**Updated** World Event: Help Rebuild the Dragon Rings and Reactivate the Wizard Spire

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Amnerys, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-lail Guest

    this event was a failure from start to finish imo
  2. ARCHIVED-Domino Guest

    Lillya@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    You can wait until we post more details next week, we'll try and make it clear then what we'll be taking care of and what you may still need to petition for. Thanks! :D
  3. ARCHIVED-Elquinjena Guest

    Well I for one want to thank Gninja for being in game on a saturday when the AB pushed both events to the finish.
    At one point there was 9 instances of GD going, and GD1 had at least 1000 people in it.
    Was the event perfect? no, many would say it was not, but come on guys, I would like to see any of you try and put something like this on.
    I would rather focus on the fact that such an amount of people were playing at the same time, with the same goals, to see the world event finished.
    It was amazing to see so many people running back and forth doing the fetch quest as well, thou I do know now what an ant feels like. =D

    Bottom line for me is, I had a great time, with a bunch of great people, and I love these world events where the players make a change in the world, in this case
    the druid ring and the sprial.
    and I want to thank Gninja one last time here for creating this event for everyone and for sticking around on a weekend.
  4. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Ya, 1000 people in one instance was intended. You guys caused the lags yourselves by continually bypassing the amount of players allowed in a single instance.
  5. ARCHIVED-Filly67 Guest

    Elquinjena wrote:
    I would agree with just about everything you said except this. Putting this together is not my job. If I did my job like this event turned out, I would be in some serious trouble.
    I know that the devs work hard but this was too buggy and many lost out along the way. I was lucky and still got plenty of tokens but many others were not as fortunate.
    It really bothers me that this was released knowing that there were still problems. It is always better to wait then to push something out that isn't ready. I understand thanks to Domino's explaination that there is another event heading our way for this weekend but that doesn't make the choice to put this one out the correct one.
    I did have fun by the end although based on what I am reading it seems like the final fights are going to be dicey at best on Unrest. It just would have been nice not to go through this fustration on two different occasions.
  6. ARCHIVED-SisterTheresa Guest

    p3t3rl1 wrote:
    Yes. Though the lag was so horrible I fault no one if they couldn't cast or heal.
    But I do have some of my own suggestions and then I will leave this alone.
    1. Announcing = Though minor I am sure in the whole of things, putting announcements on the boards AND the calendar AND the MOTD, AND EQ2Players ... and much more a week at least before such an event.
    2. The mobs = I am not going to argue over the stats etc, but the mobs need to be something many players can get to. With the stats on the main mob, and one AoE wiping out a whole group ... plus added frustration since healers couldn't heal, makes for a poor event. Not including the warping of the mob and the poof ((And FYI, I was there in GD1 .. Gninja came of his OWN ACCORD, and on his OWN respawned the named down to 15%. No one begged him. It was a nice gesture IMO)) As well as the GD zones getting locked up so half our raid couldn't get in the darn zone. That was a real killer.
    3. Rewards = I have one suggestion for the mounts next time. You can make a separate seller of mounts. Different prices ... use tokens given and maybe shards or marks to buy better ones. If they are set up by level tiers and adventuer/crafter, I don't see how that wouldn't work.
    I do appreciate the devs and techs making this event, but hopefully .... hopefully things are learned before next time.
  7. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    Wizard Spire rebuilt on Permafrost.
    Unfortunately the orc was killed in EW1, but not in EW3, so it was on a murderous rampage when I left.
  8. ARCHIVED-Writer Cal Guest

    Huge kudos to Gninja for going above and beyond to deal with some of the issues with this event. I'm someone who's often quick to criticize SOE, and yes, things could and should have been done much better. But credit where credit is due to him for going the extra mile to make up for some of the kerfluffle. Thank you, Gninja.
  9. ARCHIVED-deadcrickets2 Guest

    Great job to all the servers who finished out and even those who are still in the process of completing! Hopefully the kinks will be worked out for the next major event and this will be posited as a test bed for extended zone population limits!
  10. ARCHIVED-Alikari Guest

    uhgg.. sat online several hours while everyone one by one got their update after the event.. and then the gninja logged off before i got mine :\ i hope i get it later then...
  11. ARCHIVED-Maroger Guest

    I think they should plan these world events to last longer than a few hours on the weekend. They should at the very least be 4 day events,
    Whatever the event is it should be doable by those who want to fight and there should be a part for those who don't like the fedex events.
    The events should be such that they can be tweaked if they are going to fast to slow them done so as many as possible get a chance to participate.
    They might be better put in instances so the whole zone doesn't crash and that way the population in the event can be controlled.
    I am sure they learned a lot of the disaster that was this event.
  12. ARCHIVED-Felshades Guest

    So what's the dragon ring title?
  13. ARCHIVED-kelesia Guest

    Yeah I gotta praise gninja for staying on for as long as he did manually updating people one by one.
  14. ARCHIVED-Alikari Guest

    oh i think he went above and beyond by staying on that long.. i know how long it was.. cause i was the last one sitting there.. and when i decided to send another tell cause i didnt want to bug him.. he was gone.. thats what sucked.. lol
  15. ARCHIVED-Filly67 Guest

    Edit for other post
  16. ARCHIVED-Filly67 Guest

    It worked, we got it. After the first crash I thought we were done for but the event started to progress about 20 minutes later. Don't know if a Dev was around pushing us through but if he or she was, then thank you.
  17. ARCHIVED-Tommara Guest

    Gaige wrote:
    I might have some sympathy for this point of view if you were the only one who triggered the event.
    But you didn't.
  18. ARCHIVED-Felshades Guest

    Tommara wrote:
    Don't mind Gaige, he's just rude.
    No one answered me though.. what is the title for the Dragon Ring?
  19. ARCHIVED-Morghus Guest

    Tommara wrote:
    A point of view does not change facts. The fact is, people appear to have been reimbursed for something they had no claim to. It is no different from asking someone to spawn loot for something they did not kill.
  20. ARCHIVED-Elomort Guest

    DominoDev wrote:
    You really messed this up SOE.
    It was bad enough that the General had to shout out "Attack in 10 minutes" then 5 minutes later "Attack in 5 minutes" with the epics spawning on that warning... catching everyone unaware (5 minute warning when they spawn? really?) but then making it so that no-one but raiders could stand up to it in the speedkill needed before they despawned?
    Most people on our server missed out when the boss despawned and will now carry that quest around forever unfinished.
    This has to go down as the worst event in SOE history. Just one botch after another.