This is too funny

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Prelisa, Oct 10, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-XustinuS Guest

    well a few months ago i went for shopping with my roommate whch plays eq2 also ... then we saw an awsome jacket and asked how many PLATZ it was.... we both didnt realise we were talking about platz and gold all that time just u must have seen how the personnel looked at us for about 10 secs.. :p

    Beena@Guk wrote:
    lol, did anyone else catch that????? ^ just my 2cp worth? love it :)

    Calthine wrote:
    oh.. you mean PERMAFROST? ya, beautiful there...
  4. ARCHIVED-Rijacki Guest

    Manifest@Venekor wrote:
    *snicker* I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've been in game while it's raining and thought "drat, I can't run to the store in the rain" and it was sunny in the real world. I've also been in game with it getting late night -in game- and thought, "drat, ran out of time to do thus and so cause it's getting dark" and it was around noon in the real world.
  5. ARCHIVED-MW2K2 Guest

    After dropping the kidlets off at school today, I was driving home and was stopped behind a car whose license plate had the last three letters, BRT.... Immediately thought, "Be Right There" when I looked at it.

    That's kinda par for course for me though. I tend to see in game acros in license plates a lot.
  6. ARCHIVED-Devilsbane Guest

    Calthine wrote:
    Now you have to let me know about a few things. Like how long is your longest day? Do you get those two sunrise/sunset days?

    Since the last expansion I have found myself saying things like "Thank the Gods", "For Tunare sake", etc. I believe my neighbors think I am in a cult.
  7. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Devilsbane wrote:
    Where I'm at during summer Solstice week (June 21-ish) we have full daylight for a week. The sun technically sets in that it dips below the hills. For less than an hour. (About a hundred miles north it doesn't set at all that week.)

    I use "Holy Tunare" (pronounced Too-na-ray) all the time IRL!
  8. ARCHIVED-Morgonn Guest

    Thank the gods I'm not the only one...
    Instant messenger conversation with my daughter:
    chitchat about her husband, kids, etc. Normal stuff..

    My daughter: Dad?
    Me: Yeah?
    My Daughter: Why are you typing /g before your messages?

  9. ARCHIVED-VladisSar Guest

    talking to my RL friend about my upcoming birthsday preparations and aging up:
    "Don't worry, I don't plan to level up this fast!"
  10. ARCHIVED-Devilsbane Guest

    Calthine wrote:
    Ah, that mean the week of christmas (Dec 21-25) you never have a sunrise.
    Last time I made an important call to my spouse from my cell phone the call dropped inexpertly. When I called back I apologized for going "LD'".
  11. ARCHIVED-Calaadore Guest

    I say woot quite a lot in normal conversation, and when I see something funny I 'think' LOL but don't tend to say it particularly. Last week my gf texted me to see where I was as I was late back from work, and I texted back 'omw'.

    I do have what I call "Everquest dreams" when I have gone to bed after a long session, where I dream I am playing the game, and then I get annoyed when I next log in and realise I hadn't actually completed my HQ and I have to do it all again as I only dreamt that I did it.

    What I was wondering, was because I play in third person mode (camera behind my character), I dream that I am playing the game, but if I were to play in first person mode, would I dream I was IN the game?

    This doesn't happen very often btw!
  12. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Any one else have a note to pay your game house rent on your calender?
  13. ARCHIVED-Calaadore Guest

    No? Really?

    I just pay mine when I log in, but I do keep it up to date.

    Oh one thing I remember, my gf doesn't play EQ, she doesn't like games. Just after I first started playing, she came home from work one day (I had a day off) and she said 'what did you do today?'. I said proudly 'I made a bed'. She said 'You made the bed, you mean you actually did something round the house?'. 'No', I replied sheepishly, 'I made A bed, with my carpenter - in the game'. That was back in the days when you had to make all your own sub combines so it did take me a while as it was my first one and I only had 6 slot bags.

    Even today she still says things like 'where have you been today?' and I reply 'Zek, Enchanted Lands, Coldwind Point'. And she gets annoyed because I don't tell her its game related.
  14. ARCHIVED-Rijacki Guest

    Dreams.. Last night (or rather this morning before waking) I had an amusing one. I dreamt the firmware I just released yesterday for work had made a change in the game, an addition to an area deep in... a villiage selling clothes and cloth and the like. New stuff, not like anything we have now. So I was going to go there with Niami and I think Domino. But it was our real selves kinda as our game selves in a place that was sorta recognisable as in game but sorta like a movie set done to be the game. Not to go into the details of the baby dragon we had to avoid and the golem we had to get a key from, we had to go through a cave and then down a cliff path. The amusing bit there was I thought 'hey I could just float down' (I was my arasai R'jack) and did but kinda thump-ish cause it was -me- with arasai wings. Anyway at the village, I saw Brenlo ducking through some tents and a couple other devs in the distance. The clothes were different, but the were chintzy costume materials. I kept wondering what they looked like in game graphics. I found this real cute top and held it up to show Niami who turned to hold up a cute top she found, the same one. Oh and I was looking for extra small tops so they would fit me *laugh* (I am a plus in RL). I am so not into shopping... but have been looking for cute things for my Arasai. I woke up with a bit of a giggle. Nice way to start the day.
  15. ARCHIVED-Shadowtzer Guest

    Oh I have had alot of these kinds of things happen since I started playing......
    I live in New Mexico (USA) and its pretty much desert around me. While driving, I always look at the bushes and rocks and wonder if I need to pull over to harvest. One day, my friend and I were just wandering around in the desert and I held my hand up and was moving it around. She asked me what I was doing and I told her I was trying to see which things were harvestable. I have seen many "shinies" and have run up to them thinking that it could be the one piece of the collection I needed only to find that it was an old empty beer can that caught the light of the sun.
    Just the other day I went to the store and was over in the bakery eyeballing their goodies. The lady behind the counter asked me if I needed any help and I responded "Yes, do you have any xegonberry cheesecake?" Two guys within earshot just busted out laughing and she just looked at me funny. I took that as a No!
    Sending text messages to my friends I have said: OMW, BRB, BBL, IMHO, AFK, LOL, LMAO, and have used abbreviations similar to the ones used for locations in EQ2 such as WM (Walmart), AGS (Albertson's Grocery Store), SGS (Shell Gas Station), CCoC (Corbett Center on Campus), MVM (Mesilla Valley Mall). I have both in person and in texts have used terms like "I am going to camp this sale", "Can I borrow some silver pieces for the soda machine?", at the pet store "Does that pet come with rent reduction?". Just for giggles I went into a knife store and was asking the salesman which blade carried the highest procs and which blade could be used by what class.
    I am also a student and in class one day, we had to write a short paper on some random thing. I was digging through my backpack looking for a pen or a pencil and my professor asked me "Did you forgot to stop by the merchant and grab some incense?" I busted out laughing and everyone just looked at us. I then asked her if she could trade me some mystical incense for some coin.
  16. ARCHIVED-Starhowler Guest

    Calthine wrote:
    No, but that's a really good idea, since I *always* forget.
  17. ARCHIVED-Wintersheart Guest

    Thanks Avonna for starting this thread...I have had a blast reading everyone's posts about EQ in is my 2cps worth as someone said...
    I was doing my normal half hour eq in the wee hours of the morning. I didn't think twice about waking up my other half from a dead sleep becuase I was lost in Sol Eye and needed him to navigate me to Naggy.
    I was talking to my mom on the phone and put her on hold because I saw a npc that was rare and needed both hands to kill him.
    My other half and I have our own "Ding"dance we do in RL.
    My friend called me on the phone and during the conversation asked why I seemed a bit upset and I launched into a rant about just dealing with someone who was cherry picking harvesting nodes. After winding down from the rant she said in an incredulous voice "so your upset with someone you don't know taking things from you that don't even really exist in real life "? Well when you put it like that ; ) She is such a NOOB !!!!
    ...and after reading my post I'm wondering if I need to spend some time away from EQ heh
  18. ARCHIVED-Devilsbane Guest

    Calthine wrote:
    I do check my Broker sells more then my RL Bank account balance.
  19. ARCHIVED-Akantha Guest

    Shadowtzer@Butcherblock wrote:
    This cracked me up! Meeting unexpected folks in RL that know the game tickles me to no end.
    One of my RL and game friends used to work in the same office with me. She decorated my office with millions of post-its while I was out on vacation and spelled out "LEWT HO" with them in one area. Explaining that phrase to non-gamers is interesting. =p
  20. ARCHIVED-Galeden Guest

    Wow this was great lol so glad I saw it. A number of them apply to me, especially dreaming you finished a hard quest or something and waking up and thinking, DOH ROLLBACK! And I always refer to pennies as coppers.