The end of rare poisons

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-Rijacki, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Voelfgar Guest

    my biggest concern is the lack of different type of DoT/DD poisons, under the new system we get 1 DD and 1 DoT, while under the old system, we had a choice of 4 poisons with varying amounts of DD and DOT and that doesn't even include the rares which would double the number to 8 per tier.
    Personally, I like having the flexibility of chosing the amount of DD and DOT based on the situation. Granted I usually went with the very large DD, cuz if the poison proced again it wiped the previous one away.
  2. ARCHIVED-Bayler_xev Guest

    So did everyone else. :)

    Really, there's no need for all those different types - you're best off always using a very large DD or a very large DoT, depending on whether your poisons last (on average) shorter than or longer than one tick. The inbetween poisons aren't as efficient.

    But by getting rid of those, things are less cluttered. It's easier for consumers to find what they need. The names will make sense. And the addition of other poison types, like lifetap and deagro, should prove quite useful.
  3. ARCHIVED-Cronon Guest

    Hey guys.... This is like everything else. We have seen changes before and we have weathered them. At this point, we don't even know that there is anything to weather. Take it easy, wait a few weeks to see what happens. If it hurts us, we will work to get it changed like we always have. Together.

    Always Adapt and Overcome.
  4. ARCHIVED-Zholain Guest

    Well said, Narsan.