New Higby Sucks - Bring Back Old Higby

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FnkyTwn, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. FnkyTwn

    Old Higby


    New Higby << This is the bad one


    Bring back the Higby that found (through stats) that the Magrider was only slightly ahead of the Prowler, instead of this new guy who feels that the old Magrider was SEVERELY IMBALANCED please.
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  2. Xae

    Hes doing a great job of CYA by deleting every thread that mentions the Magrider being bugged from these forums.

    PS. Still waiting for Scatter Max KDRs to be posted.
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  3. ps2x518

    He seems to have contradicted himself.
  4. Cyridius

    What, you mean have 3 times the KDR in tank on tank battles?
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  5. LuckYx

    He's a tool
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  6. forkyar

    you call that insulting 1/3 the player base,you the players are sad bunch that think that way.
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  7. Xae

    Warning: Figure does not include adjust for - Number of vehicles pulled, AP weapons run, gunners used or even non-MBT sources of damage.
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  8. Dkamanus

    Higby already said the magrider was killing more tanks then almost both other empires combined on KDR.

    Wish I knew where that twitter went.
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  9. HadesR

    Problem is they listen to the few vocal idiot's on Tw@tter .. I mean Twitter
  10. Cyridius

    And it can be assumed when you take into account over 10,000 battles that it averages out. If it doesn't, then there's another issue of balance and something else needs to be nerfed again.
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  11. Cowabunga

    As if they aren't here on the forum as well...
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  12. Necron

    At least his is showing his Blue and Yellow and not caving to the VS winerbabies who want their BWHAHAHAHAHA I killed you Maggie back.
  13. Xae

    No, it doesn't.

    If 80% of TR run HE/Nothing and 80% of Magriders run HEAT/AP who will win most fights?

    Aggregation will mask outliers, but it will not mask substantive differences in the raw data.
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  14. Fox Reinhold

    Nerf Higby.

    Or you know, fire him for his utter lack of respect and professionalism towards the community that funds his very job. Also the fact he quite obviously doesn't play the game in the slightest and he's pretty terrible at design balance (or, more correctly, a healthy imbalance which is what this game needs).
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  15. HadesR

    Yeah but the Dev's aren't :p
  16. Wobberjockey

    actually , no you can't do that. when running an average like that, you end up with one data point. to do any sort of further analysis, we would need the daily KDR's for the rest of the month that came from
  17. Lord Robert

    I for one, greatly prefer new Higby to the old one mentioned above.
    His response (New Higby) is very similar to something I would say if I were him.
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  18. Munq

    I ******* hate how people think the climb power was what made magrider absolutely imba. That's ********. Magrider is useless tank because of the number of AV crap out there, not because of the nerfs to it. You have ESF's with rocket pods, mines, engineers with AV mana turrets, hordes of HA zombies with lock-on missiles and dumb fire missiles, liberators, other tanks and AV MAXes.

    Magrider is absolutely worst tank when it comes to fighting infantry. The guns have poor damage and poor blast radius against infantry and in order hit the infantry you have to turn the entire tank which most likely leads you to being one or two shotted by couple missiles. I'd be fine with that if there was really any other targets to shoot at. But right now, thanks to fields being overcrowded with those HA zombies with lock-on missiles, vehicles are becoming more rare than ever. Magriders don't have the firepower or survivability to withstand Vanguards or Prowerls, especially on Indar now that VS start from the canyon where sideways movement is impossible, you can only go forward or backward.

    Problem is the number of lock-on weapons. There needs to be some limiting factor to them.
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  19. xp0rnstar2

    Lol Please, Entertain me. What is it that us Vs Winner-babes have that is such a distinct advantage over NC?
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  20. Cyridius

    And if 80% of TR are using these things does it not have an implication of AP being underpowered?

    That is how balance is decided. Stats. Numbers of people using X vs people using Y

    If an entire faction is ignoring X in favor of Y, then there is a problem that either X is underpowered or Y is overpowered. The Devs obviously took the (smart) decision to buff instead of nerf. Buffing's much easier to do and balance.
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