Sentinel's Fate Easter Eggs

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Xalmat, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    I can't believe I missed this one.
    Named in The Hole (Contested): Voorschagt the Watchman. A nod to the Watchmen graphic novel and movie character Rorschach
  2. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

  3. ARCHIVED-theriatis Guest

    hope that 2 weren't mentioned before (read the whole thread and giggled )
    1. The Erudite with his Mechanical Gazer telling you that you will "Now witness the Power of this Fully operational Death-Gazer"
    -> Do i REALLY have to say where this Reference is from ?
    2. The Doctor Herep'Hilos (could also be a reference, but cannot think about one right now) in the Forgotten Labs says: "The Doctor... has come" (or something similar).
    -> Could be a Reference to "Hellraiser 2", where the modified Psycho-Doc first shows up with this Line. He also says "The Doctor recommends... amputation." but i don't know right now if this is also one of Herep'Hilos Comments...
    Regards, theriatis.
  4. ARCHIVED-Kain-UK Guest

    There is an achievement called "The Doctor is In"
    During the... second season of Doctor Who (the first one starring David Tennant, and I believe also the first episode called "New Earth"), the doctor says "The Doctor is In!" and jumps into a lift. IIRC, he creates a cure for all the infected humans that the cat people were experimenting on.
    The achievement could be a nod to the Doctor Who series.
  5. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Yaevin@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    That phrase is way too vague and generic to refer to anything in particular.
  6. ARCHIVED-Kain-UK Guest

    I actually disagree as I believe it's a phrase that has occured in other seasons of Dr Who, but without sitting down and watching every single one, it's hard to actually verify.
  7. ARCHIVED-TaleraRis Guest

    The Peanuts comic strip used "The doctor is in" waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before Doctor Who. But even then it was an old reference.
  8. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Exactly. That phrase has been subject to cultural osmosis for so many decades that it's not really possible to say what the original source of the phrase ever came from, so it's unlikely that it's a Dr. Who, or even a Peanuts reference for that matter.
  9. ARCHIVED-celestina936 Guest

    Charles Schulz' Luzy and her Psychiatric Booth (5 cents) "The Doctor is In" or "The Doctor is Out" was born in 1959.
    Doctor Who was developed in 1963.
    Since the phrase is extremely common, I suspect it was used in one form or the other back in the early days of Egypt when medicine became developed 3000-2700BC. According to history books on Egypt, the earliest known physician Pesehet practiced during the 4th dynasty. She even had a title! She also trained mid-wives!
  10. ARCHIVED-Carnasid Guest

    Quest - Along the Watchtower in stonebrunt Kejek area. Obvious nod to Hendrix' hit All Along the Watchtower!
  11. ARCHIVED-DrkVsr Guest

    Yaevin@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    To be a picker of nits, that is series 10, series 2 was with Patrick Troughton (if you consider each Doctor to be a season, even if they covered several years)
  12. ARCHIVED-DeBasilisk Guest

    The title: "Everquest 2," is a clear play on SOE's earlier title, Everquest.