You know you play too much EQ2 when...

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Zeus_GG, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Sirvandal Guest

    Turning a serious post in a funny 1 :smileyvery-happy:
  2. ARCHIVED-Irras Guest

    True events...
    My friend told me he was going to go loot a Sunkist out of the fridge.
    I have actually said "LOL" to people who said something funny.
    While driving somewhere I instinctively think "I can gate back, and it'll take half the time."
    My friend has called money "gold / plat"
    I was going to the grocery store, and my friends came along to buy snacks. One said "Might as well make it a raid. " He followed us to the car as we all shook our heads in shame.

    Oh and I forgot this one. When you are sitting at your computer, whether you're playing EQ or not. You always press your ventrilo button for any vocal action you make. ie. Coughing, sneezing, yawning, groaning.
    Message Edited by Irras on 02-11-200611:46 AM
  3. ARCHIVED-Howlingmoon Guest

    I did that last week. I was on a conference call on the phone and pushed my control key to talk in Vent. :D
  4. ARCHIVED-Kazac2 Guest

    you'r at the mall going to get the latest expansion for EQ2 and wishing you had sow to get there faster so you can get a copy.

    you suddenly start craving Gnome Sandwiches.

    You see a hot chick at dunkin donuts and try to send her a tell.

    you get a funny look from people when you start dancing out of nowhere.

    you get confused when taunting someone and they nail you in the side of the head.

    your landlord evics you because you didnt pay rent but you tell him you clicked the door and it wouldnt let you pay upkeep so you was waiting for the next patch.

    you get home and realize your baby dragon is missing so you call the cops and they have you commited.

    you get arrrested for looting an accual corpse

    your name gets put up on Jepordy for doing something totaly lame in the game.

    you figure you can just jump out of a bulding and respawn at the zone in and not lose a shard *GERONIMO!* *THUD*

    you tried to cross the Qeynos highway and didnt take that oncoming mack truck into account *mmm Squishy*

    all I got right now
  5. ARCHIVED-xbraindeadx Guest

    Kazac, your sig made me laugh harder than any of your,
    you know you play eq2 too much whens...
    I got some.
    when you kill your boss and loot his corpse, than try to get away from the cop by rooting him and running.
    when your in a fight and try to ward yourself.
    when your amazed with all of the voice overs on tv.
  6. ARCHIVED-PaekNikler Guest

    You pass up a ride home from a friend so you can stay out later partying thinking you'll just gate home later.
  7. ARCHIVED-TruckerSam Guest

    I have the worst habbit of talking to my mom or my brother or a friend in MSN messenger and typing r or t <name> before typing the message, luckily most of them have decided its just better to not even see the extra text at the beginning of my messages.

    Yesterday though I typed /gu before sending my mom a message......

    True story.
  8. ARCHIVED-Syran Guest

    -when your kid tells the bully next door "my mom will ice comet your face!"
  9. ARCHIVED-valadyne Guest

    I've seen variations of this before but I've almost done this before...
    Driving home there's a stretch of lawn with one big cluster of boulders in the middle of it...sometimes when I drive by it I've almost pulled over to harvest it. :)
  10. ARCHIVED-Kassanthala Guest

  11. ARCHIVED-SirQuan Guest

    you know you play eq2 too much when... you see a bunch of chineese farmers and think botter...
  12. ARCHIVED-SirQuan Guest

    ok... ive been playing eq2 too much... i need to take a break lol....

    you know you play everquest 2 too much when u im your gf and start takling like this...
    Quan666Chi: use ur teleportation
    Quan666Chi: warp here
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: oh yea like i got that
    Quan666Chi: mmmhmm
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: i wish
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: lol
    Quan666Chi: use ur CoQ
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: don't got taht im sorry
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: i was not born with it...
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: sad to anounce
    Quan666Chi: u suck
    Quan666Chi: have someone else cast teleport on u
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: lol
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: like who?
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: u?
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: lol
    Quan666Chi: umm like ur mom
    Quan666Chi: or ur brother
    Quan666Chi: or even ur dog
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: lol
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: ok i will see wut happens
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: lol
    Quan666Chi: dont u got a teleportation device in ur shower like most people?
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: wut do u mean?
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: im not following
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: well im sorry but i gotta go
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: im gonna go and get ready...
    Quan666Chi: hop on your noble steed and ride here
    Quan666Chi: or use ur magic carpet then
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: r u trying to tell me im a b****?
    Quan666Chi: no im trying to tell you hurry here
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: ok let my change and clean and then i will be over
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: i promis
    Quan666Chi: ok love u bye
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: love u to
    Oxcheerbaby06Xo: bye
  13. ARCHIVED-Thumatos Guest

    "The message on your voicemail says that you are AFK"

    ROFL . I just had to go and do that when i saw it. Now mine does. Confusion to the NON-MMO players )
  14. ARCHIVED-Irras Guest

    HEY! How did you get my chat logs?! LOL. This sounds a lot like me and my girl. :p Except in RL, not over chat.
  15. ARCHIVED-cattie brie Guest

    You know you play eq2 too much when...

    Tell your girlfriend on the phone your tired and are going to "log off"...
    god i got yelled at for that....
  16. ARCHIVED-Kazac2 Guest

    the bus stops and you ask the driver if hes going by Qeynos
  17. ARCHIVED-Zeeterman Guest

    I once had a dream that I was driving down the highway, and all the floating earth elementals from EQ 1 were floating accross the road. They were migrating. I was worried because I didn't want to hit one with my car. Do you have any idea what hitting an earth elemental at 70mph would do to a saturn?
  18. ARCHIVED-safrina Guest

    When you find yourself sitting in your pajamas at 5pm with a half eatin bagel at your side-laundry not done ,no dinner made etc.
  19. ARCHIVED-DrkVsr Guest

    YKYPTMEQIIW: you see something in RL and try to pan out the camera and attempt to get a 360 view of it :D
  20. ARCHIVED-CathyMac Guest

    When someone asks where you're from and you reply, "Baubbleshire."
    You turn down a date because you have a big raid to go to instead.
    You have to remind yourself your birthday is NOT when you were born on EQ2.
    You call in sick because the new expansion is going live.