SKs need casting on the move

Discussion in 'Fighters' started by Payton, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. Payton Active Member

    Bloodletter seems pretty useless in PVP, at least in BG, I didn't notice it saving me *ever*. ;)
    no, we're not explicitly talking about PVP, I just include it for completeness. It's a general class issue. I mostly do heroic instances, and some BG to gear up Alts.
  2. Bchizzle Active Member

    Let me better explain it for you Payton. Mobs cant melee you if you arent in melee range. Mobs stop in one place when they cast their spells. This would lead to large chucks of a fight where a crusader could completely avoid melee damage. Sure any tank can run around bow attacking but giving a class the ability to do that plus also cast a bunch if spells while dpsing effectivey while the 4 other tank classes cannot is imbalanced as hell. Sure itisnt ideal to kite a mob around like that as scouts wouldnt get backs etc but why even open that can of worms when you know there is a possibility it could be exploited in future encounters.
  3. Humakt Member

    lol... This post made me laugh. SKs are OP enough. Not going to happen =P
  4. Payton Active Member

    please don't try to explain anything to me in future. I'm not even sure we play the same game. In my game, SKs want to get into melee, cause melee autoattack does way better damage than ranged. I guess you don't play SK cause you dont seem to know what you're talking about.
  5. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    So the issue about having to stop to rebuff when the rest of your group is running ahead of you in a heroic instance is a If you are the tank, they are going to have to wait for you no matter how you buff. If you aren't the tank, just buff this when you get to where you were before you died - before you engage in combat. I can understand the complaint about having to rebuff standing still in a BG - but still don't agree it needs changing.

    You kids. Back at launch we had to rebuff EVERYTHING every time we died. No buffs persisted through death. Having one or two that won't let you cast running is really minor, IMO.
  6. Payton Active Member

    sure it IS a minor issue. everything I want are minor issues. being minor issues though does not mean I should shut up about them and not suggest my ideas how to make these things less annoying.
  7. Duele Active Member

    Really? You are talking about minimal amount of damage from spells. This is not even remotely close to game breaking. And there is more than just that fight where a mob has to be tanked while moving.

    This is a simple logical FIX to Crusaders that should have never been taken away from them.
  8. Genghes Active Member

    bottom line is that you are asking for spell mechanics to be altered. is it not enough that you can have double cast on your spells when pure fighters don't get that, or the ability to achieve 100% spell reuse easily. so what if you can't cast on the run, deal with it. if you are that bent out of shape over it you have 4 fighter classes you can pick from. 4 of which that have to use ability reuse and don't get double cast. while we're at it lets give wizards the ability to always cast on the run.
  9. Xelgad Developer

    Both Crusaders will be able to cast everything on the move with GU66. We just think stopping to cast spells hurts the flow of the class. If unforeseen balance issues arise, we will address them.
    Yukishiro1, Duele, Priority and 2 others like this.
  10. Khorben Member

    What balances out the tank classes is that each have weaknesses. Giving the abilities of casting on the run for everything needs to result in changes to the other tank classes for balance. Crusaders are already OP in many ways, and its time to consider the other classes also.
  11. Hoosierdaddy Active Member

    Wow, awesome news! Thanks. :)
  12. Estred Well-Known Member

    Well, guess I was wrong. I do foresee balance issues coming unless there are some significant changes to the other class with GU66 too. This was one of the major weaknesses of Crusaders, removing it, well we all know how I felt about it. However it has been cleared up by a Dev now.

    Topic Closed.
  13. Tekadeo Active Member

    ^Pretty much the main reason i prefer my Zerk/Guard and Monk over my Pally and SK. Was too annoying to even begin to stand playing the class full time after years of Monking and Zerking.
  14. Shanak Member

    I take offense to this change, and I play a shadowknight... you all are a bunch of babies. /sigh
  15. Duele Active Member

    Imagine that. Blanka once again didn't know what he was talking about.
  16. Bchizzle Active Member

    Seeing as he is talking about unforseen issues clearly I do know what I am talking about.
  17. Yukishiro1 Active Member

    Good to see reason is finally prevailing. I'm not sure ALL spells need to be castable on the move necessarily but some of them obviously did. Taunts, for example.
  18. Bchizzle Active Member

    Crusaders will now be unkillable in PVP
  19. Yukishiro1 Active Member

    Yeah but PVP is a joke in this game and pretty clearly the last priority of the developers. If nessecary, I guess they could make the changes not apply in PVP.
  20. Bchizzle Active Member

    Just because your opinion of PVP is that it is a joke doesn't mean everyone feels that way, more people pvp than end game raid and to be honest many have called the end game raiding in this game a joke. Perhaps we should just put all the development time into making house items.