Rare Harvests are too rare again :(

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Te'ana, Aug 19, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-denmom Guest

    Calthine wrote:
    The one I saw was white with blue armour, and wasn't named Dhume. Dhume is also boosting melees, this one was boosting casting/healing skill abilities. But had the same speed of 50%. So guessing it's the LoN mount.

    But yah, Dhume is neat looking...enough to ignore the drool and runny nose.
  2. ARCHIVED-Vatec Guest

    sorinev wrote:
    On Oasis I am consistently selling:

    belladonna - 9sp
    carbonite - 27sp
    tussah roots - 14sp(?)
    feyiron - priceless (I'd be insane to sell feyiron when most of my crafters are still in their 20s or 30s ;^) )

    I've noticed one oddity, too:

    briarwood - 14sp (makes no sense, I could have made a fortune if I hadn't stopped harvesting wood in Feerrott last night)

    As for the rares, I generally get about equal numbers of metal and loam. In fact, it might even tilt somewaht toward more loam. YMMV.
  3. ARCHIVED-Tokamak Guest

    DominoDev wrote:
    Now that you have shown that you can produce better itemised loot than Archonix any plans to do some of the RoK raid loot?
  4. ARCHIVED-Kenazeer Guest

    Tokamak wrote:
    Hehe....but you really don't want to lose her from tradeskills do you?
    off topic: BTW....I thought the gerneal concensus was that itemization, while not perfect, had been moving somewhat in the right direction, and that the hopes were that the itemization style of Unrest was going to be used for RoK? I don't follow the itemization threads all that much, but that was the vibe I got a while back. Maybe TTR changed that hope, since I haven't really read much on it since before then?
  5. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Kenazeer wrote:
    One of the things mentioned at Fan Faire - I can't recall which panel it was atm - was that with Kunark itemization was being done by three peopel instead of the by each zone's designer, and that they were doing it from the top down this time instead of as it came up so that items would fall into the tiering system more appropriately and need less tweaking.
  6. ARCHIVED-Te'ana Guest

    Bloodfang@Nagafen wrote:
    I noticed that too, it's in the first post of this thread.
    Fogcat wrote:

    I finally came here to find out what is happening to the harvest after 6 hours of harvesting in Feerrot with zero rares harvested. I had noticed that I had been able to harvest less rares in the last week but I thought it was just my bad luck and a bad pull streak.
    After I have read all the posts through from conspiracy theories, to ways RNG work to both sides of the fence (too rare vs. not too rare) I thought I would just add my two cents.
    I like to play this for fun. I harvest because I like to make my own stuff for my toons. It gives me crafting satisfaction to be able to make that armor for my monk or that adept 3 for my pally. In doing this I harvest for my rares, not to make more money, but because it completes the game for me. Now I think some people take this game waaayyyyy too seriously if they believe someone should harvest 5 hours for 1 rare. Harvesting for that long is just not fun. The timesink is unbelieveable. Makes me question why the heck I am playing this silly game.
    I know I am in the minority when I say I am not concerned by broker prices. The shifting we see in prices going down on rares is the adjustment of all alts being able to sell at once. There is an influx on massive amounts of toons selling at the same time. That drives prices down. This will calm down as soon as people forget to log in their toons every 7 days and get generally lazy about it.
    This is bound to be an unpopular notion...but let me throw it out there anyway. What if the rares dropped a bit more than they do now but became tradable only within the same account? Wouldn't that up the amount of crafting done, make MC items more valuable, and get the farmers out of the equation? Not sure if it's the answer but I haven't seen a downside yet unless you make your money specifically by selling rares. If that's the case, maybe it's time to just have fun with the game again and relax a bit.

    I just craft to support my characters too and I agree that rares are too rare for people like us. For a short while its was fun to harvest. Getting a rare was like winning the exciting mini-game of "Harvest" now its back to the mind numbing game of "Grind".

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  7. ARCHIVED-Bozidar Guest

    I'm pefectly happy with where the rares are right now, but wth is going on with the glowies?

    I went out to CL/ANT to harvest, filled up my bags. For rares i got 4 coral, 5 bic, 3 silver, 1 loam, 4 sisal..
    and 3 glowies?

    They're selling for like 12 gold on my server, this is just stupid.. where have all the glowies gone?
  8. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    lol, for about the 100th time, Domino said last week that she's tweaking the rate of imbuing thingies back up with LU 38.
  9. ARCHIVED-Domino Guest

    Calthine wrote:
    Imbues (currently) drop at a fixed % across all levels rather than becoming increasingly more rare the way rares do. So, in the 10-19 level range they are actually less common than rares (you should get about half the number of imbues as rares) but by the time we get up to the 60-69 levels they are about twice as common. (Or will be, with this coming GU, on live at the moment they're currently dropping at lower rates than this.)

    It's something that can be tweaked reasonably easily (much easier than balancing ore and loam for example which would probably take a day's work to redo) so if this rate still seems too low it can be raised again. It's going to be difficult to find a drop % everybody likes, where the imbues aren't too rare but they also aren't so common they irritate people who'd really rather have got the normal harvest.

    And by the way, Aeralik assures me that the RNG in no way relies on a hash of your character's name or other account-specific details, so conspiracy theorists may have to come up with alternate theories there, or perhaps accept that somehow they have offended the gods or karma. ;)
  10. ARCHIVED-Dagorgil Guest

    DominoDev wrote:
    What if we, instead, prefer to blame Smedley for everything wrong, for he truely is pure evil!!!
    Missing your left sock? ... Smedley.
    Poverty in China? ... Smedley.
    Global Warming? ... Smedley!
  11. ARCHIVED-RingleToo Guest

    Dagorgil@Kithicor wrote:
    My car didn't start this morning - Smedley!
    (Actually, I had a chance to briefly meet him at the SOE block party a year ago. Was rather disappointed to find out that he's a pretty nice guy - well,you know, for being evil that is )
  12. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Dagorgil@Kithicor wrote:
    That would be offending the gods, right?
  13. ARCHIVED-JesDer Guest

    DominoDev wrote:
    The problem is that they are used for so many things. Look at Woodworkers. Some levels they get 1 item and many imbues for that item. I never really noticed how much imbues were used till I made a woodwork and tailor recently.

    RNG - So it is true then ... EQ2 is actually using a hash created from various part of your DNA sequence along with what the index number of your character as a seed value. They then use an entropy value based on your brain scan* which is gathered from a spy satellite network that was launched by SoE in 1999-2001. These values along with a value range are then sent** to a super computer that was build on the surface of mars by an unknown race. Here the data is plugged into an algorithm that would take days to calculate on a "normal" PC. This super computer then outputs the resulting number and transmits it back to EQ2 game servers.

    (* This brain scan is also used to determine exactly what you are looking for in the game and it dynamically reduces the chance of this goal from being achieved)

    (** The transmission method is currently classified by the US government but it is designed to bypass normal physics so that the data transition happens in under 1ns)
  14. ARCHIVED-Kenazeer Guest

    Jesdyr@Unrest wrote:
    Hehe....good one.
    Though you will notice she didn't say that a hash created at character generation wasn't used, only that it was not based off name or other account info. <just doing my part to perpetuate a tinfoil hat run...what crafter makes those anyway?>
  15. ARCHIVED-Celiondra Guest

    Bozidar wrote:
    I was in Nek forest most of the weekend harvesting not one glowie :(

    Yeah yeah I know its going to be "fixed" but I wanted to gripe *pout*
  16. ARCHIVED-Chaly Guest

    About 2 hours in Antonica of full-speed, selective harvesting. Silver-6, Coral-6, Blackened Iron-7, Alkaline Loam-5, Glowing-2. Fairly consistent numbers, except for the (yeah, I know, fix is coming ;) ) surprisingly low 2 glowing materials.
  17. ARCHIVED-Domino Guest

    Jesdyr@Unrest wrote:
    I'm sorry, we're going to have to kill you now.
  18. ARCHIVED-Chaly Guest

    Domino's an MiB? Who knew .....
  19. ARCHIVED-Rijacki Guest

    Dagorgil@Kithicor wrote:
    I prefer to sacrifice cookies in the name of the RNG... or some ice cream with hot fudge... or just steak smothered in onions and mushrooms.
  20. ARCHIVED-JesDer Guest

    DominoDev wrote:
    But I didnt even tell them about the poor pink squirrels that are savagely worked to death running the treadmill generators that power the LoN servers. Running around in 10hr shifts with only 4hrs of rest a day. The electric shocks they get from the fences when they try to escape. Winter would be really upset if she finds out. You wouldnt want that would you?