If you use low settings, you can kill every infiltrator with ease!

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by NUKABAZOOKA, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. HowToAim

    Wow that's horrible! I am one of the few who thought the cloak was perfect before-- this white/black silhouette on the other hand is a pure joke.
  2. Rogueghost

    I can barely run this game on low, and It feels cheap murdering every cloaked infiltrator I see, but what am I supposed to do, pretend I don't see them?
  3. {joer

    Yea low settings are easier to see infil on. I set my rig to the lowest settings possible to see if it helped with the fps stutter (it didn't) and I had NO issue seeing infiltrators.

    Obviously SOE don't quite get how this should work ;)

    I'm fortunate enough to be able to own a rig that runs at around 50-60fps at maxed ultra settings. Needless to say until this is fixed I'll be going light assault on low settings running 100-120fps just to hard counter Infiltrators without a thought.
  5. IdesOfSmarch

    Well that's problematic... Personally, though, I usually do alright when it comes to spotting infiltrators (running generally High settings, that is). I could see how this could give you a considerable advantage though.
  6. NovaAustralis

    Just assume, even when you're cloaked, that you're visible.
    It makes you play better, more tactically and more carefully anyway.
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  7. Dr. Euthanasia

    Just stop pressing the F button.

    Or, you know, you could play another class.
  8. NovaAustralis

    IR stands for Infra Red.
    Radiating heat is in the IR part of the EM spectrum.
    Therefore: Thermal is IR, IR is Thermal.

    NV stands for Night Vision.
    It only amplifies available light, it doesn't expand your visibility of the EM spectrum, or see heat sources.

    I'd like it if we have certs in both Thermal and NV that you can 'overlay' the two to gain true IRNV.
    (But I guess that would be OP...)

  9. MurderBunneh

    Someone show a pic of before the patch on low settings when you couldn't see them right in front of your face.
    Before infils would "test" to see if you react to them after they cloak right in front of you and if you didnt they would proceed to abuse the **** out of it until I broke down and upped my settings to medium.

    They are easy to see on high settings unless crouched not moving and I am pretty sure the same applies on low.
    You are just mad because you can't exploit the 30% of the pop on low settings anymore.
  10. TheDudeMachine

    Since the hotfix tonight, it seems to be even worse:


    At roughly 55m through a 4x scope.
    To a trained eye like mine, that says "Put a bullet in my brain, please, and thank you."
  12. Iksniljiksul

    The opposite, IR scopes are the counter to cloak and are supposed to make them clear as day. That's exactly how PS1 worked as well. What's broken is the way cloaks look outside of IR scopes. Cloaking should be nearly invisible at all times, not completely. Why they can't seem to replicate original planetside code is annoying.

    I spent the majority of my time as an NC Infiltrator in the original game, I rather detest what they turned the class in to here.
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  13. drNovikov

    Someone obviously got his *** kicked by infiltrators. That's why:
    - Infiltrators have light bulbs and neon bracelets all over their armor and glow in darkness as a christmas tree (definition of stupidity).
    - Infiltrators have 20% less shield.
    - Infiltrators have a very loud cloak, compare to a silent LA jetpack.
    - Infiltrators can't get shotguns.
    - Infiltrators can't hold their breath as every normal human can.

    Now that loud and short-lasting cloak is actually harmful since it became more than visible in the last patch.
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  14. Plague Rat

    So, did anyone, I don't know, consider that maybe with all the graphical and performance optimization that were trying to do here this might be a bug? You know because adjustments to the cloak aren't listed anywhere in the patch notes? Seriously, show of hands, who bothered to try and contact support or filed a bug report before they ran here to do the 'devs hate us' forum dance?
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  15. Skeith

    so wait they actually made the cloak worst?

    mother of god i used to lost faith in SOE,but never in my life i would have imagined that they could turn the crappiest tool in the game in something even worst
  16. Cyridius

    I can see infiltrators as if they weren't even cloaked now. It's ridiculous.
  17. VelcroPudding

    I considered this and then realized I didn't care.
    Seriously, it's not a big deal and I've been playing LA a lot more than my infil for quite a while.
  18. RobotNinja

    The damn problem is since Beta and Launch they've been cycling through this every other damn patch! One patch we're completely invisible, the next we're completely visible white or grey opaque shadow, the next...we're just right were it should be...the next...let's do it all over again!!!!

    And people have been reporting this issue since Beta, so you can't tell me because they just now got some reports about issues they decided to tweak it. They've known this! Players have posted extensively with pictures on it before and pointed this out to the devs personally! Infs are already the ****tiest class in-game and easy to spot/kill as it is. Now, Infs are basically free XP with legs.
  19. OldOnyx

    Since the hotfix, I noticed that the caspers were back as well.


    However, it's not consistent and re-logging gives me the obvious shadow people again. The hotfix may have nothing to do with it.

    I have a sinking suspicion that the white outline is a bug and the black one is what's intended. I can't be sure at this point. Either way, this will definitely be included in the bug reports I fill out later this morning.

    Cloak seems like one of those fancy things like throwing, block damage, and projectiles that people always seem to want to call "cheap" or "OP" in fighting games. The counters are there and readily available, but many don't want to use them because they have a preset routine in mind and don't like things that get in the way of that.
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  20. St0mpy

    awesome, why not snap the guy in the middle of a brightly lit floor and compare it to a picture of a guy at night time in the darkest corner of the room

    Real like for like comparison there, NOT lol.