This is why Genudine NC are something special

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Excellentz, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. SzeronTzur

    Oh, I agree. If you're of the red flavor, I'd definitely suggest looking elsewhere(unless you want to be part of a zerg-fit). The VS are fairly coordinated and a solid force on both servers, The NC on the other hand could just use a bit more love.

    Still haven't found a nice TR server that isn't either part of the red horde or grossly outnumbered. Still a few servers I've been meaning to check out though.

    NC on Genudine started out fairly basic with little-no teamwork from players including many outfits, but they've been steadily improving. I'm still no where near happy with them though =P.
  3. IsorokuVS

    Have to say it was a good fight I enjoyed every last minute fighting over Amerish. Its something we as a community on Genudine need to do more often!! I'm sure we can all agree Indar is becoming a boring SSDD. Also wanted to say that I was Impressed with NC's coordination and prep work on Amerish. I hope In future I can see the same from the Vanu Outfits ect.

    But for now "you liberated the F**K outta us!" :p
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  4. Rage Kage

    i can tell you that at least 2 of the main TR outfits left genudine few weeks ago because its so dead

    but, grats i guess you guys are kings of the ****tiest server
  5. Slyguy65

    And now you know what people are saying MERGE SERVERS
  6. Slyguy65

    How are they "leaving"?

    They quit the game? Honestly?
  7. xealotusa

    actually I am a member of ADK on genudine and they are organized. But, the vanu and TR are badly unorganized. Overall, it is a victory for NC but the competition we get from TR and Vanu is not very good. It would be nice to see Vanu and TR team up against the NC and provide a real challenge, and with that something to really brag about; but some NC whiner babies already posted a thread complaing about that, so ....
  8. vaxx

    Couple of problems here. First off, having 2 factions "team up" is dumb. Not only would be it hard to get every person of the 2 factions to go along with this, but it would be a loose based strat.

    The fact that 2 factions would have to team up, shows how bad pop balance is.

    Dont try to skew the fact that when the NC zerg is rolling over small defenses, that that makes them organized, and the TR not. The fact that the TR can hold and push back againts 20%/39% difference shows that they can organize just fine.
  9. Phyr

    Lets ignore that NC had the continent capped and a very sizeable population when the event started. Gratz to you guys.
  10. IsorokuVS

    Just wanted to mention that already controlling Amerish before the UES started was a big advantage and there is no mistaking that, BUT can't fault the initiative. Don't show the ego too much remember you couldn't hold us at the Sol Tech Charging Station when we initially formed up and proceeded to smash your Tank Groups. Never have I seen NC Troops run so fast. Also we did have "some" organisation we were just fashionably late to the party.

    ^NC Leadership comms XD

    Also to add some of my own EGO Mwhahaa, until you NC Outfits can Take Mao Tech Plant from my forces when we control it your still small time... AND If I remember right the last few times you have tried, you quit the field within an hour, we loled so very hard at you :) at lest TR stay around for a good fight.
  11. Warmech

    Wow, people took the UES that seriously? No wonder NC had literally half the pop on Amerish and "won" the event (btw what was your reward? nothing? oh cool). The posts you guys make on this forum are the most self deluding pieces of text I've ever read.

    I seriously feel sorry for the NC outfits, they are going to have a horrible wake-up call when servers are merged or everyone transfers off Genudine. It's not hard to consider yourself "organized" and so much better than the other factions when all you do is push straight north on Indar 24/7 with a zerg while the VS are distracting half the TR (the most underpop faction on the server) on the west flank.

    Seriously, I've fought pretty evenly between the VX9/ADK and the VS TED/PINK zerg over the past couple months and I can tell you the VS are far better players (and don't seem to be bat**** insane either).
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  12. NoctD

    To be honest I think TR has the best players on Genudine, but there's just not enough of them to really turn the tide of the battle. VS are mindless spammers, they bring on so many Mags at times against NC that its like shooting fish in a barrel.
  13. Phyr

    Then the NC and TR spam VS with libs. Everybody zergs, and everybody spams everybody.
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  14. NoctD

    At least the ADK armored columns aren't nearly as disorganized... I once saw a long line of Vanguards that seemed endless go by, but they were single file and not bumping into each other. It was quite a sight. Of course, this only happens in Indar on Genu. And Glorin and co doesn't zerg/spam, they just seem to have a way of finding those messy infantry deals and showing up. Though I don't think we could ever put up the zergspam I've seen checking out various other servers... those are just seriously stupid.

    My favorite memory of Vanu on Genu was a time when they took Tawrich... stupidly enough we had engies repair the shield gens while their sundy was in the bay. I believe it had mine guard, plus they put up AT mines and the shields made it impossible to shoot in from outside, but if you so much as poked your tank inside, it goes boom... the plant was lost, to a very small Vanu force that was organized that day.

    What I mainly see from TR and VS that they try and call organized is simply sitting there camping the Spawn Room with 20 tanks+libs, not actually in pitched battles with actual competition.

    That being said, the amount of times me n the lads have taken a facility and looked at the map 10-15 minutes later to see that the zerglings couldn't n didn't hold it while we took 2 more is starting to get ridiculous.
  16. Phyr

    Fights would probably be better if every push didn't somehow end up at the crown.
  17. Tankcommander

    Genudine has been dead from the start, unless you play on Indar. I have quit for quite some time for that very reason; I put a lot of time and SC from alpha squad into my NC guy, and I never can find much of a fight on Amerish, my favorite continent. The game gets boring fast.

    Me n my lads stopped playing on Hoth n Endor a while back, the other day was the first time for a while we've stepped off Tatooine, even there we sometimes have a hard time finding a decent fight. 1 hotspot between 3 maps (And that's often the Meat Grinder in the middle)? Are you friggin kidding?

    However leaving a server not long before they implement server transfers is a bit ignant. How much cash they spend on their characters? Not sure about you but I've spent 'a lot' (easy over $300 if I include year subscription and Alpha Squad).
  19. Whiro

    I was the ADK platoon leader at Soltech Charging Station when the Vanu finally got their act together. We held everything that came out of that warpgate for ten minutes until they stopped throwing galaxies into the mountainside. I was the lead Vanguard on the road, and I lost count of my tank and scythe kills. I had to reload my AP gun five times. I sent liberators and galaxies back into their own gate smoking half a dozen times before the purple wave finally massed too many for our defensive line to continue brutalizing. Many props to faithful engineers, guerilla heavies decimating overeager tanks as they glided by, and our excellent air support. 40~ guys held against the technophile armada for ten minutes. Soltech and the VS Warpgate read 'platoons' before we were overwhelmed.

    It was simple numbers. One platoon cannot hold against many. We retreated to Kwahtee Amp Station. We manned every turret, laid every mine and trap possible, and set up at every possible chokepoint. The Vanu came over the rise in a sea of liberators and magriders. We were instantly outgunned, but we made them PAY for every footstep they took.

    The vast numbers made the zerg lazy, impatient to move on the other objectives, and thus made them stupid. I remember running across the thin forcefield wall of the northwestern gate, as two magriders and two lightnings jammed against the forcefield, waiting for the gate forcefield to fall. I killed six people in four seconds with five mines by pressing 'A' and hammering my mouse button, and letting my toys drop right onto their hulls.

    Kwahtee was overwhelmed in numbers, superior Vanu air presence, and laserfire seemed everywhere. But we held for 30 minutes of 40. We delayed the Vanu advance, and occupied twice our number for most of the first challenge. When Kwahtee finally fell, we were already retaking Soltech. The Vanu had barely taken two objectives, the Terrans one, when the buzzer came down. 6 to 2 to 1. Not bad.

    Then the Bastion. Of all things, the Bastion was the most horrifying. At the word 'Go', everyone dropped everything. Redeployment took the longest 45 seconds I've ever played. We spawned into an utter nightmare. The spawnroom was a pure example of entrophy. NC ran madly in all directions, as enemy fire seemed to come in from all directions at once. Liberators filled the air, and their tanks were covering the ground. It was sheer pandemonium.

    I was boots on the ground for most of that 40 minutes. 'A' came under attack, and our horde moved to 'A', and murdered, stabbed and grenaded every unfortunate attacker in our way. Then 'C' was turned against us, and we 180'd, and did exactly the same thing to the new offenders. They were red, that time, I think.

    3 galaxies were suddenly overhead, and without any chance to prepare, the tower was suddenly covered in terran MAXs. I'm still uncertain how we defeated that many, with most of our MAXs in AA form.

    Hold them we did. A tank column of seven rolled up, and just died. A veritable fleet of liberators and scythes came at us, and melted to our combined AA fire. Every NC player not retaking territory for our faction, or ferrying endless galaxy drops from the warpgate was on that tower that night. It was the most intense 40 minutes I've had since I started playing, and I wish above everything else I'd been recording it all.

    The last objective, and our men flared out. The last milestone seemed the least interesting. It amounted to 'ghost cap' Amerish, as getting stuck in long engagements could only hurt our percentage. The map became a wild, twisting hex of changing colors as strike squads moved in, took a base, moved out, and another, opposing force came in and did the same.

    All eyes were on the percentages of Territory Control as the minutes counted down. The Vanu came closest, but the TR took several bases the Vanu had previously conquered, gaining them both nothing, and by then, ADK had fielded five platoons of varying strength to the battle.

    When the final counter came down, we all watched the stream. The final scoreboard posted, and we stared. A sea of purple victories, and there we were. 3 for 3, standing alone.

    You can cry 'zerg', but we're hardly mindless in our freedom fighting. We knew we'd be fighting both of you. We were prepared when the first bell came down, while your factions struggled to muster. We stepped back against your full strength, and struck you sounded in both flanks, endlessly. Every step you took, we made you bleed. When retreat was impossible, we let you charge right up to our gunbarrels.

    After all, the NC is no good at long distances. We take our freedom at arm's length.
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  20. reddragons

    This is a funny post.... I am amused that you feel like you won something. I am in a 300 outfit... Maybe 5 of us knew what and when this was....

    I suppose getting stomped nightly, until 1 am when the Russian NC army comes to reclaim what you've lost, means nothing . We'll just pretend this doesn't happen... over .. and over...
    No one cared about this nerd fest errrrrrrrrrrrrrr empire showdown but you lul. It's cute that you tried so hard... It obviously was worth it <3