Hackmax has broken the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheWhiteDragon, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Sea of Ink

    I don't really involve myself with threads like these b/c arguing w/ people who couldn't frag their way of a wet paper bag is pointless.

    But these forums really are stocked to the brim w/ really ****** players who like to cry a lot.
  2. Badname2490

    That's because this is Whineside 2.

    Basically the game is the physical warfare part and the forums are the hidden war/espionage type things. The more you whine on the forums you change the sway of battles with nerfs much like spies sabotaging industry.
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  3. OgreMarkX

    I rarely use my TR MAX AI or AV nowadays.

    Hell, the TR MAX machine guns suck at close, medium and long range. I can kill an enemy faster with my engineer carbine than with my dual MG wielding TR MAX.

    So to the NC players..oh please, give it up with the "but but but our MAX AI sucks at range!!".

    But but but TR MAX AI sucks at all ranges! Can't speak to the VANU one, never played Vanu, but when I see a VANU MAX, I advance fairly certain of winning. At the very least I can exchange fire with a VANU MAX, with an NC MAX....I am dead in a second.

    Nuuupe, NC MAX's are not OP. That's why NC spawns so many of them....ya know...cause NC loves the challenge of a mediocre or, dare I say, UP NC MAX AI.

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  4. KingSnuggler

    First it was Air being OP, Now Cries of AA being OP, Magriders were OP, Then it was Prowlers , Now this? People sure do whine a lot about stuff in this game just cause they died and their not the worlds #1 player at Planetside...
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  5. Ten4

    TR AI MAX sucks?


    NC AI MAX pwns at CQC?

    It should.

    In my experience, a Dual Mercy MAX can engage far more targets successfully than a Dual Hacksaw. Granted, I play TR almost exclusively, so my experience with using Dual Hacksaws is limited. My experience playing against them is not. I don't rush them, I retreat. Crouch and jump so that the pellets don't all land on target. If I turn the corner into one, I am usually dead. I'll take the ability to kill people from 0-75 meters over the ability to kill them at 0-20 meters any day.
  6. Mustakrakish

    Oh look, it's this thread again.
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  7. Bape

    In reality they aren't crying about max vs max but max vs infantry. I will lol at tr/vs when higby shows that stats of maxes I BET that tr/vs has more infantry kills then us.
  8. Cyrek

    Assaulting a Bio Lab goes like: "Ok guys lets take the bio lab!", -It's owned by NC-, "Nevermind move somewhere else!"
  9. Arclyte

    TR and VS AI maxes are balanced. Take away the shotguns and give them gauss rifles on each arm like everyone else.
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  10. Bape

    Yeh but that doesn't happen now does it? you guys actually come and take it. Situation happens to anyone that own the biolab it gonna be a pain in the *** to take.
  11. Alarox

    Regardless of balance, what I find to be absolutely amazing are the assumptions that people are making about the NC. People claim all we do is spawn Max units... the most AI Max units I've ever seen together was 3, even in a bio lab.
  12. D-Spirith

    You need a different tactic to take down an NC MAX as you probably already noticed, going face-to-face with it will not work indoors.

    I'll give you a hint, the NC MAX barely watches his back as he kills everyone on his path and does not care about what was left. He nearly always looks forward.

    When all VS/TR MAXes may be considered as warriors with swords in one and crossbows in the second, the NC MAX might be a gladiator with dual war axes.
  13. TheWhiteDragon

    The best way to take a Biolab owned by the NC is for everyone to leave so they get bored. Come back when nobody's there. Trying to take an NC owned Biolab with Platoons at it is almost harder than taking The Crown.
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    ^ Pretty much sums it up perfectly!

    I would rather play my TR max with dual mercys than my NC scat max. I think most people just cant aim so they think TR max sucks, but in reality it is perfect.
  15. Lagavulin

    Funny, but I don't come across any more NC maxes than vs or tr ones - and when I do they don't really seem any more effective in the scheme of things. If I do come across a hack max at cqc, I expect to die though, as that's what they're for. Same goes for other infantry who have shotties when I don't.
  16. Kaindestroi

    im getting sick of these silly whines who tries to get the other team nerfed.
    go and fight on the battlefield instead of the forum.
  17. NovaAustralis

    I spent 1000 certs on a second CQB weapon for my MAX,
    spent another 1000 certs for extended mags,
    spent another 1000 or so certs on armour and cooldown,
    have to use 100 Infantry resources (every time) just to spawn my MAX suit,

    and I killed your LA in several shots...

    how dare I.
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  18. Hyperz

    It's funny that the same kind of arguments that were used against the magrider and prowler are suddenly invalid according to some. Gotta love the my X is not OP, your Y is OP logic around here.
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  19. CaligoIllioneus

    Idk why people go on and on about biolabs. It's not the only habitat of the NC MAX...90% of the rooms with capturable points in the game are smal (point A of towers, etc)l. These MAXes always reside there and generate boring stalemates until you throw enough men at them or you explosive spam so much that their engies die.

    I will say the same I said about the Prowler: Don't nerf it. Leave the NC MAX as is. But buff the other two.

    This "NC Max is only good at close range therefore it's balanced" argument is born of ignorance, since TR and VS MAXes also suck at long/medium range. The only semi-acceptable one is the Mercy TR MAX, TR and VS MAXes in general even have a different role, they act more like meatshields. The NC MAX is not only a meatshield but the damage it dishes out is completely insane.

    Yes, you can kill NC MAXes. I have done so. No, no other MAX in the game is as dangerous as this one. Not even close. Therefore it's not balanced. I wouldn't be surprised if these Scatmaxes/Hackmaxes are doing more than triple the kdr compared to TR and VS ones...I'd like to see that graph.

    VS didn't get to keep their magrider, TR now gets the Prowler nerfed, and the extremely more OP NC MAX is left as is?
  20. Weylin

    Just give the NC MAX a gauss cannon that is in line with the TR and VS weapons and it'll be all good.
    It can differ a bit to be overall better at short range than the other two, but also do ok at medium range.