Important Information Regarding EverQuest Next

Discussion in 'News, Announcements, and Dev Discussions' started by Daybreak Games, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. L33T-T3CH New Member

    I feel like this is some kinda April fools joke that came out a month early?. but its not am vary upset that your new company has decided not to make a game that you have repeatedly said "its still in the works", I feel as if you are lying to us about its "fun" factor any game can be made to be "fun". but that's the end of me promoting any of your games anymore, for the past 3 years i been talking about the development of EQN and how EQ landmark was a pre-quest to it. your a sad to discontinue something we have been waiting years to see another EQN to bite the dust go figure.
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  2. captjack007 New Member

    I am a bit upset. I had high hopes for this game.
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  3. Wreatch New Member

    Very sad. Hoped to share this with my son.
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  4. xSenzox New Member

    Just sell it to Blizzard, at least they would eventually get it done.
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  5. Sir Frisk New Member

    Wasn't fun? Then WORK IT OUT! All of your time and resources should be going into ONE title.. Everquest... Please sell the franchise too many people Care about it. There are no good games out including all of yours. This is all we had.
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  6. Sir Frisk New Member

    Really pissed and yet expected nothing less
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  7. Callicles New Member

    Bye bye Daybreak, you fail the gamers... in so many ways... When I saw H1Z1 split and Landmark no evolution since a few month I was scared of EQN being droped... I played EQ1 since launch, but it's no more the compagny that make me dream back then...
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  8. Thessik Irontail New Member

    Look, we all knew this was coming because of the failure of how SOE/DBG was handling this. Even if Everquest Next was dead in the water, the fact remains that Everquest IS your major brand. ALL of your resources should be devouted to expanding that brand.

    It has been 11 years since the last Everquest, what have you been doing all that time? This is an absolute train wreck and you all should be ashamed of yourselves, you are letting this MAJOR ip sink into the forgotten pages of history.

    Starting right now.. since EQN cancellation has been confirmed, you should be putting all your best people, hiring even better people, and working out ways that you are going to deliver NEW Everquest content that is not simply adding expansions to EQ1 or EQ2.

    We need a NEW Everquest, if you cannot deliver, sell the IP please.
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  9. Zathris New Member

    Tis indeed sad. I hope the technology invested in the unreleased product can be used elsewhere and not only in Landmark.
  10. Graysilk Active Member

    As an avid EQ player, since Mar. '99. I have been looking forward to EQN for a very long time, long before the 2013 SoE convention. I am saddened. But, these things happen.

    I began LM to experience a new experiment: 2 games being developed at once, EQN lead in - oh yeah, and because I've never played anything but mmolrpg's - so it was a great way to get out of the box. And of course, the technology - breakable game context.

    I will see LM thru to launch at least. I have no further plans for LM past that time.
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  11. Graysilk Active Member

    Brad is the original designer of EQ. So yah, his Prof will have 'the like and feel of old EQ'. :)

    I've been a kickstarter since 2014.

    I'm very glad now, makes this announcement a bit easier to swallow.
  12. Graysilk Active Member

    Sorry but Dave was on the team for only 5 years. He was not an EQN fan.
    His love lay in H1Z1 and LM.
  13. Graysilk Active Member

    Darkhorse, check out Pantheon Rise of the Fallen, the original EQ creators mmolrp game development in progress.

    I've been a kickstart supporter since 2014. I did not discuss it before today, because not polite to do on another games boards. But, in this case we know that EQN is dead in the water now. So that negates that.
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  14. LeanneRI New Member

    I am disappointed, but to be honest I've always been very skeptical of the graphic style of the characters. I don't think I would have liked running around killing orcs looking like a "disney princess"
  15. Nanfoodle Member

    I really hope to see another EQ MMO, I know I would support such a game. My bests to everyone at DGC.

    A long time fan
  16. Volfango Member

    I'm not mad, just disappointed.
    *curls up in blanket with tub of butter pecan ice cream while watching Titanic thinking of what could've been*
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  17. Lears Darkness Member

    this is just horrible. when eq next first hit the net and they asked for our help making the game I was right there with everyone throwing my two cents everywhere trying to make this one of the best games ever. in fact I was one of the guys screaming about making it so you can solo a lot due to the fact that there are people like me who love mmo but can only play every now and then. but I did see this coming a little. since I also play dcuo I love that game but it has gotten so diluted that once you hit lvl 30 its a nightmare to navigate. and that is what will happen here. I was hoping to have a good experience. I am no builder not like most of you but I am a gamer. I love the lore and the story's even the little bits and peace's that just seem random. I wanted a game that was as flexible as a table top d&d game but in a online form with killer graphics. and yes I know there is a d&d online but this was going to be much better than that but now ...... I just don't know what to say daybreak you have broken me.
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  18. Finderskeepers New Member

    Projekt Red, a billion dollar franchise in Poland, should have been consulted, to use some overseas talent, that may have had an interest as a partner in a older defunct EQ franchise that can't compete. The EQ franchise has potential, but not with incompetence of the management, which is burying the EQ franchise, into the dustbins of begging for free players to pay.
  19. Ekrei Member

    Well. Wow.. Just wow.. I just heard about this and I am utterly outraged. This news is so devastating. How.. Why would you cancel EQN. Even if you had technical issues and needed to start from scratch (like mentioned above the engine was in early stages its much more developed now). You still have all your assets you can import over to get your crew started. This was literally the only MMORPG i was looking forward to playing. And I waited for years, only to hear this garbage. Please dear god sell the EQ franchise to a company that knows wtf they're doing. Sure i've tried other MMORPGS, guess what, everquest 1 still has the most memories for me vs any other MMORPG ive ever played.

    1. I have been waiting on LM for years along with every other EQ fanboi.
    2. Landmark sucked imo, yeah i spent a few days playing it, utterly just bad. Literally zero incentive for me to continue playing an hour in. "Oh well you can build new gear" whats the point... Not like im goona use it.
    4. I knew it was going into a sh!tbasket right when you switched from SoE to Daybreak crapshoot games.
    5. Im just pissed. I' was sorta pissed to visit the site weekly and see no news other than ****** LM videos, but god damnit, i had feared but i still sorta hoped your team was just keeping it a huge secret.
    6. ****ittty ****erino ****kkerinas ****ity ****er ****ino ****ers.
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  20. Yova New Member

    Its because the ****boi's and ****girl's at Daybreak Games cant put their stupid little internal works behind them, and sell the damn IP.
    They should not even call them selves game developers anymore, just people with fake "dreams and hopes". They say they love Everquest and the people that play it... Nay they love the money that they get from the players, not the love of making an amazing franchise.
    They are not even reading the forums anymore I can probably guarantee this. Maybe if they were they would feel like complete **** on the inside and realize how badly they have wronged us.
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