New Higby Sucks - Bring Back Old Higby

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FnkyTwn, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Leo Di Caprio

    Hahaha, time to turn ol Matt into a meme?

    Ok, I will start the process.
  2. Autarkis

    Might be time for a scumbag helmet.
  3. iller

    How is this a surprise to anyone?

    Atleast this version of Higby isn't telling people to pay $7 for Imba RocketPods "if they're so good".
    And yeah he's right, Mag was insanely overpowered and it's still the best tank in the game. Anyone who loses a fight to the other tanks in it should just uninstall and move to Pennsylvania Dutch country.
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  4. SharpeShooter


    The magrider needed a nerf FACT. Every person on here that's moaning about the magrider not being op then sir/madam you're a fool. The Prowler, and the vangaurd now has a fighting chance! And with max deploy I will MELT your hovering purple faces off, and I will enjoy and savor every moment :).
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  5. FnkyTwn

    You gonna "saver" those moments in a bank account?

    Edit: Waaaaait. You do know that 'sharpe' isn't spelled with that extra 'e' right? Right?
  6. Xae

    Scum Bag Higby :

    Says won't nerf Mag Mobility

    Nerfs Mag Mobility

    Someone with the photoshop skills, do it.
  7. SharpeShooter

    Terribly sorry I was supposed to type "savor" and the name sharpe comes from this:
  8. Lukor


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  9. the pestimist

    yeah higby hate wooo
  10. SharpeShooter

    I'm an overweight black child who has stepped on something sharp by the looks of him?.... ok lol .
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  11. Leo Di Caprio

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  12. Bape

    What do you want him to do since day 1 hes getting NERF THIS BUFF THIS OH WHY DID YOU NERF THIS "Tears" Tears" etc etc obviously he had enough and didn't say anything wrong. If you'r gonna quit the game or switch to a different empire over a nerf THERE IS NOTHING HE CAN DO. Im not trying to be a ****** but come on hes doing his best here everything they make people cry NERF and then BUFF and when somethings get nerfed It then turn into PLEASE BUFF.
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  13. FnkyTwn

    Leave Britney Alone?
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  14. the pestimist

    stop blaming higby guys I would be slapping myself if I was him and saw this post.
  15. Raital

    He seems fine to me. Besides, the Magrider being able to climb hills the way it did was a bug. The way it works now, Magriders behave on hills just like every other tank did and still does: You climb it fast if you just hold down forward, but if you so much as dare touch A or D, you magically lose traction and slide down the hill. Vanguards, Prowlers, Flashes, and lightnings, they've had to deal with this for months, that's why they seem to climb better; they know better not to try to strafe up a hill because it ruins their speed. The Magrider drivers just have to adjust to it as everyone else have had to. I honestly thought it was a bug on non-Magriders, but apparently they intended this and their intention didn't fit the Magrider in for whatever reason. Magriders being able to use strafe and magburner to climb up into biolabs and such was beyond broken anyways, and it made every other tank worthless as **** in comparison. Magriders are still agile and annoyingly fast, but their magic 85 degree hill climb had to go, and everyone knew this. Everyone, except perhaps the Vanu themselves.
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  16. Bape

    Lol i wouldve cursed out the entire community i give him props for not loosing it yet lol.
  17. the pestimist

    yep lets discuss what would you do if you were higby lol
  18. NoctD

    TL;DR version...

    Old Higby - Vanu OP = good
    New Higby - Vanu OP = bad

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  19. Dice

    Am I the only VS tank driver not crying about this? Look guys if the game had of launched with the mag how it is now everyone else would have still cried OP and we would not for a moment have *****ed about it being unable to climb.

    Fact is if you put front plating on it, a Saron on it and sit back and dodge incoming shells while your gunner hits 4 out of 5 shots you would stop complaining. Stop trying to put the Mag in places it is ill suited for and use it strengths to wipe the floor with everyone.
  20. Lukor

    I think this thread is more about the bait&switch being pulled by SOE/Higby rather than the actual nerf. What happened here was a classic "there are no americans in Baghdad" situation.