[Suggestion] Bring back travel mode!

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Cryptek, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. Cryptek

    Seriously, everyone who played or just at least heard a bit about planetside 1 knows what this is.

    But it really needs to be implemented, doesn't matter if you have to swap out charge for it, heck it doesn't matter if you need to go to a vehicle terminal to activate it! or if you can't go through vehicle shields while it's on. It just needs to be implemented.

    Too many sunderers locked on 'squad only' and too many MAXes being forced to run from battle to battle, because they have no other alternative. It is the only class, only anything in the game that is plagued by such immobility, sure you need might someone else to fully man other vehicles, but you damn well don't need more than 1 person to drive it somewhere!

    For those who are wondering what I'm rambling about:

    Travel mode:
    Takes roughly 3 seconds to power up
    Takes the same amount of time to power down again
    Once activated you can not shoot, if you attempt you will still have to wait 3 seconds for it to power down.
    You can no longer change direction rapidly, becoming about as maneuverable as a tank. (but at least a lot smaller)
    When in run mode you run at about 30km/hour, it's slower than all other vehicles, but it's better than having to walk at slower than infantry pace between bases..

    This needs to be implemented like it was in PS1, Every other vehicle/class lends it self to you being able to both use it solo and in an outfit action. The MAX is almost entirely limited to outfit action, if you want to keep it for more than 1 base fight. (unless you're dedicated, like most of the few MAX players that are, and choose to run 1+km.. in the slowest unit in the game :mad:)

    I am willing to wager that the number 1 reason that not more people play MAXes, is the inability to reliably get from base to base, unless you are bitterly dedicated, why invest in something you'll have to discard after every base fight? Especially considering the rather steep entry price into the class, It just doesn't make sense.

    Make sure to comment so the dev's might finally give us this at last.
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  2. Arkanol

    True travel mode would be a god send so sick of being left behind after a fight ends D:
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  3. Varennikov

    This would be good.
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  4. Skadi

    My lone VS MAX cleared the tawritch SCU room today by flanking the NC fr the rear, After the battle I was rewarded by being forced to run al l the way to the NC warp gate to help hold their aircraft at bay.
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  5. RblDiver

    I used to love it in PS1. However, I will note that the "can't change direction rapidly" is not entirely accurate. Sure, if you have the same mouse sensitivity it's harder to turn, but we'd just get variable-sensitivity mice and crank them up to the most sensitive setting when travelling. You could easily run up twisted staircases with that (once you got used to it).

    Would sure make MAX crashes more interesting again lol.
  6. Cryptek

    I did not know that :eek: Although I'm thinking you could around that in the current PS2 engine by just putting in a max turn rate, maybe link it to your left/right keys and just have the mouse be mouse look?

    I don't think it'd be used for MAX crashes like in PS1 actually, considering we don't have a long underground bases, to run through any more (sadly everything having to be within convenient walking distance, of vehicles after all ;p), you're pretty much in the action once you get up to the base, charge is better for crashing once you're inside IMO.
  7. Arcanum

    I know this wouldn't break anything. Bump so hopefully SOE considers this.
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  8. Cryptek

    Sadly it seems the only way to get people to comment on a topic, is to make sure someone is getting butt hurt over the subject.. Maybe I should have titled this: Give travel mode to VS and TR but not the NC! yeah, then it would get traffic.

    (I'm well aware of the massive amounts of irony in that statement, especially coming from me :p)
  9. Arcanum

    Put it in your sig. The text is already there, link it and make the font bigger, that might get more people to keep this thread up.
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  10. TheEvilBlight

    You'd have to balance it against MAX charge. Weapon cooldown after shutoff, or perhaps forced shutdown when fired upon?
  11. Stormlight666

    I miss the autopilot feature, especially in a Max suit. Of course there are no rivers for us to try and ford using it. That was always fun, trying to get to the other side before you ran out of air.
  12. Takoita

    Did you notice that it takes MAX a few seconds for its 'sprint' (not F key, shift key) to get to full speed? If its maximum was raised a bit but the acceleration lowered, wouldn't it become the coveted travel mode?
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  13. Kriesha

    Travel mode was fun, nothing against it. But at least you can pack more than 2 maxes into a sunderer now (or galaxy, but noone ever uses them cause its a flying coffin with no decent weapon options).
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  14. Cryptek

    If the speed was changed to something, that would actually help you get between bases (like say 30km/h), and the start up/slow down period was lengthened by a great deal. Then it could indeed become travel mode.

    Actually it would be even more of a homage to PS1 that way, since that's what it was back there, there was no sprint function other than travel mode. It would also make MAXes terrible at chasing people, but hey I'd gladly make that trade.

    It would also be nice, since it'd allow you to have your empire specific ability equipped (once they're finally implemented)
  15. Village

    Hell no, i don't want ScatMAXs charging in at 30kph to point blank range from anywhere. This would be terribly overpowered.

    Once you take damage you could just take cover then charge out of the territory completly and re-heal with nanite-repair, rinse repeat. No thanks, we already have charge that's enough. I am happy enough to ride along in Sunderers and Galaxies.
  16. Cryptek

    You did read the part about his weapons being depowered for 3 full seconds no matter how he leaves travel mode right? Not to mention it takes an equal amount of time to power it up again, not exactly a great escape mechanism, unless people just leave you alone :p Sadly people tend to not do that when you're wounded:(

    Edit: That's also why I suggested that you might need to go to a vehicle/infantry terminal to activate it, after all it's purpose is to get you from base to base. (Make it something like 'equip overdrive pack' or something.)
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  17. stalkish

    its a PS1 mechanic, good luck getting the devs to care.

    EDIT: Spose i should stay on topic...would love to see it implemented, along with an autorun for troops.
    Also why is it that aircraft seem to keep flying in 'cruise control' when on map but ground vehicles dont?
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  18. Longman

    a bicycle would be enough. But your're right. A travelmode would be great. How about giving that kind of thing as a armor modification. You would have to replace it for kinetic or other armor at an infantry terminal. Giving it an accelerationsistance of 50m to get on full speed and a bad handling will keep ppl from rushing with this travel-mod.
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  19. JudgeDeath

    I love the idea of a travelmode.

    Doesent break nothing just gives more !
  20. Arcanum

    In before SOE for some miracle considers this thread and does that but also adds a sprinting cert tree just like Triage.

    Could have it travel mode break and initiate a longer cooldown when damaged while using it. Come on, MAXes kinda need that function.
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