Things to Know about GU 61 (important!)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by ARCHIVED-SmokeJumper, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-SmokeJumper Guest

    Hi, folks,
    All this info will be in the release notes also, but we wanted to let you know that there will be some important things to be aware of that occur once GU 61 goes live next week.
    Here they are:
    The re-itemization of all items between levels 20-90 mean that a couple things have to occur as we change the item details:
    1. All ATTUNED items must become UNATTUNED. The side-benefit of this means that you'll be able to swap all your ATTUNED stuff around after this update until you once again ATTUNE that item to a character.
    2. All items worn *at the time of the update* and *that have adornments on them* will have those adornments popped off and returned to your inventory. You can then easily just pop them back into another item. You will not lose anything, but adorns will need to be reset for items that you have currently equipped *only*.
    Additionally, because of the AA changes that are happening in this update, *all AA points are reset* as of the update. So the next time you log in, just be aware that you'll need to respend your AA points.
    So all in all, it's not a bad thing. You get to move previously ATTUNED items around, reset the adorns in some of your equipment, and reshuffle your AA points.
    But we wanted you to be aware that it would happen so you weren't surprised.
  2. ARCHIVED-Kynre Guest

    Thank you so much for putting out that information. Hopefully it will be read and alleviate the multitude of posts after the servers come back up of 'Where's my Gear and arghh all my AA are reset...
    Since the AA system is being revamped, will all the folks with mirrors have to redo saved specs??
  3. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    You guys really should find a way to send these types of announcements out via in-game mail.
    Just create away to delete all the unread messages after the upate goes in.
    This way eveyrone actively playing is likely to know about it happening. Putting it in the MOTD and/or welcome screen will be missed.
  4. ARCHIVED-Bremer Guest

    "All items worn *at the time of the update* and *that have adornments on them* will have those adornments popped off and returned to your inventory" Does this include the look slot?
  5. ARCHIVED-screenid Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
  6. ARCHIVED-Cyliena Guest

    Bremer wrote:
    My appearance items went into my overflow and were unattuned when I logged into copy. However, I had no adornments in any of those, so I can't completely confirm that, but they were treated like my equipped items in going into overflow.
  7. ARCHIVED-Bremer Guest

    Cyliena wrote:
    That was the question, wether the adornments on items in the look slot will be returned.
  8. ARCHIVED-Wurm Guest

    Oh good grief what a pain in the butt this is going to be...
    I better go start to make screenshots now.
  9. ARCHIVED-Cyliena Guest

    Bremer wrote:
    Equip an adorned item in your appearance slot and /testcopy over, then go find out for us? ;)
  10. ARCHIVED-Kethryl Guest

    I think my biggest concern is now for those that have multiple gear specs ("tank gear" and "DPS gear", for example). I'm sure many of them have worked fairly hard to acquire two (or more) sets of gear (and adornments), but only one of them is going to be unadorned. Is there going to be any provisions for them?
  11. ARCHIVED-Dethdlr Guest

    Wurm wrote:
    Same here. I'm glad they're doing the re-vamp, but putting four AA trees back in order on my six level 90 characters is not going to be fun.
  12. ARCHIVED-JJDillon Guest

    Dethdlr@Butcherblock wrote:

    Sheesh, I have some alts I never put the points back into after the LAST revamp where points got refunded.
  13. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Dethdlr@Butcherblock wrote:
    I maintain a spreadsheet of gear for each of my alts so I can quickly assess if some random drop might be an upgrade for one. In each characters tab I store a beetny link to their current and mirrored aa spec. Maybe I should templatize it a little more and provide it as a resource...
    Enough is changing with this GU that unattuning and a free respec is a good thing. It would have been better if it wasn't a forced AA respec, but in the end most of us would be respecing anyway with many of the changes comming.
  14. ARCHIVED-Bremer Guest

    Bremer wrote:
    Ok, logged into Test server and all items in equipment slots were unadorned, items in the look slot not. And I could only reequip my quiver after a relog. (And exactly why are the quiver and the arrows going to the overflow? They are not attuned.)
  15. ARCHIVED-Writer Cal Guest

    On Test Copy, not ALL of my gear was unattuned and unequipped. Items with adornments were unattuned and I got the adornments back. A couple items without adornments on them were left attuned and equipped. Some items in appearance slots were left attuned. Most everything that was attuned in my bags is still attuned.
    Me things this might not be working fully.
  16. ARCHIVED-PeterJohn Guest

    Smokejumper, thanks for the warning! This is an example of excellent communication and lets me prepare for the update.
    For those worried about having to redo all of your adornments, just be sure to take off all of you gear the night before the update. Sounds like gear in your bags will have the adorns stay intact. Sounds easy enough to me.
    I'm actually very much looking forward to being able to assign some older gear to my lower level or less played alts.
  17. ARCHIVED-Jackonut Guest

    Will attuned items in our bank vaults also be unattuned so we can move them to alts on the same account?
  18. ARCHIVED-DuneWarrior Guest

    how about adornments on Situational gear .. such as the 2nd raid tank set for the dps'ing tank ? all our other situational gear we cant possibly wear up to this change?
  19. ARCHIVED-NViDiaFReaK Guest

    wish you would make the armor revert back to armor crates to then.. so we could actually utilize some unused gear on an alt, or if youve betrayed get the ger you lost back..
  20. ARCHIVED-YoginiNic Guest

    So, clarification please. Anything we are currently wearing will be unattuned, and everything in our bags will NOT be?