For EQN Landmark, which of the following styles would you be most likely to build in?

Discussion in 'News, Announcements, and Dev Discussions' started by Dexella, Nov 13, 2013.

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  1. Torpian Member

    I'm leaning more towards Fantasy though a combination of Fantasy / SciFi/Futuristic would be my preference if that were an option. I love buildings that have an historical aesthetic. Realistically, you could have all three. The Dwarves for example could have a steam punk vibe to their area, High Elves could be futuristic and Ogres could have older, larger homes that are reminiscent of castles from the medieval period.

    I don't like pop culture things in games like this, they age very quickly and look cheesy to anyone who isn't familiar with the references. If you're referring to city equivalents with the Real World option then that might work. Environments that remind you of the USA, Australia, France, China, Russia etc.. could work well. (natural places)

    The game should be predominantly fantasy though - this is EverQuest and EverQuest is fantasy.
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  2. Elhai Member

    My husband and I play Minecraft together, and the most fun we have is when we start building huge, elaborate, detailed buildings. We build castles, shrines, pyramids, and we once tried to replicate the Hanging Gardens (hard to do in Minecraft). It's the versatility and detail of the voxels in this game that is a big draw for us. We love to scavenge up building materials and go crazy with our imaginations. We've built everything from a skyscraper to a model of Epcot Center, to an old castle with dungeons and secret passages.

    MMOs, with their sword fighting, orc and goblin hunts, and dragon killing....those are games we've been playing for years. Over a decade of playing the same game with a different title over and over. Building the scenery, having an effect on the world by our choices, and having everything changing constantly....that is what we're really looking forward to here.
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  3. Bongo Member

    I am going to build a monument to the wasted opportunity that was this poll.

    But for real, fantasy....

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  4. Rawl New Member

    I voted Fantasy, but really that is too narrow a choice. My creations will likely be a combination of fantasy mixed with modern appearing items/creations. If you go home show viewing, you will see a lot of this sort of creation by the people who currently spend time decorating homes in EQ2. (I haven't visited properties in other games, so I don't include them due to my lack of exposure to them.)
  5. Luteuel New Member

    Fantasy. I love to see things that are not possible with physics.
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  6. Maikal Member

    I voted fantasy.. simply because I hope to create things that can later be moved to EQ Next.

    Tho I personally have always been more into Science Fiction. So I may eventually move my Landmark focus that way.
  7. Gram New Member

    For me its all about: Realistic Fantasy VS Cartoon Fantasy

    Both have good points, and IMO strongly different architectural styles. I would like to see how I can use the AI scripter and NPC creator to bring my creations to life, I suspect that cartoon fantasy would require a fare amount more NPC/scripts to feel alive then its more realistic counterpart.
  8. Mallas Scumlord Well-Known Member

    i am sure i will put Omeed's tribute statue somewhere on my plot.
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  9. Raz Active Member

    "Pinky, are you pondering what I am pondering?"
    "Yeah, that we are going build the largest apple pie on the server?"
    "No pinky, that we are going to build a Voxel Incohesivenessnator"?

    "With this we shall rule the world with the threat of destroying its very existence. With this weapon we can cause every voxel to become in-cohesive and the world will melt before anyone looking upon their monitors unless they pay us....", puts his small pinky finger to the side of his lips, "One billion gold!"

    Point is I can build anything my imagination can come up with.

    I may build my own MMO studio and start my own MMO from within this MMO.
    I may build a black hole to suck up everyone else's creation.
    I may build a statue of Omeed wearing a chicken costume.

    I will probably just build a giant box with a sign that says under construction, and people will wonder what I am building. And while they are doing that I have moved on to my next project just to let them wonder and stare at the big giant box and speculate.

    Just give me the tools and I will build whatever my muse inspires me to build!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Is it February 28th yet?
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  10. Nagafen_Katy Active Member

    Looks to me that you'll only be able to choose cartoony fantasy, not much from EQN or EQNL looks to be the gritty realistic kind of fantasy AT ALL. Just my opinion.

    But there will be encounter/NPC type tools like you're talking about, I forget where it was mentioned but yeah, confirmed. My guess is we'll be surprised to see how weird the creations get. Everything may look Disney but giving this many people this much power can only lead to weirdness, we don't know what we'll see.
  11. Fate Member

    It'll be Fantasy for me. While I won't say I'll never build in any other style, High Fantasy is my preferred genre and with how in depth EQN Landmark's tools are going to become, I think sticking with that theme will work the best in case I decide I want to compile all of my work into my own world/instance in the future.

    For any other genre, if I get an idea that seems really incredible to me I'll likely give it a try just to do it/see if it's possible, but I can't see myself doing more than the odd project here and there in something that isn't fantasy themed.
  12. Valyent New Member

    This pole feels counterproductive, why limit the way we approach the game with something thats going to narrow our mind sets? Anyone intrested in makeing a mark on eqn has a year if not longer to come up with a nice build/blueprint and with easy to use fast building tools it just seams like the question is going to hinder the creative public more then help and ''all of the above'' was not a answer .....why?.... ((is it not a option? '' rhetorical '' i know it is I'm just saying )) we are here for the same thing we like to build eexplore kill mobs get loot and play with friends I look forword too seeing all kinds stuff people come up with ....

    on a side note a better pole would be how do you want to destroy your creations

    1. TNT

    2. Magic

    3. Lava / fire

    4. PVP with your over exsited friend who flails even after your dead

    5. A battle ''with or with out your friend'' agionst a hord of mobs

    ((or my fave ))6. Kiteing over the local dragon or iron golem to play tag hide and seek and i spy with '' your friend optinal''
  13. Nagafen_Katy Active Member

    Silly WoWer..... dwarves build stone caves, gnomes make steampunk stuff, high elves are classic high fantasy ripped right out of rivendale, erudites are futuristic, barbarians have big wooden medieval stuff, and dark elves have spooky/evil fantasy stuff.

    But more on topic, people will choose a race at launch but that doesn't mean they're likely to be limited in what they can build, in EQNL a dwarf will surely be able to make a future themed building just as well as an erudite. The whole point of a sandbox is anyone can build anything they want, even or perhaps especially if it clashes stylistically with what people expect. Don't expect them to be strict about limiting what can and can't be built, they won't.
  14. Dhregin Active Member

    Did anyone else get a kick out of Jeff's tweet? That guy knows his epicness well.

    Anyway, Fantasy for me. It seems that many want to build fantasy. Perhaps everyone feels that this sort of game has a natural gravitation towards the fantasy genre with its direct tie in to the Everquest Franchise. The same thing, however, applied to minecraft. It was more of a fantasy setting as well. Part of me feels that sci-fi, however cool it certainly is, would seem a bit out of place, though no less welcome than any other genre certainly. Perhaps thats just how I feel, perhaps it is not.
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  15. Faith316 Member

    I agree with you. I think they are cheesy as well. I hope to see EQ be creative and unique with anything like this in EQN and EQNL.
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  16. dhomaee New Member

    Everything, but with a Fantasy take on it.

    If we manage to build something that doesn't go along with the standard fantasy theme of Everquest Next, and the detail of the land around it can support for its existence, what is the likely hood that something like this would be included in the final product?

    Lets say I made a huge metal person. I mean HUGE... like my character would be about ¼th the size of one of his fingers.

    Instead of just having this guy just chilling in the middle of nowhere, lets say half of his body is buried, as if he had fallen on his back and over time the earth grew around him and now you can only see a metallic face sticking out of the ground and a hand reaching toward the sky.

    Now lets throw in a town built near it where the people in the town tell you stories of this mysterious being. And heck maybe you can travel inside its mouth to find monsters living there. Maybe some evidence to support that hes fallen from the sky, like the ground is sunken around where he is buried.

    Obviously you could make something a lot weirder (lets say a giant metal squirrel with two rocket launchers mounted on its shoulders... and just for fun its also barfing wood.) but would be a lot harder to make something like that believable.

    I can go on and on with details about what you can do around this one thing, but would something 'strange' like this be something you would be looking for to put into the final product? Or are you looking for something completely different?
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  17. Dhregin Active Member

    I would have to disagree with you. I don't believe this post in mind-narrowing what so ever. Not to argue with a fellow Landmark friend, but I'd like to bring to attention how carefully worded this question was. It was "which of the following styles would you be most likely to build in?"

    A question of this nature could easily fulfill the purpose of the Developers choosing what sort of assets to add to the players repertoire in game. if 80% of the community says fantasy, then when choosing assets, the devs may say that fantasy elements are a priority for launch.

    This is just one reason I can think of this question being asked, so though some players may feel constrained to these genres, the devs in no way say these are the only genre's that exist, or that are worth mentioning. They are merely seeing where the crowds stand!

    Lastly, great job questioning things, doubting, disagreeing, agreeing, whatever it may be it all leads to good discussion.
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  18. Germrot Active Member

    Dark Elven Military Post

    Fort Germrot will likely be several player's demise one day in EQN!
  19. Dhregin Active Member

    I look forward to it, sir. Bring on the dark elf fortresses.
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  20. Germrot Active Member

    Challenge accepted! :mad:
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