The New Ethereals

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ZUES, Jun 6, 2015.

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  1. Breta Well-Known Member

    constant reset of heals will make healing feel really dull and ofc upcoming mobs gonna deal some crazy dmg to offset all the extra healing potential. Last think we need is more dull keyboard face-rolling.
  2. ZUES Well-Known Member

    Good, maybe healers will get off their lazy butts and do some DPS for a change. :D
  3. ZUES Well-Known Member

    Kidding healers. We love ya.
  4. Karsa Active Member

    Well i heard it from a guy whose in same guild as the guy that bots, so I have no reason doubt him. I've looked the bot's raid main seen his scout bow.
  5. ZUES Well-Known Member

    You heard from a guy? Seriously? You're trying to tarnish a guys rep because he got an eth and you didn't? I see him in LFG from sun up to sun down. Does that sound like a botter to you?
    Moonpanther likes this.
  6. Karsa Active Member

    1st thing sunshine I didn't mention anyone's name
    2nd I was responding to previous post about similar compliant about how seems easy to bot yer away to get these items and sell them for large sums plat that only other botters can buy.
    3rd the botter I'm referring to I see almost every day in oss selling cyan adorns
  7. Noobtroub Member

    with the weapons being a taste of what is soon going to be the next item proc/buffs i really cant see why the drop rate is so low or for why they arent on the ferrin vendor for xamount of ferrins, ive got to the 500 zone mark now and yet to see one, still not seen ethereals, myth weapons/helms or ancients, tho i have seen alot of RC waists about 10 in the space of a week.

    note for DBG if you want the heroic content to last longer do what you happened in ToV put items onto a vendor for currentcy, there were groups going out all the time. even if you have to make the item No-Trade / Heriloom i would prefer this. thank you!!
  8. ZUES Well-Known Member

    That's not the guy that sold the bow Karsa. He just came to AB a few days ago from another server.
  9. Wards Member

    and if they created content around those mobs AoM ll be like doing advanced solo instances even endcontent
  10. Wards Member

    around those procs ...
  11. Wards Member

    thats actally a great idea havin this healer proc only resetin damage spells ...
    ZUES likes this.
  12. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Well the only scout bow on BB was being sold from a botter (supposedly, from people I know who know these things), I wouldn't be surprised if it moved to another server to be sold.

    If the healer eth is making healing easier then yeah it should result in more priest DPS (if they care). Better than making them just straight up do more DPS since that should be secondary to healing.

    As for drop rates you have to understand most of these people haven't even SEEN one drop (including myself), not get one, SEE one. That's a BIG difference. Its also a huge incentive to solo or duo/bot zones instead of using legit groups. Most of the people I know have already given up on going after the Ethereals unless they increase the drop rate. The rest of the server seems to feel this way as well since the 'LFG' chatter in channels has plummeted.
    Mermut and Crychtonn like this.
  13. Serenaheq2 Active Member

    This ^^... people keep ******** about botters but if the drop rates stupid low what difference does it make if your running the zones repeatedly with bots or real groups. We have our daily groups and have now run AoM heroics over 200 times since the "event" began and still haven't even seen one that we can roll on.

    The point here is the drop rate is WAY too low. "Catch your summer Ethereals!!!!" WOOHOO!!!! YEA!!!! oh wait... what we meant was waste your summer chasing them wasting time gathering crap no one in your groups can use and burn out prior to our new fabulous Campansion!!!!

    This has nothing to do with botters or boxers. I could care less about these people but with drop rates like this I'm fairly certain most of them haven't seen a drop yet either so lets try to keep this thread on point. UP THE DROP RATE ALREADY!!! No one is asking for these things to be common. But they need to drop at least a bit more frequently. The amount of time people have invested without even a chance to roll on one yet is getting close to obscene.
  14. Crychtonn Active Member

    I'm seeing the same thing Neiloch just said about people giving up. Last night is an off night for my guild and typically a great night to run heroic zones. For weeks I've been doing RC belt runs and now Ethereal runs. Last night there was never more then 5 people logged in at one time and no one wanted to run anything. I thought about trying some PuG runs but the LFG channel was a ghost town. Last week when people were excited about Ethereals it was simple to get groups, now . . . .

    This Ethereal promotion has made it worse trying find people to run heroics then it was before it started. Good game Dev's.
  15. Ranga Active Member

    To be fair I just get annoyed when the drop rate/RNG argument gets into the It's OP anyway, then on to Nerf it already arguments.

    Yes, the drop rate is ridiculous. Especially when it was advertised in an effort to get people playing/playing more. All so far for no reward for 99.999999% of the playerbase.

    Remember not so long ago when we told them for months that the drop rate for Advanced Adorns 11 was borked and they claimed for months that it wasn't and they checked and checked and it was OK? Only actually, it was not OK. and in the end they fixed it? Trust your players DBG! And if you don't just take a look at your stats.

    Well it's happening again. The drop rate is wrong. Just fix it and the problem goes away. If this is indeed a prelude, DBG surely won't get enough data to prove the concept at this rate.
  16. Hammdaddy Active Member

    It affects everything templars have basically, its quite stupid. True Faith? On forever perma 25% DR basically.
  17. Moonpanther Well-Known Member

    BREAKING NEWS.......Population on Oasis just doubled....transfer tokens purchased by the bucket full. :D
  18. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Coming soon, Server Merge tokens, 0.00001% chance of dropping
    Malleria, Foretold and Gillymann like this.
  19. Gillymann Abusive Relationships Aren't Healthy. J S.

    TBH, if I wasn't closing in on my zepplin mount from the faction merchant, i would just take a break from the game until the fall. I am really, really burnt on running these zones. Still have yet to see a single ethereal drop, and i've been clearing 10-20 zones most days, 6 days per week.

    Only a couple thousand ferrin left to go (I was 3k last week when this started), and after i'm done, prolly will check out for a while.

    I mean, even if I happen to see one drop, and if by some miracle i win one, I can't even begin to imagine going through all this again for the next wave. Not a chance :)
  20. Gillymann Abusive Relationships Aren't Healthy. J S.

    The announcement was made and the hype manufactured.

    Now, it's just a matter of them actually doing it :)
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