one thing at a time and not swinging both to make a huge and sudden change. You should not be testing the balance changes you think are good on live servers, please start a test server.

    Infantry will always whine about vehicles no matter what(everyone will always whine about everything and try to make it as dramatically as possible) since they will always get caught by vehicles with their pants down, tank zerged, etc. and will refuse to take proper measures to deal with them continuing to just get farmed. So please, stop giving unnecessary additional love to infantry, they should be happy with the new AV toys they get already. Please reconsider this change. I also remember that during beta there was this term "paper tanks" during the days where FLAK AA was horrible and LOLPODS were the supreme god, I think that these days you get the "paper tank" feeling a lot more often than in beta actually.
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  14. SheerTorcher

    Here's my fear for the reduced splash. 250 m out, my gunner identifies a bouncing LA and starts shooting. I redirect fire, but with the reduced splash damage and full flak on the LA, I can do nothing to the target.

    At 100m the gunner is reloading for his third time and I'm driving away until I get stuck on a molehill.

    At 50m I bounce two rounds off a nearby tree and drop the LA's shields. The gunner reloads a full clip for what will inevitably be the last time.

    LA spams C4 from midair, kills tank and two occupants, and tbags shouting "thank you higby!"
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  15. supernauttt

    NC get a decent weapon for once and so does VS but tr is left out stop winning already there is nothing OP about it :p awwwwwwwww sorry TR you cant have the easy mode version of everything for once...
  16. supernauttt

    awwwwwwww tr get the shaft for the first time in PS2 HISTORY deal with it u cant have easy mode everything and ur launcher isnt even bad at all lol u think thats bad good thing u dont play NC, grow up and stop whinning about ur first nerf that isnt even really a nerf its called balance and i recommend u get used to it
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  17. crazyoldfart

    Crown is like a Noob training ground. It's not confusing as other bases for people new to the game. You either try to get to the top or stop the enemy from getting to the top. I remember when I 1st started, this was the 1st battle I understood. I knew where the enemy was coming from and what they were trying to do. This battle sealed the deal on this game for me. I could always count on a fight there rather than spending an hour popping around here and there. I became attached to crown myself for a while. After you learn the game you realize that it's a huge waste of resources to take and hold Crown and there are much better battles to be had. Let the noobs have the fun and learn the game in the best training area there is.
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  18. Pokletu

    Frankly, SOE, I think you need to reevaluate some of your thinking.

    I'm not even a vehicle guy. I play light assault, and enjoy C-4ing vehicles.

    TANKS are SUPPOSED to be Overpowered to infantry.

    You're really going WAY too far in your buffing infantry against tanks.

    Please slow down with this trend.
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  19. dustMONSTAR

    I agree with the majority in this thread. These updates sound fantastic but there is no need to reduce the explosive radius from ALL vehicle based damage sources. I shouldn't have to direct hit a LA floating around trying to drop c4 on my head. There is enough in this game already to counter air and armor. Then factor in resource cost, cool down periods, and the upcoming empire specific rocket launchers - I just do not see the logic. You guys will be reversing these changes in a hotfix. Save yourselves the effort.
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  20. insane2170

    Flash update:
    • Wraith Module (Cloaking) for infiltrators using the Flash
    • Rumble seat - bring a passenger with you on your flash, they are weapons free in the passenger seat!
    Sweet! I can get to my sniper holes faster, in style, and my spotter can come too!

    This is going to be deadly with an LMG or rocket launcher on the back.
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